Survivor idea: Sabrina Byrne

spookyat Member Posts: 4
edited February 28 in Creations

art by me

Name: Sabrina Byrne


Sabrina was born into an Irish family in somewhere Ireland. Sabrina’s parents were prominent citizens of their town. A head nurse mother and a real estate father. They always donated and were at every event. They was the perfect model for their town. But it was their youngest daughter who stood out. Even as a little girl, she was interested in things like snakes, spiders and frogs. She wasn't really into things like ponies and Barbie dolls. Once on the playground she showed his peers the skin of a shed snake and referred to it as snake pajamas. While her sister watched the usual girly stuff on TV while Sabrina watched witchy and spooky themed shows in her parents' living room. Since her parents weren't very keen on their younger daughter's antics, she secretly watched her videotaped stuff. She is a good-hearted, open, eccentric, energetic and extremely nerdy girl with a strong love of fantasy and adventure. Her favourite holiday was Halloween. She decided at a young age that she would be into witches and ghosts, but her family kept telling her to be normal like the other girls at her school, because then she wouldn't have any friends. But she didn't care. Just the fact that she had experienced supernatural phenomena herself confirmed this for her. She was sent to a camp where she might be educated out of her delusions. But the girl was not impressed. Sabrina’s  accusation that her family didn't accept her was met with the response that they just didn't want her to be lonely.


"We don't want you to be an outcast eccentric, so we want you to be normal. It's time for you to grow up" her parents told her.


For her eighteenth birthday, she received an old dusty book from her grandmother, which made her even more determined. She went to work in a witch museum so that she could at least pursue her passion. With the support of her colleagues, she started a video blogging project known as Hexavision. Exploring the mysteries of the supernatural. Sabrina’s channel gained popularity by delving into ancient rituals and haunted places. Many people were interested in what Sabrina was doing, much to her delight, which encouraged her further. According to her grandmother, her granddaughter had an ability to detect ghosts and negative energies, otherwise why would she have experienced strange things "special things only happen to special people", her grandmother used to say when she was comforting her as a child. When she had enough money she visited the Witch Island of Szeged in Hungary and the Hoja Forest in Romania. There was one thing she was still curious about that kept nagging at his mind. She was also curious about how long the negative energies would stay, so she started to search and found the right place. A prison in Nebraska where a massacre had taken place and a wing had been sealed off. She took a trip to Nebraska. During the prison tour, Sabrina spotted the locked section and missed the group. She paid off a couple of guards and was allowed into the locked wing. The girl looked around the cells and found one particular cell and as soon as she went ins he felt such strong negative energy that her nose started to bleed and she felt dizzy. Her theory was successful. But then one night she began to have recurring nightmares. A place of blood and violence where only suffering awaited and a, spider like legs. One night she woke up from her recurring dream. And then, in the shadows of the night light, she thought she saw spider like legs. But she was not frightened. In fact, the girl wanted to know what she was up against, so he opened his book and searched, but he couldn't find much useful information, so Sabrina went to the local library, but there she was unsuccessful. This tormented her. She wanted to know the answer. What she was facing. But as she found scraps of information had missed, Sabrina decided to try and get on with continues her life. One day, while investigating an abandoned build with a dark past, she set out to find out what had happened there. On the walls was a warning to beware the Darkness. But then a cold dark fog began to surround her. She had seen something similar in her nightmares. She hesitated to run, but finally decided that now she could finally find out. The nightmares. The mysterious spider-like legs. Come what may. She would not run away.



Enchanted steps:

You glide like a shadow. No one sees your footsteps. You go unnoticed

After you take your partner off the hook, neither you nor your unhooked partner leave a scratch mark for 5-10-15 seconds.

Increases your chances of becoming obsessed.

*Only obsession can use the perk

Mystic Escape:

Your knowledge of rituals grants you enhanced agility. After stunning the killer with a with flashlight, gain a burst of speed for a short duration.

Increases your chances of becoming obsessed.

*Only obsession can use the perk

Ethereal Exposure:

Your exposure to the supernatural has heightened your senses. After completing a generator, you can see the auras of totems within a 32/48/64-meter range for 10 seconds. This ability has a cooldown of 80 seconds.

NOTE: My english very broken but i hope you understand x-x

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