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Item Idea (A bit fun one)

SirXenomorph Member Posts: 103

Hey guys!

So my idea is a not soo serious one but could be a fun one in a game. (At least for survivors I think)

It is that survivors can get a little revolver with one bullet in the barrel. He can either shoot that one bullet on the killer which is stunned like a pallet hit him OR he can shoot himself somewhere which then make a loud shooting sound to hear in the whole map for every survivor and the killer still in there and shows the position of the shoot for a few seconds to everyone.

I had this idea, since killers tend to play so hard unfair and dirty often cause they just care bout their adept trophies or their task, not wasting a single second in thinking about that survivors need to do that too, so yeah since they just play outright dirty and bad from beginning ESPECIALLY when wanting their adept trophies, I do not think that behaviour should be rewarded in the end. Since the killers do not even try to get it in a normal and fair way, they just hook all right at 5 gens without even care bout a normal playstyle for the survivors.

So pls add the revolver with that one bullet to stop those killers who misuse their advantage to get the adept trophy so easy. Cause since it was changed, that they do not get also two pips for earning the adept trophy, they all just do not care bout play anywhere normal or fair, they just take the cheap way.

And to the devs, maybe change it back cause think about it. Since survivors need to make 5 gens, unhook people, heal them and open the gates to escape, the killer just need a 4k now, which they easily get when put in all the dirty game mechanics. So is it really comparable? Sure it seems like as survivor it is easier to get the adept trophy, but it is just not right. Since killers litterally are so bad and toxic nowadays gettin the adept trophy is like play russian roulette. So why not give the same to the killer? Maybe one survivor has taken the revolver with and stop him from gettin the adept trophy or not. Since survivors can decide to take that one with then.

Also I think it would be so funny when you hear 4 shots in a single round and do not know what even happend. (But that should be a report reason since that would be trolling)

Anyways. I know this will never happen, since all the killers just would cry out loud, like always, and it is also not sooo serious of mine. BUT it could be a way to stop killers from play like the worst only to get their adept trophy and survivors are not able to do anything against it. I think they get it way to easy, since 99% percent play dirty anyways. And since the escape rate as a survivor is already below 10% (Yeah it is for any killer main who sees it differently) I do not think killers should be rewarded for use any toxic playbook "skill" for the adept trophy.

It is way more difficult to get the adept trophy as a survivor as as a killer. Since you actually need to escape, which is most of the times more luck than actual play a nice and fair game. And since the killers got their wallhacks for litterally anything, it is very much unlikely to get the adept trophy even you can open the gates.

So still add the item revolver, which allows the survivors to stop the killers who just kill all 4 without even trying to play any fair or normal. OR just add the two pips rule again, so killers actually need to play as killers should play and try to get it like survivors still need to in order to even get the power for the gates or the hatch. Since survivors litterally need to make all 5 gens still and open the gates, while killers now just can slug tunnel camp etc. to get everyone lie in two minutes after round starts and then just hook them. That is so weird this was even changed. Cause it so easy as killer now to get it, why not hand it out to them for free in the first place, since it is kinda the same as just change it to a 4k only, because for that they do not need to hunt, kick gens, and stuff, they just need to slug them all down as fast as possible and thats it. (And yea like 99% of these who want to get their trophy play like that) while survivors still need to play the whole game as they should to even escape so they can get it. It seems like the devs did not care how hard it is to really get the adept trophy as a survivor. It is not just "escape" it is "escaping when you have mangaged to make 5 gens, help hooked or hurt survivors, open the gates or gettin the hatch while a killer is after you which has so much wallhacks the only thing not shown all the time to him is you, but it makes no matter since he can still see anything else und just need to patrol it till he found you"

Killers on the other hand now need just to slug all at 5 gens hook them and done. They do not play a full match anymore to get enough pips and the 4k which ultimatively opened the possibility to misuse it what ALL of them does. (Okay a very very small percentage does not but they are pretty rare)

Maybe just maybe overthink it and give survivors another way to prevent this cheap playstyle with the revovler so survivors will be the judges on a killer who just has no interest in a normal match only for the sake of their adept trophy, and the survivors will shoot themself which make a 4k impossible. Or just add the two pip rule again. So killer acutally need to play a normal match in order to get their trophy. Like survivors have to do too.

And now when I see my idea it is more a critique of the current state than a "creations" idea. But I would love a revovler in the game which can be used to take yourself out of the game or stun the killer. (Also the revovler should only have one bullet no matter what, since it sure would be misused too from some survivors especially when they got more bullets) their should be no aim cross for the gun so survivors need to learn how to use it effectively if choose to stun a killer. And survivors can not shoot other survivors with that gun. Survivors can only shoot themselves.

Admins and mods if this post fits more in like generall stuff it is okay if you move it but it also has the item idea still in it. So I am not sure if it is okay here.