Midwich Elementary School (Silent Hill)

Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555
edited March 2024 in Mapping the Realm

We'd like to know what you think about the Midwich Elementary School map, part of the Silent Hill realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!

Midwich Elementary School (Silent Hill) 242 votes

This map favours Survivors
7% 19 votes
This map feels balanced
26% 63 votes
This map favours Killers
66% 160 votes
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    THE killer sided map. But can still have issues for certain killers (two levels and few stairs/connections). Gates are too close so last survivor is pretty much dead if hatch is closed. Pallets are mostly unsafe except for a few which especially in solos can be non-existent due to random teammates throwing them as fast as they can. Long hallways can be quite boring.

    i like the toilet area with the optional way up/down and the breakable walls being able to create a dead end!

    also, while i don’t have any knowledge about Silent Hill (never played nor watched a playthrough long enough) the details are GREAT from a horror point of view alone. Girl crying in the stall, corpse falling out of the locker, overall atmosphere and assets. The clocktower having the special chest is also a neat detail.

  • Gabe_Soma
    Gabe_Soma Member Posts: 276
    edited March 2024

    It is the killer version of Badham.

    Indoor map, pallets too unsafe, gates are too close, hooks spawn 5m from each other, hallways are very dangerous, basement is a death sentence, map's too small, strong gens setup.

    Post edited by Gabe_Soma on
  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,915

    Probably one of the most killer sided maps in the game, if not the most killer sided. Tiny map, unsafe pallets, super strong 3 gen setups.

    It's not really fun as killer either, the map is a mobility check. If you have a power that makes you fast, you win.

  • Samatrain
    Samatrain Member Posts: 80

    Surprisingly killer sided, which feels rare for an indoor map. The map is small enough to pressure a few gens at the same time and defend a 3-gen. The hallways are just giant deadzones, pallets are pretty much all unsafe and there aren't many places to hide. Mobility killers excelt on this map because of the clear hallways and M1 killers can still make things work because of the proximity of everything. Once the few good pallets are gone its GG for survivors

  • WhoSoup
    WhoSoup Member Posts: 180

    Awful map. Extremely hard to navigate with not a lot of great landmarks. Some of the rooms are identifiable but some rooms you just have no idea where you are in relation to the rest of the map (like the classrooms). The entire map is just an ugly brown, one of the ugliest maps in the game. I like the environmental clues that other maps like lery's or toba have to easily finding gens but for some reason, this map is lacking them.

    Gameplay on this map is extremely tedious because it's just holding W to the next room/pallet. This one of two maps where you can have "chases" with survivors that last for a full minute without even entering chase because they're just so far away at the end of a hallway.

    This map also has extremely awful killer prop placements for killers like xeno and sadako. Subway exits can be 3m next to a gen but IN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ROOM, making it completely useless.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,351

    When you have Nurses, who need no additional advantages, bring map offerings to this place, yeah kinda killer sided.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    As we can see from it's high kill rate the map is generally rather killer sided, which is somewhat fair considering that most loops are not really good and the gates also spawning close together.

    However from its basic design it is just the nr. 1 hold w map, if you spot the killer on the other side of the corridor just run, he will take the whole game to make it close enough to hit you, this map just favors the most boring playstyle there is... Because the loops itself don't offer too much. Some even bigger rooms just have nothing to work with, others have the worst pallets you have seen in a while, you cannot even blame survivors for pre running as many rooms are just guaranteed death unless the killer messes up severely.

    Then the map also has the issue of accessibility, you may know a survivor is upstairs on the Gen as you can hear it, but it will take you forever to get there... The same goes for ways downstairs.

    As survivor it is also annoying as you may the heartbeat but you not only don't know from which direction the killer is coming, you don't even know if he might be downstairs or not. So either you go outside the room to check both sides of the corridor, or you may be just up for a hit because he is closer than you thought, which is also not a great experience.

    However then again, as with every indoor map we have the issue of tracking, if survivors decide to hide when you are nearing good luck, many good hiding spots, basically no way to see inside rooms, only the corridor.

    The easiest way to fix some of the issues would be to open the corridors up towards the classrooms by either creating a window front, so you can look inside or create more opening to enter.

    I dont enjoy this map for both sides, as killer I can oftentimes not find people, my go to tracking perk BBQ does never give value bc of the small size and as survivor it is just annoying to navigate and find things...

    The list of issues this map has is just immense. The most obvious to fix would be more open spaces, less clutter inside some of the rooms, some stronger loops, maybe different gate spawns?

  • gothbave
    gothbave Member Posts: 60

    This is killer-sided for sure but it feels a bit big imo

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,006

    This map is one of the best killermaps in the game for many reasons:

    1. Finding generators is extremely difficult for survivors because they can spawn nearly everywhere. This let's survivors waste so much for finding a Generator, especially in SoloQ when you cannot tell your teammates "ey Generator in chemical room is done" or "ey Generator in the middle of them map".

    A way to fix this is to make the generator spawn more reliable or better hints from the environment that a Generator is there.

    2. Many loops are a deadzone against many killers. Deadzonloops are okay but this map has too many such as the one in the chemical room, the one around the clock or near one exigate.

    3. Speaking of exitgates, these are so easy to patrol and defend that the game is basically over against many killers when two survivors are left or the hatch is closed. The killer have a good light of sight in the middle to see both exitgates.

    It would be great if fhe exitgates could switch on the map or if more lign of sight between these two.

    4. Newer survivors struggle to oriented on this map. It would be great if the environment had something that tells the players better where they are.

    5. It sometimes very difficult to go upstairs since there are only two ways. This goes for both sides.

    There might be more issues with this map but I feel like these are the biggest ones that need to be addressed.

  • King_Flash05
    King_Flash05 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 35

    It's the smallest and the most killer sided map in the game nothing else to say.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Short addition for my first post, for some reason hook spawns can be really messed up on the map, sometimes you cannot hook people as the hook gets blocked by weird clutter. Then there is only 1 hook in reach and if it gets saboed there is no where else to go to, so maybe check on the hook spawns on this map as well.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,483

    Love the map on both roles. It's very Nurse sided but it's Silent Hill such classic map I'm always happy when I go there as survivor and killer.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,245

    While Midwich is overall killer sided, it's still one of my favorite maps for both sides, even as survivor I like playing on this map. Unlike Rancid Abbatoir which is killer sided because of having too many deadzones, Midwich doesn't have that problem at all - there are plenty of pallets and resources for survivors to work with so I enjoy the challenge. The map is killer sided mainly because most pallets aren't very safe (but are still playable and aren't just free hits, which keeps the map fun for survivor), generators can be hard for survivors to find (less of a disadvantage at the current moment though because Deja Vu is very popular) and the exit gates are also closer together than most other maps.

    There is one big advantage survivors do have on this map though and it's just how strong holding W can be, since you can just run down the corridors until the killer catches up and there’s no way for them to ever cut you off.

    Hook spawns can be weird on this map though and could use some cleaning up. I've had games with hook deadzones or only 1 hook in a large area, often because there are other nearby hooks on the opposite floor so the game thinks those hooks are close enough but they actually aren't. On the other hand, I had a survivor game 2 weeks ago where there were literally 3 hooks in the same hallway downstairs.

    If the hook near the downstairs bathroom gets destroyed on sacrifice, survivors going down in the back of the bathroom downstairs are often unhookable as it is sometimes the only reachable hook in that area.

    I don't know how feasible this is but if possible maybe there could be separate hook balancing for each floor of the map (ie. hook placement on the 1st floor won't influence hook placement on the 2nd floor and vice versa)?

    Oh, and Nurse on this map is beyond busted.

  • AMGC
    AMGC Member Posts: 39

    Midwich Elementary School is a licensed indoors map that is singlehandlely crippled by the ring shape of the map and the limited navigation it allows, favoring killer but usually not in a pleasant way. Like a few other indoors maps, it counts with numerous pallets (23-24) and some windows (8) but not that many of the pallets are safe (not a real issue). The safety is mostly fixed with very specific variables (staircase corners, classrooms columns and courtyard mazetiles) yet the shape of the map and the symmetrical display of the classroom sides can disorient even the finest survivors. The generators are hard to find and there are not many cues that ease the task.

    The navigation to move around the map is highly limited, specially when going upstairs since only 3 corners count with a way up unless the killer breaks both walls at the toilets corner which is far from a common occurrence. This causes many issues such as favoring survivors that interfere with hooking, heavily favoring the killer when defending hooks (including basement) or completely determining the interactivity of chases. The survivors will run in straight lines without being cut off through the hallways (& switching floors if convenient) as long as they have headstart, sometimes gaining distance thanks to a few key resources or perks and then sticking to the available loops (mostly unsafe) when the killer catches up.

    While other indoors maps often divide the killers somewhat evenly between those favored and unfavored, Midwich Elementary School favors many of the killers that are not compatible with the heavy line of sight blockers nature of the others. The hallways are used a lot during the chases and these killers get the opportunity to use their powers more freely and potentially disrupt the monothematic chase pattern of the survivors. Some other killers benefit from the hard navigation, chances for stealth tactics, multifloor mobility or tracking tools. Certain loadout specific tactics are also favored by the map.

    While it may seem like the killers have an easy time all the time, against proficient survivors many can struggle and what really grants them the advantage in those cases is the tactic of defending hooks & holding the hallways that lead to them.

    Most issues that affect Midwich Elementary School revolve around the poor navigation of the map, which is a simple yet very hard to fix problem, given the licensed nature of the realm, very creative solutions are required.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,915

    Yeah, more Silent Hill maps would be great.

    Unfortunately it seems unlikely.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Very unpopular opinion, but i like this map more as survivor. This map no doubt is heaven for killers with high mobility, but m1 killers really struggle here, especially against good survivors.

    My problems with this map as survivor:

    • Sometimes impossible to find gens or totems. I wasted almost 4 minutes for searching Hex here last time (after 1st minute it was already a personal challenge), even with the fact i know all totems rng on this map. You can easily spend 2 minutes on attempts to find last gen.
    • Navigation is hard here. I can't tell where am i even while i playing in SWF. I just... in another room.
    • Camping on this map feeling too strong to go against, so many hooks are just impossible to rescue against some killers.
    • All pallets either too strong or too week, it's boring.
    • Some killers are just undodgeable on corridors.
    • I wish there were more vaults on this map and some completely unsafe pallets were stronger. I'm okay with amount of them.
    • Midwich Nurse with 4 Auras is the most braindead gameplay in this game. (Second place is swf with 3-4 Adrens)

    My problem with map as killer:

    • One of the best prerun map against killers without mobility. You saw survivor on another side of the corridor? Well, waste 30-40 seconds just to start chase.
    • Gens impossible to control on killers without high mobility. Oh, there is a gen right above you survivors working on? Waste 20-30 seconds to reach it and watch they pop it in your face. Even on killers with mobility it's really hard to defence last gens here sometimes.
    • Boons are very strong on this map, some of my survivors matches on this map were won only because 1 CoH.
    • All pallets either too strong or too week, it's boring. (But depends on killer as well)
  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 707

    I kinda wish there was a feature or even a perk (which I gave a survivor version of Joey) that allows them to mark up to three objects the whole team can see which is similar to call outs for swf. This would also be excellent for newer players to recall the exact location of generators but it could be used for other things like hex totems. Maps could also be significantly better and easier to obtain in the blood web.

    There is also the joke but imo absolutely essential survivor and killer perk called ‘where the swear word are the stairs’. The amount of newer players who get completely lost on two story maps is incredible. Midwich in particular for new survivor is bad for this because the killer can make the corners of each side of the map traversable for going up or down but survivors can only go up or down stairs in the corners that have them.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited March 2024

    if you don't have mobility power, survivors pre-running hallways is big waste of time. For example, you also generate no presence on the map because when you take chases on top side, the survivor can work on bottom floor. If you take chases on bottom floor then survivor can work on top floor, uninterrupted. The killer has to path through staircases to go from floor 1 to floor 2 to pressure gens.

    I think main reason why this map has such large kill-rate is that generator are difficult for survivors to find. You have to memorize the gen locations which is unfriendly for new player and the hook camping on this map is unbelievably potent. You get a hook in the middle of hallway and you can very easily patrol hallway making it very difficult for survivor to get safe saves. The killer almost always gets hook camp pressure on the map just because of how the hook are structured on this map. Doing badly in early chases can be automatic loss due to how powerful camping is on this map.

  • Squippit
    Squippit Member Posts: 92

    I think this is THE most killer sided map. Small, few avenues to switch floors, pretty limited pallets, breakable walls, and most of the windows are pretty weak without balanced landing. And yet, I find myself enjoying it as a survivor for its extreme predictability. A large portion of the map being relatively static makes it very easy to memorize where everything is, making this one of the easiest maps to learn

  • Alex_
    Alex_ Member Posts: 143

    The Map has many positives. I like it's pallet count, the window placement is great and the Breakable Walls are perfectly placed as well. the ratio of god pallets, mindgameable pallets and unsafe pallets is also really good.

    What I think could be better though is the size. For setup Killers, especially the Hag, it is very easy to get value out of their power without a lot of effort.

    I also think that there could be some kind of indicator about the gen placement. It is so perfectly done on Léry's. The signs help you find gens if you know about it. That's exactly the way I like it. Things that aren't obvious. But there is nothing like that on Midwich (as far as I know).

    In general I love this map though. It's relatively easy to navigate between the different floors. If the size is a little increased and there is a gen indicator this could be one of the best maps in the game.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I only have 2 problems on this map:

    1. Exit gates where the killer does not need to move to check both of them.

    2. Finding gens sometimes (it's a lot harder for new players). We need the flickering lights please.

  • WampaPl
    WampaPl Member Posts: 33

    Our lil broken midwitch. Its corridors and not too big shape makes it easy to identify and patrol gens while the fact that safety consist mostly of pallets makes it easier to create dead zones. What could be done? I would move the generators further from the staircases and i talk about both the corridor and classroom ones. Finding generators should be somehow easier too yet I do not have any good idea how. Changing the whole map to a "clean" version and make "cursed" areas only near spawned generators would works but it will be so hard to make.

  • Johnny771
    Johnny771 Member Posts: 18

    honestly this map could use a rework

    take the existing map and expand it to a larger outdoor area, like the streets of springwood, but in silent hill, so the map could have more options and be more balanced

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    This is mixed bag for me. The gens can spawn insanely close together which makes defending them easy. But, there are strong loops and god pallets all the while it's just a square corridor when you boil it down. Meaning you're just always following until the Survivor decides your close enough that they actually need to go to a pallet loop.

    I'd say all in all a good chunk of the killer roster (including a fair amount of M1's) can actually do stuff on this map for the most part.

    I'd say reluctantly it's more balanced than a specific sided one.

  • FoxvanMR
    FoxvanMR Member Posts: 23

    A very killer side map, every room has a pallet (sometimes good sometimes bad), but once you break it that classroom becomes completly unsafe and obsolete for looping. A map where is super easy to create deathzones.

  • HoS
    HoS Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

    One of the very few maps that is killer-sided. Loops are not very interesting, the map is very small, the doors are extremely easy to patrol, and some rooms are literally empty and useless like the classroom. Why not add the double pallet setup we have now on Greenville?

    The gen layout is also sometimes horrible and it's extremely difficult as survivor to project where all the gens are in order to avoid a possible three gens, unless you use déjà-vu.

  • Ihmislehma
    Ihmislehma Member Posts: 22

    All four corners should have immediately open and obvious ways up and down.

    More distinction between areas to avoid getting lost for the more casual player.

    It's just too small.

    Nurse heaven, killer easy mode. Only downside is sometimes questionable hooks.

  • Endrance
    Endrance Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    Super Killer sided. The gates are always close to each other, loops are unsafe as hell, windows are unsafe and horrible gen placements. Please expand the Silent Hill maps and make it more balance not just Killer sided like 98% of your super small maps.

  • bob12342322
    bob12342322 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    If I'm playing survivor I'd much rather eat glass than play this map... as killer hot damn midwich here I come for easy adepts and 4ks haha

  • Hexonthebeach
    Hexonthebeach Member Posts: 488

    The second best map.

    The class rooms, long hallways with the Inner courtyard. Every room is unique. Not to forget the easter egg that is doable while doing the objective and you hear the bells mostly. Hidden Doorways and many places to hide. Nice balanced Landing and Lithe spots. Bad for scource hooks. Sometimes it's hard to find the gens but I like that.

    I think it's nurse and basement sided and even then I like the map as survivor.

  • Tipsy
    Tipsy Member Posts: 49

    This map feels large for survivors but small for killers. Very limited pallets making for easy deadzone creation. Gens are too much of pain to find on this map.

  • BayushkiBayu
    BayushkiBayu Applicant Posts: 12

    Definitely usually a killer sided map. The loops aren't great, some of the rooms are annoying/frustrating. Some rooms have no exit besides the door you came in through and others have a bad pallet and maybe a window to another room. Getting up and down stairs for both sides is annoying. I swear I've seen multiple times where two gens spawn in the courtyard and other times where no generator spawns there which, in my opinion, makes it play out very differently depending on how many are in the courtyard. I loathe this map on either side. As a survivor, I have zero expectations of living and as a killer, I know that the survivors probably are hating that whole match. Sometimes, as a survivor it feels like you think you can make it up/down stairs before another person would die on hook to realize that there are not stairs for awhile and you will have to cover a ton of ground now. So either leave generators earlier than you'd want or risk losing a survivor on stage 2 hook.

    Aesthetically, it's great. The two gens related to the achievement that can also be done to unlock the secret if you make it to end game is also really cool.

  • katspaw
    katspaw Member Posts: 13

    As a silent hill fan: SO, SO, SO COOL. I was overjoyed when this one released and I still feel happy when I play on it. There's so much love and care put into the design that I can tell y'all love it too.

    As a DBD player: definitely killer sided. In particular I always feel bad for survivors once they have to open the gates. If the whole team is there, they'll make it, but one or two alone, or injured, and they're in for a rough time. They're so close together that it's really easy to defend both. That said, as survivor, I find this map to be much easier to navigate than other indoor maps. The courtyard section and unique rooms really help with knowing where I am and where gens will spawn. That aspect of the design is really good imo.

    I don't really want this one to change, honestly! Even if it is killer sided

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