I’m over at it this point

Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,832

You are whats wrong with solo queue if you give up on first hook at the beginning of the game, I’m so sick and tired of teammates that do this crap. I’m not trying to start a fight it’s just exhausting.


  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    I'm trying to start a fight!

    If you are giving up on the first hook and killing yourself on the hook instead of playing, you are a bad person!

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209
    edited March 2024

    This is why I do not get why people complain about swfs? I rarely if ever see dcs when its a swf, they tend to at least stick around and play games vs solo que who is most likely to give up.

    Post edited by goodfriday on
  • th3syst3m
    th3syst3m Member Posts: 394

    Or...maybe you're talking about a game that makes sense...Sounds like you're talking about playing with players that have a common goal and/or players that are playing the objective. If I ran the killer for the entire match, which has happened, but don't escape I lost. The killer gets some sense of accomplishment were they should have none and I get nothing. It makes no difference to me if 3 randoms escape or the killer gets a 4k. You can't punish a killer for tunneling most of the time, unless skill levels have a massive gap it will be effective. I would like to have your positive attitude however after 4k hours I can say there is no point to solo q. I don't expect anything from my team mates nor do I care. Complaining about solo q is just complaining about horrible game balance and matchmaking, which is on the devs. Anything a solo q player does, not work the objective, kill themself, etc is the devs fault. They could punish players for killing themself but they don't, they could punish players for not working the objective but they don't.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,832

    Problem with punishing players for giving up on hook is you can’t prove that they wanted to leave the match even though it’s pretty clear if you know what I mean.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,347

    There just shouldn't be a 4% mechanic to begin with. There are useless luck offerings/perks that can become useful. When it works survivors get random free escapes when it doesn't you're throwing the game/have the ability to leave quickly. 2nd stage skillchecks can stay because sometimes dying quick is an actual strategy.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,994

    Personally idc about proving anything. The 4% has been a stain since DBD has grown past a certain point. Its archaic and should go. Literally will solve a lot of issues right off the bat.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited March 2024

    If I use Deja Vu and hop on a crucial gen at the start of the match while other solo q survivors stay on the safer easier corner gens... Fine.

    But if you get caught and then immediately run to the cruical gens with the killer in tow, and I get pushed off the gen THREE or FOUR times just so you can save yourself... I'm going next.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 1,032

    This is why I keep saying: hook suicide SHOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE, or at least not early in the game. The instant death on failed skill checks should not exist and skill checks should only speed up your death AT BEST, not instantly kill you. They already don't kill you if you are trying to hit them anyway, they only kill people who are lagging and people who want to DC without taking a penalty. Death by skillchecks should be REMOVED as a whole.

    And the 4%, yeah, it's fun when it happens and all, but you rarely ever see it, it doesn't happen more than once every dozen matches you play. Most of the time, the mechanic only serves to allow people to give up, ruin the game for everyone and avoid the penalty. Also, people don't try to 4% at the start of the game unless they are trolling. So my suggestion is to make self-unhook atempts unavailable until there is no more than one survivor standing (standing = not hooked or in the dying state. If you are hooked, two people are slugged and another one is injured, there is one survivor standing), because that is the only time were people normally try to 4% anyway.

    "But what about perks like Wicked, Deliverance and Slippery Meat?"

    Just make it so those perks enable the "unhook yourself" action when they are active, problem solved. We already have another mechanic that let's you unhook yourself when you normally wouldn't be able to anyway (the anti-facecamp mechanic).

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,149

    I had a 3 man instantly DC against a Singularity once. Lucky for me the Singu was chill. He killed all the bots and let me do the last gen and I got the Left 4 Dead achievement. What a legend.

    But yeah, in my experience if one member of a SWF DC's then they all DC.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    I must be quite fortunate because I just don’t run into these early game survivor-giving-up-on-hook scenarios everyone talks about. The only time I see survivors die early game is when they’re tunneled out. Ask me how often that happens.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602
    edited March 2024

    The best is when teammates seem to lack object permanence or have their game muted. They get hooked, watch the killer walk off, get unhooked, hear the killer coming back, and run in the direction the killer just went 20 seconds ago. Like....run literally any other direction on this 3 dimensional plane.

    SBMM isn't just bad. It seemingly fails to distinguish between sentient and non-sentient beings.

  • TWS001
    TWS001 Member Posts: 342

    This is the reason solo queue can be an absolute train wreck. I've lost count of the number of games I've been hooked first or even two hooked before anyone else has one and ended up escaping the trial.

    Some people literally kill themselves over anything, however stupid. A couple of months ended up loading in with the same survivor in three games over the course of a few hours. All three games he killed himself within one minute. Different killer, different map each time. Why even bother playing the game at that point?

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 707

    This is the bane of SoloQ gaming. The moment I see a team mate does that I just stop taking that particular match seriously.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    It's troublesome that a SoloQ's worst enemy isn't the killer, but these types of people.

    There are so many excuses trying to justify this - such as "I'm gonna get tunnelled anyway, so why bother" - but from experience this is less common than it is to be believed.

    One thing I believe is that the excuses vastly exaggerate what actually happens. In trials where I've been hooked first, the large majority of them do not have tunnelling afterwards. Even times when I thought I might be, upon reflection it's because I made a bad play, or was unhooked right in front of them, so of course the killer will take advantage. It's rare I'm actually tunnelled. It happens and does suck when it does, but it's often blown out of proportion.

    Also, multiple times I've been hooked first and still escaped. In a recent trial I was hooked twice before anyone else and still escaped! People need to start looking at themselves and not blaming the world for it.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    No, the REAL problem for SoloQ is threefold.

    1) The developers refuse to meaningfully balance the game. Whether it's the discrepancy between killer lethality or map design, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason behind the decisions that they make, resulting in a playing field that is heavily skewed towards one side for the overwhelming majority of instances.

    2) The developers refuse to meaningfully improve matchmaking. SoloQ is very often a skill issue. You get the 8k hour Blight main that plays like his life depends on securing 4k, against some random Claudette with 800 hours in the game doing totems for an archive. SBMM has been in the game for years, yet the match quality has been going down steadily with no improvements whatsoever.

    3) The developers refuse to meaningfully combat cheaters. Every 3 months or so, they patch a vulnerability and ban a couple thousand cheating accounts. It takes the hackers about 4-8 hours to find a workaround and for the people buying the cheats a couple of more hours to get around the account/hardware ban.

    The option to just Go Next is literally the only thing keeping the playerbase at a high enough level where it's monetarily worth it to keep the game alive.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 679

    Other survivors are undoubtedly the biggest problem with solo q, much more problematic than any killers or meta perk in the game.

    I've lost count the amount of times people suicide on first hook because they don't like facing certain killers or they don't get rescued within 5 secs of being hooked. A bigger problem is people just not doing gens. It's so disappointing when you take first chase/hook to look at your HUD and see people doing nothing when you've ran the killer for like 1 min.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    If there were only people like you, the SM kill rate would never reach 70% in the first place. Too often I see survivors strangling themselves and lamenting that the killer will kill them. They are busy shifting the blame for causing so much trouble to their allies. The proof of that can be seen all over this forum.