Do you think that there should be 5 perk slots?

Tyler3 Member Posts: 194

What are your thoughts on this? Would this be too strong? Or is this something that should be considered?

Do you think that there should be 5 perk slots? 41 votes

[Deleted User]SpookyPumpkinPiezPSPArchol123Hexonthebeachsolidestcross6309SHARKBOSSCorvusCorax86[Deleted User]jonifireSleepyHvol4rqnyunxathiag0CrusordevilheadImJoeSwanson 17 votes
RaptorrotasHerInfernalMajestyGeneralVdknbbjorksnasNebulaglitchboiMarc_go_soloViktor1853GuiltiiLeFennecFox11d3sizzlingmario4CodeDBMrRetsejOrthanekatspawBlightedTrapperAstelcaligraph 24 votes


  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    If then for both sides, would be ridiculous buff if only one side got it.

  • Hexonthebeach
    Hexonthebeach Member Posts: 488
    edited March 2024

    Yes, but for specified perks only.

    5 slowdown perks? Please no.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    It could become too strong amd problematic. With so many perks being able to sync with one another, I can just sense it becoming a shitstorm of too many perks were allowed.

    People have enough issues with 4! Imagine an extra slot for another second chance or slowdown perk!. It wouldn't be fun and some players will become even more perk-dependent than they already are.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410

    hold up just think about it 5 boons at once vs all five hex totems so everybody has a totem on the map

    but me personally 5 aura perks 4 killer 5 stealth for survivor i counter myself lol

  • katspaw
    katspaw Member Posts: 13

    This sounds like a nightmare lmao they'd have to completely rethink the balance of the game

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 405

    I thought Killer got 5 perks thanks to Sable.

  • Orthane
    Orthane Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2024

    Nah, too many OP combos that would make the game annoying. Imagine the giga Gen Survivor or the Killer with Pop, Pain Res, Eruption, Call of Brine, and Overcharge all at the same time. No thank you.

    I would like to see 3 addon slots however. For both sides.

  • 11d3
    11d3 Member Posts: 47

    (Killer main here) I say no cause there would be too many chances for survivors to escape and too many ways for killers to have insta downs with awesome chase builds. However, they should have a different mode that allows no perks or add-ons like they did with lights out, really loved that game mode and wish they would keep it as a permanent second game mode to do.

    If they gave everyone 5 perks it won't fix anything and make it worse and even more toxic. For survivor mains that are in favor of it here's what I'll be running as a killer then. Noed, spirit furry, enduring, light born and blood warden. Also playing pyramid Head on top of it Incase blood warden is about to wear off and I slug all ya and can't make it to hooks, then I'll cage you or final punishment/mori.

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209

    Killers have 8 technically even though they use this 16 perks (survivors vs only 4 perks for them). There two add ons + their power is literally 8 perks lol. Worst thing is that some of them ofc have very broken op annoying add ons like instant down add ons/haste stacking/blind/oblivious without needing to waste a perk slot. Look at singularity with his built in spirit fury cause he gets this annoying thing overclock when he teleports=making him immune to pallets.

    Also survivors items are long do for an overall rework. Med kits are garbage, flash light is garbage, keys/maps and survivors add ons for any of those are literally garbage. I mean why take a flashlight when I can have flashbang, or take a medkit when there is strength in shadows now. I dear a killer to bring franklins cause i can heal anytime and flashbangs cant be destroyed lol. Once ultimate weapon finally get its long await nerf I can finally take off calm spirit and run bite the bullet again(still miss you iron will forever).

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,194

    Mm… It may be too OP. Maybe as a modifier first?

  • caligraph
    caligraph Member Posts: 359

    as a whole, survivors have 16 perks and the killer has 4. I'd be fine witha 5th killer slot if they didnt already have their power, which DEFINITELY fills the gap lol.