Any former solos who managed to find a SWF they're happy with?

rha Member Posts: 418

I think it's time to say goodbye to solo queue. I would prefer to continue soloing because I can play whenever I want, and I'm not always with the same people who play the same way so there's more variety and I kind of like the unpredictability, but it's gotten so bad and BHVR is stubbornly ignoring any issues. I don't need any more bloodpoints (all characters I care about are P3 at least), in fact I'm sitting on 5 1/2 million BPs at the moment and don't know what to spend them on. Without reasons to grind, the only reason left to play for me is having a good time which I often don't have in solo.

With the event coming up, I would like to have people to play with, otherwise this will be the first event that I'm missing since I started playing, so I'm a bit under time pressure.

I have no idea how to start even though it's probably simple. Anyone here who went from solo to full SWF and has an encouraging story to share or tips?

Places I know where people are looking for teammates are Reddit and various Discords. I once tried Reddit to find people to do the old "Where did they go?" trophy. It ended up rather meh, and I learned that merely playing SWF does not mean all is well. On multiple Discords I only see short "who wants to play with me?" posts, no-one mentions what's their experience, playstyle and expectations. Also people seem to be looking for the next-best person available to play right that moment, while I'd really prefer to play regularly with the same folks.

My most successful attempt to SWF players for awhile was back on PS4 with crossplay off. When I played as killer the survivors would occasionally message me after a match. Some of them offered me to join their group after a bit of chatting, and the good thing was that because I already played against them I knew how they played and whether I wanted to join them. That wasn't really a possibility anymore after switching to PS5 with crossplay on and no after-game chat.

So, any recommendations for best places to find players (I'm in Europe so ideally not too US-focused)?

Then I'm constantly worrying about what could go wrong:

  • ending up with people who are really bad and don't even mind/don't care to improve because they still love the game (I once met someone like that! It would break my heart to tell them to look for others to play with, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being bad and still enjoying the game, but I really enjoy not having to rely on getting the absolutely worst killers to stand a chance to escape)
  • ending up with super-casuals who are just messing around and dying all the time and enjoy being victims in a horror game
  • ending up with people much better than me so I am a burden to them
  • ending up with people who expect everyone to play constantly perfectly, getting mad every time somebody makes a mistakes
  • ending up with people being extremely negative and constantly bitching about the game and the devs - it's not like I'm happy with everything but I don't want a Discord call while playing to be DbD Forums The Audiobook.
  • ending up with people only capable of very immature communication and making dumb jokes

And that keeps me from even starting to find people to play with. I'd hate to tell people I don't want to play with them anymore (if it's a mutual feeling then it's probably fine). I feel I make it way too complicated for myself.

Again, any tips, experiences going from solo to SWF are appreciated ...


  • Gabe_Soma
    Gabe_Soma Member Posts: 276

    I too have stopped playing SoloQ for at least 1 month now.

    I only play games occasionally to complete the tome challenges, otherwise I play killer which is currently much less frustrating.

    To continue playing survivor I found some people (from my own town even) who have been playing together for years (they are always the same) and I joined them through one of them who I knew from outside the game.

    I've tried in the past to use reddit, the 'official' DBD discord forum of my country and also the official discord DBD forum with poor results, since as you already mentioned people aren't always the same and moreover the group experience didn't seem particularly different from the solo one, since many of them were really newbies, so I left it alone.

    I suggest you check out the DBD socials in your country (discord, reddit, telegram etc..) and start there, otherwise try sending a few requests at the end of the trials to other teammates and see if you can start grouping.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,813

    All of the awesome people I met through DBD came from interactions when I used to stream the game, mostly on Mixer back in the day then some on Twitch.

    Mixer was built directly into my Xbox, where forming voice parties was and still is super easy to do. I have kept in contact with many of them to this day. Fun to play with, fun to catch up with, and super fun to run with in other games we share interest in.

    Most of them were knowledgeable about the game, up to date in changes and perks, and a few superb at the game too.l, with anything "toxic" rare. While I am an ok surv but a lousy killer. But the overall gameplay was still casual in nature, and that helped keep things fun imo.

    So it depends on the mindset your looking to connect with I'd say, how sweaty you prefer. Whatever you chose, I really hope you connect with awesome peeps like I did! 😁

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    yea just hop on the dbd discord