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Anubis and/or a Werewolf as Potential Killers?

Hobolobo27 Member Posts: 26
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

Here are some of my serious suggestions for two new killers, their powers, and maps:

Anubis, or The God, would be featured with a pyramid or excavation site map in Egypt and instead of fog, there's sandstorms. He would have a golden scepter of sorts for his main weapon and his power would allow him to remotely control and place mummified cats around the map that show the positions of survivors when they are near the cats themselves. Basically, he can place remote-control sentry cameras anywhere around the map in the form of mummified cats. Anubis would then be able to temporarily make his physical form completely disappear so that he can see what the cats see and move them around but, he would not be able to do anything to the survivors until he manifests himself again which would take maybe two or three seconds to perform. The cats would also be super low the ground and have tunnel vision similar to the Wraith when he is cloaked. The cats remain stationary until possessed by Anubis again.

Werewolf, or The Beast, on a map of the backstreets to a Victorian era city or small village surrounded by woods. His main weapon would be his claws and his power would be his nose which allows him to follow the scent of survivors he has hit at least once. The more he hits a specific survivor, the stronger the aura of the scent in the air becomes to that particular survivor. Each scent aura would have 4 different colors to it so the werewolf can distinguish which survivor is which. To balance this out, he would be slower while sniffing out scents than he would be when he isn't using his power. Very similar to Myers when he's stalking but without the potential to insta-down survivors when he reaches tier 3. I think a bi-pedal werewolf similar in design to the ones seen in movies like Van Helsing or Underworld would be much more preferred than a design like the Wolf Man from the 1930's.

I don't have any ideas for potential perks they may have but I would think they should both have at least one Hex perk since the mythologies surrounding both of them usually involve curses of some sort.