Kill Rates And Data


Kill Rates were released by BHVR for the month of December to January and I can firmly say that all of my stances on the game remained unchanged from it.

When the developers state the “Data does not paint the full picture” meanwhile I’ve seen people go and make extremely long threads about how the game is “X-sided” and “there are clear bias with BHVR” when in reality I think it’s furtherest from it.

Data can be helpful but it also ignores the bigger picture, like the developers said.

Skull Merchant has the highest Kill Rate in the game, but when you look at Skull Merchant’s design she isn’t as threatening compared to other Killers; Nurse and Blight are still insanely strong, even after being nerf, and realistically they should have the highest but they don’t.

So why is this?

The data is polluted. To put it bluntly, Skull Merchant has a Killer with generally unfun gameplay for both sides, which often results in Survivors offing themselves on hook as early as they can. Sometimes people DC, but offing yourself on hook does not inherently remove that match from the statistics.

I feel like something as simple as this shows that the data is far more nuanced than people give it credit for, which is why I stopped relying on Kill Rates and started just coming to my own conclusions based on experience and foresight.
