Thank You BHVR

Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,828
edited March 20 in General Discussions

BHVR seems to been on a hot streak lately since they have been doing a really good job listening to community feedback.

First off; PTB to Live Servers, they listened to a lot of the PTB Feedback and made good changes. Granted I dont think Huntress needed a buff at all, I do think they addressed the more problematic aspects of the PTB (e.g. Huntress's movement speed).

Second off; The Event had a rough start but BHVR was INSANELY QUICK at listening to community feedback and reacting according. You guys also gave is compensation for the Event Offering issue AND doubled the Event BP Multiplier.

It cannot be understated how much I appreciate BHVR taking Player Feedback more seriously.

I know a lot of posts on the Forums are really doom and gloom about the game and I really wanted to show my appreciation and spread a bit of positivity.


  • OneGoodBoyDemo
    OneGoodBoyDemo Member Posts: 403

    let's hope that the last Mid-chapter of the 7th year closes with a flourish.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,879

    Nice to hear the positivity and they have been making some really good decisions and reactions from public feedback, and this has been very uplifting to experience.

    They get a lot of flack, but as a company they're doing a lot of good. I feel DBD - should it carry on as this - has a good few years in it yet.