Should Mouse + Keyboard support be allowed on console?

chokingbones Member Posts: 1
edited April 8 in Polls

This is my personal take:

  • There is cross play already in the game, I don't see how this would cause an imbalance in the game. (Games like Apex, R6 etc, impose heavy restrictions on it's usage, mainly due to the fact that the games don't feature cross play.)

  • HOWEVER, console players could use this to their advantage by disabling cross play, and using mouse + keyboard, so what I'd suggest, is this:

"Disable the feature to disable cross play, if it detects a keyboard/mouse is being used, this obviously would prevent players from abusing this ability"

Dead by Daylight isn't known to be a "competitive" game by any means, but allowing cross play between all devices (even including Nintendo Switch players) COULD cause a "unfairness" value to players on a less fortunate setup.

This can easily be determined from how a survivor/killer plays :

  • Console killers tend to get stuck between objects while looping a killer.
  • Inability to do game mechanics, especially on less experienced players.
  • Limited functionality when analyzing the killers movements (such as looking back)

Statistics wise:

The ratio of PC/Console players are quite equal (I get at LEAST 1 PC player, and 1 Console player in every lobby, and more often then not, the killer often plays on PC)

Another thing to note is that there are players who accidentally toggle an action they didn't mean to do.

  • This is very common when I'm playing on console, even setting different key binds doesn't help, as the game registers some mechanics into one.

  • Sensitivity options on survivor and killer are also very robust:
  • Console survivors and killers have to turn up their sensitivity, but this also toggles on the killer's ability, and the survivors item usage (such as Nurse's blink, or survivor flashlights), causing a very janky feeling when performing said actions.

One of the main arguments about this feature, is that:

"it'd be easier to just get a PC, if you're playing mouse/keyboard on console"

This can easily be put down into the same problems, such as financial issues, easier accessibility, comfortability, ETC.

All this being said, if this is a mechanic that COULD function (with no issues) AND be added onto the Xbox S/X and PS5/4 versions of the game, it will definitely give us console players our shine once again.

Thank you for reading - chokingbones

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