It sucks that you can’t play nice in this game



  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    Even in my area, there are many people with kill rates over 90% for all killers. For certain killers, it's over 95%.

    One of them said, ``Survivors should just take it easy. Killers are working hard, but they should just ask the management for survivor buffs.''

    Another person is a regular winner at local tournaments, but declares, ``Survivor is just making mistakes.''

    No one said he would struggle. However, this trend of thinking is common in our region. Everyone who knows dbd is based on this perspective.

    If you think it's a lie, please see X on dbd official jp. It is full of comments from all the players due to the official's many famous quotes. Officials are busy sending out biased "cheers" to killers, and complaints flood in every time they propose an adjustment plan. This is the exact opposite of the american official.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    The rescuers only have a maximum of 2 hits before they escape. If two survivors come to the rescue, three survivors will be born with one hit, and one of them will do his best to chase. Even if a tunnel were dug, the target would be quite far away.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,700

    But this does not do anything to stop the killer from tunnelling, does it?

    Yeah, it's going to take a bit longer for the killer to get the re-down, but with so many survivor resources invested in buying that extra time, they can afford to.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    Still, one survivor can repair the generator. If anything, he can also participate in the body block. If you body block until the one of first two people fall, the tunnel target will almost certainly escape.

    You think they're doing something stupid? No, this is actually what the survivors of the semi-official tournament winning team did with SoloQ. There were others in SoloQ besides him, but because all survivors understand what it takes to win, another person joined in.