Anti tunnel used offensively

Blueberry Member Posts: 12,907
edited March 29 in Polls

So the base kit anti tunnel mechanic was implemented to of course aid the person being unhooked from being tunneled.

My question here is, how often in your games as killer is the anti tunnel feature used offensively to body block for the unhooker instead of its intended purpose?

I ask this because I feel like the mechanic is abused in this way extremely often instead of its intended role and wanting to see what others are experiencing. I almost always try to go for the unhooker instead and it is very common for the unhooked to intentionally try to body block me and take a hit for the unhooker.

This is why I'd personally prefer a zero collision feature with the anti tunnel since it's not abusable in this way and they couldn't body block me. If its purpose is supposed to be anti tunnel then let's keep it that way, not another chase extender.

Anti tunnel used offensively 35 votes

Almost never
Nos37mizark3 2 votes
FlopiyutiopGeneralVSadLegionGuiltiiLeFennecFoxsizzlingmario4Archol123CypheriusRaconteurminatorTheSingularityBlightedTrapperTyler3moputopia 13 votes
Quite often
GibberishOnryosTapeRentalsYunamoiJustAShadowViktor1853fussy[Deleted User]duyguKatsuhxPqnyunYharwickTrapShadowHypersKngBlightAbuser 14 votes
Very, very often
BlueberryDimekbjorksnasStarrseedHexonthebeachMrRetsej 6 votes
