Bot Doc Mystery Solved


ok I just recently started playing maybe 2 months ago. But the mystery of the Bot doc has plagued me at the start. I figured the bot was for SBMM but I knew my rank was low as I had just started so if that was the bots goal to lower their ranking they had achieved that. then I got hooked (no pun but haha) on the game and while I dont say I am the best I know my ranking has changed yet I see this doctor bot on average twice a day. the question ate at me until today when I was matched with him and then had to change a diaper, I had to do the full works, complete layer of cream and bunches of huggies kissies. I am most certain I actually lost the bot game and died too timeout but thats fine.

As I came back to see my fate the bot doctor actually spoke. he said GG!! Have a great day!! Hope you got many points into your tome or daily quest and lots of bloodpoints!!

He's just doing the Lords work folks