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I think Wraith is the most insufferable killer

TheSaltySaloon Member Posts: 45
edited March 17 in General Discussions

And that’s saying something considering he’s not as overpowered as Nurse, Skull Merchant etc and there are other arguably more obnoxious killers like Wesker or trickster, but it’s something about wraith players that take him to a whole new level of insufferableness that’s simply amazing.

Wraiths know only a few things…

find one player and tunnel him off hook immediately then go on and do the same to the next survivor. BM you on hook as if they did anything clever. Or in the few instances where you literally just give up and let them down you, they’ll stare at you on the ground with the audacity in their eyes as if saying “why aren’t you playing the game?” Then leave you there as they continue for their 4K.

I have no shame in saying that unless I’m in a SWF I immediately just give up when I realize it’s a wraith.

Post edited by TheSaltySaloon on


  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,434

    Don't see a lot of problems with Wraith, to be honest.

    Wesker is the killer I hate most, even more than Ghostface who I've always disliked.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    I don't notice anything too obnoxious about Wraith players, at least not compared to Blight or even SM players.

    It probably has to do with his simplicity, though. Wraith is arguably the easiest power in the game, aside from maybe Trapper, but I think he's also pretty decent. Simple but at least kind of strong attracts all kinds of players.

  • Kaethela
    Kaethela Member Posts: 348

    Agreed. Wesker is everywhere and i hate playing against him.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,849

    I am another who actually doesn't like playing against Wesker, I think that mainly comes from the fact I got him just about every match or every second match for months after he came out to the point I started to dread hearing his music as a match began.

    I think the thing with Wraiths is they are a free killer, quite strong and relatively simple and fun to play. So they appeal to a lot of the newer players who can sometimes have a tendency to resort to more desperate tactics than more skilled/experienced players. Same with Huntress for me, I get a lot of them who proxy and hard tunnel and they often have fairly low hours in game.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    As Survivor, my only problem with Wraith is that he is boring to go againts.

    His power is simple as it can get, yet it is kinda annoying. Fast moving, offten just does split damage, runs the same loop of addons and anti-heal slowdown perks, if you drop pallet they instantly eat it and run towards you back with their add-ons.

    He is not strong, in fact he is below avarage, but he is just boring and sometimes annoying to face. Simple yet tedious to go againts.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    If you struggle looping a basic m1 I don't really understand why you dont hate pretty much all the killers? Its so easy to make a wraith lose if he's trying to tunnel 1 person.

    Hit and run Wraiths on the other hand can be a real threat

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    Wraith isn't that bad the only thing I worry about when I see Wraith is I feel like most of them run NOED for some reason.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 886

    What you're describing isn't Wraith, more the people that play him. Which is fair, he does seem to attract a lot of low skilled players with terrible attitudes.

    Some people just don't like playing against people that exude toxicity from every pore on their body. I have more fun in a match where I lose against someone with a good attitude, than when I beat someone who's throwing a tantrum.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    A lot of newbies pick Wraith hence why they sometimes get a bit stroppy when they finally catch you after being looped for 5 minutes of the game. I haven't faced one for a while mind, its usually Clowns and Legions that are obnoxious.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,955

    It because it synergizes well with his kit

    already fast killer + perk that gives him more speed and an instadown. Batteries Included is also good on him.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    That sounds like projection though. Fun is subjective and who says theyre throwing a tantrum? You might be because you view a killer going for someone multiple times in a row as toxic. Which is fair enough, thats up to you, but you can't force them to play how you want. That would get very confusing because everyone likes something else

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 886

    The easiest example would be classic Wraith from before the AFC was implemented. If you ran them for more than twenty seconds or so, they would throw the match and just stand there infront of you either smacking you on hook till you died or spamming the bell. If a player is willing to lose the match just so they can make one person's experience bad, I would consider that player to be tilted and throwing a tantrum with their subsequent actions.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 654

    Most Wraith's I see go for Ambush/Surprise attacks.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    I find Wraith gameplay super boring. I can't even play him.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,770

    The only thing I despise about Wraith is his uncloak animation is deceptive. I'll wait at a pallet for them to uncloak, they stand there for a good second and if I drop pallet they cloak, if I don't drop pallet I get hit. I still for the life of me don't understand why his uncloak is visually off like this.

    I also suppose his haste is kind of oppressive depending on the map now that lightburn is gone as well.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 702

    Really it's not the killer that's obnoxious unless it's Nurse in which case you either roll the baby Nurse who can't do anything or get utterly dominated by the broken killer who tunnels everyone off hook which I honestly don't find either fun at all. It's the person playing them.

    To be fair though Wraith does attract their fair share of terrible people who want validation through the "MERCILESS KILLER' screen as though they can't find any other purpose in life. The reason is that he is incredibly easy to play and tunnel with. He can repeat an incredibly basic cycle over and over and over which makes the game boring for everyone against them whether they win or lose because better players know how to deal with that nonsense which then leads to a bunch of very overrated Wraith players who relied on one trick which when mitigated, causes all their other short comings to be apparent.

    On the other hand Wraith can run a really funny set of addons and perks which really make him silly and fun to play. Like having the terror radius be on while cloaked and briefly off while cloaked and running perks to match. He can kick and break things really fast. The whole chase and how far he can go when coming out of stealth can be fun to play around too.

    Sadly though a significant number of Wraiths just wait near a hook, out of anti camp while invisible, wait for the stupid dumb 'tunnel me now' notification that all killers get whenever someone is unhooked, listen for the moans of pain and get their easy down and repeat. NoED if things go wrong. Gain inflated rating, repeat until grossly overrated.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    Wraiths are always tunneling and this killer makes this way too easy. They should bring back lightburn or nerf him.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    How is tunneling easy on Wraith? Isn't it easier on Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Wesker anyways? What makes Wraith better at getting kills early, he's full m1

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,911
    edited March 17

    Problem with Wraith is the same reason mid-lowbies dislike Legion or Blight. He easily catches up to you and has you any time you're in a minor dead zone; there is absolutely no hold W.

    Being OK at looping isn't enough at low level either, you need to actually have good loop and tile connection knowledge to make him work, otherwise he just runs up next to you, comes out of power, and you take a hit, or you just run pallet to pallet and hope there are enough in the map to win. Even if you get a strong and easy to chain set of tiles, there is always the chance you lose the mind game normally.

    He's not OP, but he punishes pretty minor positioning mistakes well, and is a pretty harsh skillcheck for low to mid level players... especially when they're tunnelling.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 17

    Tunneling with wraith is as easy as with nurse, spirit, blight, Wesker (maybe even easier). Just equip bambuezle and block every window and bodyblock. Then decloak in front of pallets -> pallet dropped -> cancel animation-> repeat. Then there is nothing left, you can do. Against him you run out of resources a lot faster than against mentioned killers and my wraiths have such a tunnel mentality (because of their super speed, they just instantly run back to hook).

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    I feel the same way. He's so boring and they all tend to play the same way.

    He is quite annoying too, and I can always hear it coming a mile away with its gurgling sounds or whatever haha.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,849

    I have to add, I think the worst Wraith is the 'hit and run' Sloppy Butcher Wraith.

    One of the most tedious things to go against imo

  • PinkSparklePuff
    PinkSparklePuff Member Posts: 4

    I think the really frustrating part about Wraith is that his entire playstyle and power feels like it’s basically telling the players “no.”

    Let’s say a player has started a match and they hop on a generator with the expectation that they will be facing a Wesker for the 47th time in the past hour and a half. They’re conditioned to keep their eyes and ears out, but in Wraith’s case, it’s probably too late to act appropriately when they hear his grunting or the sound of the bell. So in this case the Wraith has told the player “no, you don’t get to hear me coming, but you can hear me play my bell in celebration of your humiliation.”

    Let’s now say the player had a window next to the gen they were working on, it’s possible the Wraith body blocked it and has now told the player “no, you don’t get to vault through the window,” or perhaps they bodyblock a nearby pallet for a “no, you don’t get that, either.”

    Wraith has a simple, effective power and it can be very overbearing if not downright insulting if the player doesn’t have any resources, or is denied the resources, to deal with it. And then they have to listen to the stupid bell which is just further insult to injury. When I get downed by any number of Killers it’s usually acceptable that yes, they played a lot better than me and earned the down. When I get downed by a Wraith it’s a “hey, no fair, you cheated and didn’t let me vault through the window,” which is a ridiculous proclamation but I’m not going to be in a rational state of mind when Wraith keeps denying my windows and pallets while playing the bell in a symphony of my misery.