Father Campbell's Chapel (Crotus Prenn Asylum)

JocelynAwakens Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,757
edited March 2024 in Mapping the Realm

We'd like to know what you think about the Father Campbell's Chapel map, part of the Crotus Prenn Asylum realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!

Father Campbell's Chapel (Crotus Prenn Asylum) 312 votes

This map favours Survivors
40% 126 votes
This map feels balanced
49% 153 votes
This map favours Killers
10% 33 votes
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on


  • Johnny771
    Johnny771 Member Posts: 18

    Balanced in my opinion, strong main building, good loops around, and it's not too big, making map control easier for the killer

  • WhoSoup
    WhoSoup Member Posts: 180

    I like this map usually. Good size, usually a fairly good gen distribution, not too many pallets. If you got rid of the main building variation that has the god window downstairs, I think this map would be one of the best in the game.

  • PogbertChamperson
    PogbertChamperson Member Posts: 141

    The main building has three configurations. One of which can have two strong chaining windows. If that particular set up was gone I'd like the map more.

    Don't move Maurice please (he is a beacon of hope in the entities realm).

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    This is a very Survivor sided map. You are guaranteed a jungle gym or 4-lane tile to spawn directly next to shack. This makes chasing that side of the map a huge time waste.

    Then you have the main building which leads to Carnival side. If the Carnival side edge wall was shrunk just a little bit. Maybe by 1 or 2 rows of squares then this would be so much nicer. The fact you can hold forward from a god window at main into a big area at the other end of the map is insane. Coupled with strong tiles spawning in between main and the carnival makes this map a very hard match up for M1 killers (which is most of the roster).

  • gothbave
    gothbave Member Posts: 60

    Big map main can be a real pain for M1 killers, but the RNG can be very good sometimes for survivors and i hope this can be smaller and the main to be fair

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815
    edited March 2024

    There is super stupid window in a main building sometimes, which definately should be nerfed. Only counterplay to it is vault 3 times. But sometimes it spawns before t-walls and well, it's basicly infinite. Besides that, probably one of the most balanced maps imo.

    Edit: completely forget, that on this map jungle gym could be paired with shack window in another infinite. It also should be gone.

  • NightingaleOwl
    NightingaleOwl Member Posts: 20

    From my experience, the map is balanced. Main building is strong with some variations allowing killers the opportunity to mind-game to catch suspecting survivors off guard. I think a point of contention would be to remove some clutter around the map and in main.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    Main used to be a killers nightmare but it (with the whole map in mind) feel balanced now and this map is in a great place.

    also, never remove Maurice ever again 😡 instead give us the ability to give him pets or even a treat kinda like the Nostromo keycard to be found on map??!

  • DrRiku
    DrRiku Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2024

    The map is pretty balanced. Only issue i have have is sometimes main can spawn a insanely strong window that wastes too much time, the one with no breakable walls near it. I also think there is some pretty nasty tile RNG that can spawn near shack, like when a jungle gym window and shack window are 5 feet from each other.

    Post edited by DrRiku on
  • TripleStryke
    TripleStryke Member Posts: 114

    This map can be balanced but there’s also situations where RNG variance creates insanely strong set ups connected to both main building and shack. When these set ups don’t spawn it’s balanced, and when they do spawn it’s survivor sided.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 707

    Survivor sided but not as extremely as some of the others in here. Poll should have had 5 options from very killer sided killer sided, even, survivor sided and very survivor sided because yeah I think it is still survivor sided but not extremely and that distinction is important in terms of priority if y’know changes are actually going to happen.

    I suppose though the percentage of votes how much people think it is x sided because yeah the most one sided maps have lopsided votes in consequence.

  • AMGC
    AMGC Member Posts: 39

    Father Campbell's Chapel could be considered one of the best maps in the game and is far less troublesome than its realm mate (Disturbed Ward), yet it is not without flaws.

    The shape of the map may or may not be problematic when it comes to perimeters of generators that are hard to contest when the killer is defending them, though it is still unclear if the recent gen regression update solves the issue.

    The main building is very prominent in the outcome of the trial since it is in the very middle and it counts with 3 different configurations of windows that are all maybe a bit too powerful. Survivors can constantly make use of it in chase and heavily detriment the killer's chances. Its pallets are rather inconsistent.

    Many of the filler loops in the realm are both very safe and easy to use. They also have some clutter that may interfere with the killer's power which is a problem that is also present in some of the mazetiles. While the pallet count in the map is usually not very high (which is justified with the vast presence of the main building) it can unusually spike up. The carnival landmark is not fully consistent with its safety.

    Shack is complimented by an adjacent mazetile (that is a jungle gym half the time) and the filler loops around them. This combination results problematic at times.

    While the map has its flaws, it also has very positive features too:

    • The main building is very charming.
    • The mazetiles (5 in total) have an oddly unique ruleset that works quite well and allow 3 of them to be directly adjacent to the main building without creating problematic set ups most of the time.
    • The map size is not an issue.

    While the realm needs the fillers to be tweaked, the map could slightly increase its pallet count to compensate while also weakening main building, separating shack from the mazetile and making the carnival landmark fully consistent with its resources.

  • Iri4head
    Iri4head Member Posts: 25

    Pretty balanced imo, lighting is good, tiles feel like they have value without being annoying, and the main building feels strong without being rediculous. Only thing is that sometimes a really strong setup can spawn with the shack window and 4-lane window facing each other, but that doesn't happen often. Map feels pretty good tbh

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I think it is a great and balanced map, the size is fine. It could have a window more at the circus part, because that part of the map can dry out really fast and it has a tendancy to spawn a busted setup next to shack with the jungle gym nearby. Same goes for a window setup in the main building, but overall I think the map is alright. I think it is arguably one of the best designed maps in the game, from a gameplay standpoint.

  • WampaPl
    WampaPl Member Posts: 33

    Probably the most balanced map in that rooster. My only complain is the general look of if. Some textures are low quality, circus have to little colourful elements and the amount vegetation is less that expected from such a place.

  • TheSemitron
    TheSemitron Member Posts: 14

    I personally like Maurice

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,504

    Could you add an animation for Survivors to pet Maurice? I think everyone would enjoy that. Especially Maurice.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,504

    When the main building spawns that window next to the basement, its always good for Survivors.

    Could it be considered to move the tile that spawns next to shack, further away from shack?

  • YmPrat
    YmPrat Member Posts: 34

    I want to say that this map is balanced, but with the insane setups shack can have and the way main building can be incredibly strong (especially with the god window by the main basement spawn) I can't call it balanced.

    Main building can eat a lot of time for an m1 killer, especially if they get the strongest set up, this can be especially problematic if a window in main leads directly into a strong gym tile (a window into a window can be game over for the killer.)

    Shack is nestled into the corner which is good, but it always spawns beside a gym tile which can make an incredibly strong set up. That set up can be further aided by filler pallets, especially the burned down building fillers that the realm is known for. Chasing a shack setup on this map can be a losing prospect for an m1 killer.

    On the other hand the map can 3 gen with very little protection over on the circus side of things, which isn't very enjoyable for either side... but why ever go near shack as an m1 killer?

  • King_Flash05
    King_Flash05 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 35

    Father Campbell's Chapel is a bit of a weird map, it favors a little bit more on the survivor side, the main building has 3 different rngs you can either get the main one that should not be a thing is the window that can potentially spawn next to the potential basement that what window is an infinite and it should be removed, and there's the vault that spawns either side on the generator either on the glass window, under the Chandler, or next to the stairs outside, and by the shack idk why it can potentially spawn the window in front of the tile and that tile is either a four lane wall, or a jungle Jim, the jungle Jim is the strongest one out of the two and the jungle Jim should never ever spawn next to shack

  • MarylinMonhoe
    MarylinMonhoe Member Posts: 137

    Can you put the bell back to the roof and when the gen in the chapel is completed, the bell falls ?

    If a survivor is under it, he gets injured/down and if it's the killer he gets stunned ?

  • drwilburdaffodil
    drwilburdaffodil Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2024

    I love this map. It has a fun design, some of my most fun memories of dbd are the survivors taking me to the funfair to goof off. Loops are decent but fair. Gen spread is decent but fair. Size perfect. Honestly a contender for my favourite map in dbd.

    I've seen suggestions of something silly that could be added though. The new map has a pallet that makes the arcade go off, would there ever be the possibility of a pallet that makes the High Striker in the funfair activate?

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,972

    I think i have two issues with Father Campbell's:

    The chapel itself can have some pretty nasty windows that feel a bit too strong for where they are.

    Shack is located right next to a maze tile, which can result in there being two chained windows right next to each other.

    Beyond that, it's pretty alright I think.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    Yes, but this is the only big problem. If you don't have this, it's a good map. Keeping in mind that this is not the case, the balance is good.

  • Gabe_Soma
    Gabe_Soma Member Posts: 276

    Overall balanced

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,061

    Chapel is pretty balanced, the only two things I'd note is that the circus portion can spawn some nasty 3-gen setups, and the main nasty window setups. I think removing one possible window spawn in main and replacing it with a possible pallet spawn would be beneficial. Maybe a pallet spawn in the center of main, would make it a place where some more actual gameplay happens. You could also pull one of the circus gens to spawn downstairs in main, as long as it doesn't then create a new 3-gen along with the upstairs main gen.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,217

    When I first played this map I felt so amazed by the little circus. There’s the burnt out chapel which is scary enough on its own, but then the circus is also here. It’s so creepy like exploring an abandoned fairground almost. I love all the small details. It feels like a bad vacation. But obviously in a good scary kind of way.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Overall a balanced map in my opinion. Good size and decent distribution.

    That said, there are some layouts you can get from rng, especially for the main building, that can make it very survivor sided. So mostly balanced bar some spawn setups if you’re unlucky.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    that is why i think chapel is killer sided because I generally only 3 gen on this map on circus top side of the map. there is literally no incentive for me to go on bottom side of the map or middle side of the map because bottom side of the map can have shack -> facing jungle gym window and main building can have a bottom god window. why I would as killer ever engage in these broken setups over just 3 gen and ignoring 60% of the map?

    chase-wise, i don't think i would ever engage in shack -> jungle facing window setup nor engage in infinity windows. for me, the map is more lopsided.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Yeah I mean as I was mentioning there are a few very lopsided setups you can get that make it very unbalanced. I was just speaking overall if you don’t get the bad setups. Like I would take this map before many, many other maps in the game comparatively.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    i generally don't mind the map but it favors survivors, heavily. carnival is very strong with its safe pallets and the cart, main is again really strong, and shack side can spawn disgusting set ups since it for some reason has a jungle gym kissing each other. there is not a weak area of the map everywhere is safe.

  • KazRen
    KazRen Member Posts: 187

    Survivor sided but not that much. There is a jungle gym that spawns next to shack pretty often and that creates an area that is way too strong for survivors. The map is big and it could be a bit smaller as there is always deadzones in some areas. The main building sometimes is pretty good for survivors but sometimes it can spawn a pair of really strong windows and it becomes a major time waste for killers and given it's in the center, it's very easy to get to.

  • Tipsy
    Tipsy Member Posts: 49

    Large map and has two strong spots on the map for survivors. First main building can multiple safe or god windows. one variation can spawn a literal infinite if the survivors know how to shift tech to lose chase. Shack is connected to maze tile and which often a long wall or a short wall gym making it almost never worth it to chase there as killer. most pallets on map are safe.

  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 302

    This is a very nicely balanced map. The chapel has opportunities for good loops, but the killer also has some easy opportunities to outplay the survivors, particularly when they break the breakable walls. The loops outside of the main building are all moderately strong. Shack is nicely situated in a corner, so it won't come into play too often. Finally, the carnival is far from the rest of the action, but none of its loops are too strong, so the killer is likely to down any survivors they find there.

    Overall, a perfectly balanced map.

  • Tipsy
    Tipsy Member Posts: 49

    Alright. I will rephrase. It's long. Say you don't have any long range regression or slowdown perks like grim and pain res and you take chase at the top of map where carnival is and the survivor is half way descent at chase making sure to go down lets say top right corner. The time it will take for one to pick up, hook and make it to bottom side the killer will lose at least two gens bottom side unless they are high mobility killer. Thus encouraging a proxy camping and 3 gen play style since the map is so long and narrow, something I know a lot pub survivors want to get away from.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,359

    Some of the window spawns can be very problematic

  • SimpingforThePig
    SimpingforThePig Member Posts: 29

    The main building sometimes spawns god windows. Fix this and the map is mostly ok.

  • LordSimagical
    LordSimagical Member Posts: 24

    Think its balanced but more comfy for svr to play

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    A little survivor sided, just a little simply because of the ridiculous god window that can spawn in the bottom floor of the main building. I'd suggest to nerf that certain window, but to compensate reduce dead zones a bit by adding another tile or two.

  • RogueRoentgen
    RogueRoentgen Member Posts: 24

    Small map! That's something very nice about this map, and that's about it. Shack setups are usually pretty strong, with an interconnected jungle gym that can spawn window-into-window with shack, and strong fillers around. Circus side is usually weak, but close enough to main which has the strongest windows in the game after haddonfield.

    Not one of my favourites :)

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 879

    I'd say it's fairly balanced, main building is very strong against M1 Killers, with some good windows and a few nearby tiles but outside of main building and shack then the loops are fair without too many deadzones and even Killers on the weaker end of the spectrum can do something if main isn't close. It's not pallet-city but it provides enough.

    Apart from the god windows in main, the map is fine in my opinion.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Can spawn nasty window combinations on main (e.g. that window window where the Gen is), but else it's fine

  • Kaitri
    Kaitri Member Posts: 71

    this one all comes down to how the windows/breakable walls spawn on the main building. outside of that, its a decent map for killers id say

  • Lethal1903
    Lethal1903 Member Posts: 4

    This map has the same frustrating characteristics as maps like Dead Dawg Saloon and Mother's Dwelling where they have strong, survivor sided main buildings where the killer is foolish to chase. These maps are balanced with having weaker areas of the map with some dead zones and some weak filler pallets. While the end result is somewhat balanced it feels unenjoyable to know that as a killer I will waste a lot of time by trying to chase around the main building. As a solo queue survivor, my success feels dependent on whether or not my teammates use the few strong pallets, or if they leave me with the many weaker fillers. It makes the map feel awkward when the survivors have to play so carefully around the fillers and pallet gyms but are near invincible at the center of the map.

  • Levitika
    Levitika Member Posts: 230

    Nerf the god window spawns, all that's needed. Absurdly strong even with walls broken.

  • ImprobableCarny
    ImprobableCarny Member Posts: 45

    Echoing what most people are saying here, I'm fine with almost everything about this map EXCEPT for the way that god windows can spawn in the main building. With some M1 killers the whole building feels like a complete write-off if it spawns a certain way.

  • Придира
    Придира Member Posts: 10

    From a gameplay point of view, I really love this map, it is comfortable for both sides. Excellent location of windows and facilities. I think some of my most exciting matches took place on this map. However, after processing, it lost most of its atmosphere. I miss the colorful stained glass windows that literally glowed from the light passing through them. And the stained glass windows themselves did not consist of massive glasses, but of small pieces, which made the iridescence of light more fascinating. The play of light from candles, from searchlights in the distance, from the light passing through the cracks in the roof and from the stained glass windows gave an incredible atmosphere inside the chapel. The fair has lost all its colored spotlights and flickering light bulbs and has become quite faded, the feeling of a creepy circus has disappeared. The pinkish haze disappeared from the map, which gave the feeling that the Clown was always somewhere nearby. The map was at the same time creepy, mournful, but fascinating and frightening next to the joy of the fair with a chapel soaked in death. I miss the old light atmosphere 👉👈

  • FoxvanMR
    FoxvanMR Member Posts: 23

    A very balanced map, with a strong main building with some strong wondows, but not too hard to handle as killer. And also, it has Maurice!! What else do we need here...

This discussion has been closed.