Killer idea: the Apex

WeaverReaver42 Member Posts: 213

Lore: A vicious predator, peerless in his ability to wear down and destroy whatever prey he targets next. Louis Vernal Was abandoned at a young age in an unforgiving wilderness. He honed his skills fighting for survival while hunting, trapping, and fighting for the scraps of food he could get his hands on. By the time he had contact with people again he had become little more than a rabid animal who saw others only as threats or food.

Terror radius: 24 meters

Power: Bola

Holding the power button for 5 seconds allows you to wind up and swing your unwieldy weapon. When hitting a survivor, they are encumbered. When encumbered they can no longer sprint, and walking produces scratch marks unless crouched. Survivors can either stand still to remove the bola after 5 seconds, or remove it over the course of 10 seconds while moving. After the bola is removed, the survivor gets a 7 second burst of speed.

Addon examples:

Ripe berries "the smell of this food is pungent and easily noticeable, a sign they are ready to be eaten." When a survivor is encumbered, see their aura when they are within 12 meters.

Tangled vines "These grasping plants were used by louis to create primitive traps for the animals he hunted for food." Double the time it takes to remove the bola while standing still, and triples the time it takes to remove while moving.

Thorned flower "while beautiful, this flower is prickly to the touch easily drawing blood." When removing the bola, a survivor is injured, if they are already injured they receive deep wounds.

Durable Rope "the first exposure of humanity to vernal. He quickly turned it against those who would intrude on his territory." Survivors are incapacitated while they are encumbered.


Hex: Inexhaustible Pursuit

"The entity channels their dark thirst for suffering into a more tangible form."

Start the trial with a dull totem turned into a hex: Inexhaustible pursuit totem. Every time you increase or gain bloodlust, another dull totem becomes an additional Hex: inexhaustible pursuit up to a maximum of 4 total of these totems at a time. For each of these hexes you have reduce the time it takes to increase in bloodlust by 1/2/3 seconds for every bloodlust tier. When you lose bloodlust from being stunned or losing chase, one of these hex totems will revert to a dull totem.

Hex: Clamping Jaws

"Every attempt your prey makes to escape you only tightens the noose around their neck, and causes them to get in their own way."

Start the trial with a Hex: Clamping Jaws totem. While this totem is active, whenever you are stunned the nearest generator being repaired by survivors regresses by 5% and blocks the generator for 5/6/7 seconds per tier of bloodlust you had when stunned. When regressing a generator, this perk goes on a 30 second cooldown.

Enhanced aggression

"Your desire for suffering goes beyond a want, it has become a need."

Gain an additional +.1/.2/.3 movement speed per stack of bloodlust. If you lose bloodlust without injuring a survivor, become hindered by 2% for 10 seconds.