How often do you actually play your main?

This is primarily a question for killers, but I feel like it definitely applies to survivor too.
I feel like most in the community tend to latch onto a specific character and build much of their persona/discussions around them, so I was wondering, how often do you deviate from that character?
As killer, I honestly can't really say I have a main at all anymore. I've been playing Chucky the most as of late because he's so much fun, but I still wouldn't say I play him more than 10% of the time. I usually play Stealth killers, but I like switching it up to some of the chase centric or weird ones too. As weird as it is to say, I kinda love the Sadako rework and all the different aspects of her kit.
As survivor, I think I'll stick to Nicholas Cage just cause he's funny, but Jill and Bill are pretty frequent sub-ins because I like their games.
So, who's your main and how often do you actually pick them to play?
My main is Michael and I play him all the time. The only times I don't use him on killer is for killer specific dailies and tome challenges.
I have never grown bored of him because he's fun and very versatile with builds and play styles. Plus I just love the feeling of being Michael Myers.
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I was a Pyramid Head main once, and then i took a Xenomorph to the knee.
Usually, when i play killer, i tend to almost always play Xeno until playtime's over. I can do this with Pyramid and Nemesis also since they are my 3 mains (but i do it more with Xeno because it's recent and i've been playing the two others alot in the past comparativly, i also think Xeno, gameplay wise is the deepest and most interesting out of the 3).
Rarely, i launch the game and plays different killers like Hunk, Sadako, Trapper, Singularity or Dredge but most of the time, i only play my 3 boyos.
I also don't really mix it, i will usually play the same character for my entire playtime then switch of when i play again the next day/week. So it's the "pyramid day" or the "nemesis day" ect.
The thing i switch off consistently tho is perks. I change build every game.
Also, my behaviour will change from time to time. I can play super chill for a day, ignoring everything then get sent to a map 3 times in a row and be ruthless the very next day.
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My main is Hillbilly and though I love him to bits, there are times when I just can't stand playing him. Mostly when I've played him a bit too much. Usually this only takes a few days to a week though. Currently, I'm playing a lot of different killers. Freddy, Huntress, Slinger, Doctor, Trapper, Bubba, Clown, Plague, Nemesis and Wraith are all in my rotation.
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My main is Freddy and I play him almost all the time. The only other killer that I also really enjoy playing is Knight, though I don't play him nearly as much as I play Freddy.
Freddy has been my favorite killer ever since I first started playing DBD, all the way back in 2018. Nothing will ever change that.
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Typically I start playing a different killer for a few weeks and play them non-stop until I get bored or frustrated with them then go back to exclusively playing Ghostface or Legion for awhile.
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I play all of my main at least once per session, i get bored easily so i have 5 mains to alternate bettween : huntress, nurse, oni, billy and doctor …
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This can apply to survivors as well. I'm a gen jockey at heart and it does carry over to the survivor who I love to play as. Gabriel fits that. Whenever I want to be an altruistic and chase oriented player, I tend to switch it up to my 2nd main, david. I believe this phenomenon definitely happens more on survivor side than killer. Although survivors are just skins, players can express themselves even more as survivors based on their playstyle, cosmetics, actions towards their teammates including killers.
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My mains are people i do the best with or have the most fun with. I play piggy for fun daily and slinger once a week for the entire day. Pig is like my go to killer because i don't have to think to hard when using her and she pretty underrated. Slinger always requires warm up games and overall u gotta focus way more using him. Slinger stupidly strong in the 1v1 and i love being able to go for 12 hooks every game.
As survivor i mainly play jeff and meg. Sometimes i like pre drop every pallets and really embody the meg head stereotype
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For me, I mostly play my mains—Knight and Unknown—when I'm not immediately compelled to play anyone else. I gravitate to them a lot but I don't play them anywhere near exclusively, most of my playtime is spent bobbing between killers.
On survivor I'm a lot more rigid. I play Cheryl, Nic Cage, and sometimes RE survivors, but mostly Cheryl.
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My main killer was Nurse and I pretty much never play her as I feel cringe and tacky.
I don't really have a main survivor but I am partial to Meg, so if I had to say I had a main it would be Meg.
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Puh, good question, the last time was probably like 3-4 years ago or more. 😋
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I main blight but recently I'm more of a wesker/oni player.
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I certainly can't stop playing Artist. Her anti-looping abilities aside, she is such an aesthetically and narratively appealing Killer that I genuinely enjoy playing her. I like Spirit and Xeno too, but without my therapy crows, I remember why I hate humanity so I end up switching to Artist anyways.
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I play Huntress 90% of the time but sometimes I just have to take a break. There are way too many maps that guy her power like indoor maps / maps with an insane amount of clutter. Maps with an insane amount of high wall loops or super small high rock loops where you are forced to M1. So sometimes I just switch to Trickster/ Artist/ PP head since they aren’t as punished for using there powers or the maps they get.
Post edited by HexHuntressThighs on0 -
For Killer, I play a wide range mostly. Legion is my main and probably my most played overall but I go through phases of other killers I play. It's a lot of Trickster at the moment.
For Survivor I've been playing exclusively Sable since she dropped.