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Designing the most meta Loadout for all my survivor mains.

It has come to my attention that many survivors have been dealing with issues when it comes to surviving the trial, and after spending countless years of meditation and self inspection, I have finaly arrived at an objective opinion on what perks are the best. And you can't say I'm wrong because opinions can't be wrong, you entitled survivor main >:(

So, for starters, get thyself that Adrenaline. I mean, it's clearly overpowered, the killer now has to hit you another time to down you before he can camp to secure his kill, and we are at the end game, we all know there's more pallets than at the start if the game.
B-but, what if he has NOED? Now, my friend, is when you pull out your TRAP CARD, Small Game! The killer is salivating, waiting for the second the last generator pops, and he can get that orgasmic hit on you. But nothing gives anyone more blueballs than seeing it not activating because some cheeky breeky has already gone and got rid of every totem. Alright, adrenaline activating while on the killer's shoulders may be a similar feeling.
Next, Self Care. Is it a bigger detriment to your team than if you hadn't wasted 40 seconds healing? Who cares!? We all know you can't handle being injured, you have no way of defending yourself while injured! This perk is clearly overpowered and needs more nerfs. 
Now, Unbreakable, Deliverance and the dreaded Decisive Strike. Killers hate anything that puts itself between them and having you stabbed by giant spider arms, so why not have 3? 
"But killers hate this, and I'll get facecamped for it!", I hear you say. Then worry no more, child. Introducing Borrowed Time! Killer facecamping you after you used so many second chances that he's on the verge of tears? Bring out that Borrowed Time, and as he raises his arm to swing his big machete, a smug expression fills your face, as when the hit finally lands, you and your Bill friend dash towards towards the exit gates, leaving behind a tearful killer. But who cares about killers, he was probably running NOED and BBQ anyways.

(This was one big shitpost, if you didn't notice"


  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    My meta solo build is: kindred, bond, open handed, small game. If you got a build made around information you can deal with everything else with skills. Screw DS, SB, etc..
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Vietfox said:
    My meta solo build is: kindred, bond, open handed, small game. If you got a build made around information you can deal with everything else with skills. Screw DS, SB, etc..

    Thats actually not a bad idea. I personally love running bond. It lets me see what is going on around me with other survivors and if they need help.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Vietfox said:
    My meta solo build is: kindred, bond, open handed, small game. If you got a build made around information you can deal with everything else with skills. Screw DS, SB, etc..

    Thats actually not a bad idea. I personally love running bond. It lets me see what is going on around me with other survivors and if they need help.

    Try it out, at least kindred, bond and open handed. My 4th one is small game cause randoms dont care about noed. Way better than the typical meta build.
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Vietfox said:
    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Vietfox said:


    My meta solo build is: kindred, bond, open handed, small game. If you got a build made around information you can deal with everything else with skills. Screw DS, SB, etc..

    Thats actually not a bad idea. I personally love running bond. It lets me see what is going on around me with other survivors and if they need help.

    Try it out, at least kindred, bond and open handed. My 4th one is small game cause randoms dont care about noed. Way better than the typical meta build.

    I wish i got survivors like you in more of my games both as killer and survivor. The meta gets stale really fast. Mixing up your build and play style is actually not half bad. Adds some variety to the gameplay for both sides.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552
    edited January 2019

    Self care is meta but definitely not a really good perk if you ask me.

    Especially killer mains will disagree with me and I can see why but just look at the survivors who are good at the game and see how many of them use self care. Good survivor streamers like zubat, jen pug etc. don't even touch self care. I specifically control my good teammates what their loadout is and 60%-80% of them don't have self care.

    I think self care is the same with hex ruin. Not necessarily a great perk but I think their users think that they need that perk over any other (I, for one, need ruin for my killers)

    I think that for good survivors best loadout is adrenaline, dead hard or balanced landing, decisive strike and hope.

    Edit, also I noticed the shitpost but I am just trying to make a point LUL

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Vietfox said:
    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Vietfox said:


    My meta solo build is: kindred, bond, open handed, small game. If you got a build made around information you can deal with everything else with skills. Screw DS, SB, etc..

    Thats actually not a bad idea. I personally love running bond. It lets me see what is going on around me with other survivors and if they need help.

    Try it out, at least kindred, bond and open handed. My 4th one is small game cause randoms dont care about noed. Way better than the typical meta build.

    I wish i got survivors like you in more of my games both as killer and survivor. The meta gets stale really fast. Mixing up your build and play style is actually not half bad. Adds some variety to the gameplay for both sides.

    Thank you ^^
    Information is way more powerful than anything else, somehow some survivors keep running the same """"meta""" build
  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636

    I run my survivors with their 3 perks plus a complimentary 4th. The reason being they have no power to differentiate them so their perks are their power so to speak. It allows for different playstyles instead of being just a different cosmetic.