Solo queue is not a problem. The problem is MMR
Why not adjust MMR?
I want survivors who can work.
Being matched with teammates in the same skill range as you doesn't automatically mean they'll do what you want, to be fair.
They could be focusing on challenges, adepts, they could be messing around for any reason, they could be drunk, they could be having a bad day...
There's a lot of reasons why you might get frustrated with random teammates that have nothing to do with their skill level.
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Remove MMR and actually get a variety of games
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bvhr will never change anything regarding mmr as they would have to admit that they were totally clueless.
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That's no reason to at least not try to match people with similar skill levels.
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I mean, yeah, that's why we have an MMR system.
I'm just saying, if its current problems were improved, people might be surprised how often they still get "trash" teammates, from their perspective.
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I get that, but the current MMR system 100% does not match you with players that are similar in skill level. It simply doesn't work like it's supposed to because their definition for going up / down in MMR is not an actual representation of skill, the system is inherently flawed. There's almost always one or two survivors per lobby that have noticeably less skill / hours than the others, they get killed first and the game turns into a 3v1 rather quickly.
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I used to play drunk all the time 4 years ago.
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While I have also noticed a fair amount of mismatches, I don't think it's fair to state unequivocally that it's because "the system is inherently flawed" and not because they're, y'know, mismatches.
The up/down is the same as it is for basically any game that uses an MMR system, that's just how MMR works. The problem seems to be, based on what BHVR have said in the past, lobby dodging/backfill and loosening of the parameters for quick queue times.
Not to say nothing could improve with the sorting, but a win/loss system is pretty normal.
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Pretty normal for symmetrical games, yes. But you can't have a natural MMR / Elo system in an assym, it just simply doesn't work, especially if you don't actually let it do it's job, that being predicting matches with a 50/50 chance of outcome.
The system is inherently flawed by nature, it's simply true. The Elo system was created for chess, a symmetrical game with an actual clear cut win / loss / draw system, you can't just implement that into an asymmetrical game and expect it to actually work, especially when you're not shooting for a 50/50.
Edit: Wanted to add on to Marc's post below, as he said, the current MMR system isn't skill-based which goes against the very nature and point of having an MMR system in the first place. If they're not actually going to make it skill-based, theres absolutely no point in having an MMR / Elo system.
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As you probably know already, the current MMR isn't skill-based. So they would have to completely redo the system to make it work more effectively, since even if the current system was extremely narrow in its selection of matchmaking (and plenty of players to fill in these tiny gaps) there is no telling how those players got to that level. Some may be very much based on sacrificing others for their safety. I don't feel the existing system can cater for skill.
I feel - under the current conditions - SoloQ has to be mainly responsible for their own survival. They need to practice all elements of the game. This will result in many deaths, but treating each Trial as an opportunity to improve an aspect of the game will build the overall strength of the player and result in better successes and a more balanced experience.
It's those who keep giving up who make it harder for others and perhaps rob those who want to learn of the desire to. Also, people need to be more respectful to newer players. Be encouraging and stop refering to them in derogatory terms or getting pissy in the post-game chat, because it just puts people off, they learn little and nothing will improve.
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I hope they make matchmaking work through ranks again. Apex almost died, because they introduced sbm in ranked. Thankfully they reverted it.
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Yea but MMR has been garbage from 7 years now, so since there is no hope of seeing any improvement there they should focusing on SoloQ.
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at this point i think they are purposefully keeping matchmaking the way it is so matches aren't complete sweatfests. some people might argue they still are, but in my experiences even as my most played killers i don't feel much pressure, which is nice.
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Yeah also I strongly believe most of the horrible mismatches are due to the backfilling caused by lobby shopping.
How can we poop on their MMR system when it isn't even being given a chance to work properly. 🤔
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I'm sick of my MMR score being disregarded most of the time. What's the point of adding SBMMR anyway, if I'm just going to be back-filled into the next available Billy/Blight/Oni/Spirit sweatfest because there aren't enough players queuing to fill their lobbies?
I'd rather not play if nobody around my skill level is currently online. Just leads to frustration for me, for the other Survivors and a boring game for the Killer.
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Yeah, backfilling is a problem, but the 1000lb gorilla in the room is that if you tighten MMR to the point where it is really strict/effective in its matchmaking, the queue times get unbearably long, and only people with insane levels of patience will play. So it can't be super strict. Not to mention that MMR criteria are almost impossible to quantify, especially for survivors.
We got a little taste of it in MMR testing a couple year back, and it wasn't great. It's one of those "be careful what you ask for" things.
Backfilling just adds even more chaos to the mix.
That's why it'll never really get fixed, and there is no "TOP MMR", either.
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I remember a few months back many vocal "high MMR" players not enjoying the stricter matchmaking when they tested it out some.
Their chief complaint wasn't queue times, but the feeling of constantly getting sweats vs. sweats. Which is kinda funny to me as I thought the point of any MMR was to confine the sweats together and keep em away from newbies etc. But they hated it.