Top 3 from each side discussion!

Hey all! Had a chat with friends and this question was posed:

Top three problematic perks from each side vs top 3 meta perks for each side, and how they are different.

Survivor: BU, FTP, & OTR

BU+FTP is always complained about, so it'll get hit eventually. While I think its fine for the specific circumstance that needs to take place, 2 perks, and 2 survivors off gens, you'd think the killers would be fine with this lol.

OTR is... well, its for certain playstyles that I hope ends up getting gutted.

Killer: UW, Lightborn, SH:PR

Doesn't have to be a perk everyone agrees on, just your personal thoughts. Can give reasoning if you wish!


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,200

    No Mither, Weaving Spiders, For the People.

    Ultimate Weapon, Pain Resonance, Deadlock

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,924

    Background Player, For The People, and Off The Record for Survivor

    Predator, Ultimate Weapon, and Friends To The End for Killer

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 969

    Buckle up + for the people (i´ll count them as one perk), lithe (it literally makes your brain turn off) and idk, maybe sprint burst or some random gen speed perk or ace´s perks because they´re terrible

    Ultimate weapon (i litrally never see it but people complain a lot about it), Grim Embrance (i find it a bit boring ngl) and.. i don´t know, all huntress´ and wraith´s perks because they´re also terrible

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    If we understand the question correctly:

    Problem children

    Survivor: Buckle up, for the people, made for this. Individually fine, combined it's a pain especially with coordinated squads.

    Killer: deadmans switch, (add 2 regression of choice. Probably pain res and pop). Gonna be honest, it's sorta the same as above in that individually each is fine, but together makes it painful. Deadmans is singled out because it combines extremely well with many others and is the crux of many complications we've seen.

    Meta (we don't pay attention to the actual meta so this is commonly what we see run)

    Survivor: windows of opportunity, sprint burst, distortion.

    Easy to use, and aside from distortion always gets value.

    Killer: deadmans switch, pain res, grim Embrace (honorable mention goes to pop).

    Slowdown to wear away survivors spirits. Also relatively easy to use.

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    Ultimate Weapon, Deadlock, DMS

    Buckle up, FtP, No Mither

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Survivor: BU+FTW combo (individually fine), Background Player. No 3rd perk considered really problematic.

    Killer: Grim Embrace, Ultimate Weapon and for some controversy i actually think Coup de Grace is very problematic.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    This Is Not Happening, Stakeout, Lucky Star.

    Plaything, Lethal, Pain Res