Nightmares of Fear: Unsolved Files Chapter (Not complete)

RyanTheNCR Member Posts: 62

Gender: Male
Role: Curious Reporter
Origin: American

Description: Vincent Darke was a curious reporter, in the verge of discovering the paranormals of evil.
His personal perks, Flash Beacon, Close Shave, and Invocation: Moon Wolves, allows him to interrupt locker searches, avoid attacks while vaulting, and grants survivors additional chances before being sacrificed.

Flash Beacon

After repairing Generator for a total of 70/60/50%, Flash Beacon activates:
Press the Active Ability button while near an empty Locker to install a Trap, which stays active for 100/110/120 seconds.
When the killer searches the trapped locker, its trap explodes when the doors open, stunning and blinding the killer in the process.

Flash Beacon deactivates after triggering successfully or once the timer runs out.
The Auras of Trapped Lockers are revealed to all Survivors in yellow.

(Note: In this early debut, this perk never saves a survivor when being caught by the killer inside the locker. This needs some adjustments in the future.)

Close Shave

When injured, preform a Fast vault on a window or a pallet to avoid any damage.
If the killer successfully hits you with a basic attack while fast vaulting, damage will be avoided and you'll suffer the exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
Close Shave cannot be used when Exhausted.

(Note: You'll receive the audio cue when damage was avoided.)

Invocation: Moon Wolves

When in the Basement near the circle, press the Ability button to begin the Invocation, which takes 120 seconds to complete.
During an Invocation, your Aura is revealed to all other Survivors and they can join in, accelerating the process by +100 %, if they too have an Invocation Perk equipped, or by +50%, if they have not.

Once the Invocation is completed, the following effects apply:

  • All survivors who was already had at least one hook instance will have a single instance removed.
  • Affected survivors will have an increased timer of 10/15/20 seconds if next time they were hooked, and then deactivates.
  • You automatically enter the Injured State and suffer from the Broken Status Effect for the remainder of the Trial.

Invocation: Moon Wolves does not affect survivors who were already killed or sacrificed.

Completing an Invocation disables all Invocation Perks for the remainder of the Trial for all Survivors.

Gender: Female
Role: Forensic scientist
Origin: American

Description: Linda Hall was a forensic scientist, investigating mysterious cases using science.
Her personal Perks, Keen Analysis, Magnifying Eye, and Teamwork: Bond Assistance, to detect the killer's location, creating easier skill checks and helps allies to escape efficently.

Keen Analysis

After you have cleansed or blessed a totem, the killer's aura will be revealed to you for 9/12/15 seconds.

Magnifying Eye

When healthy, you'll gain the following:

Reduces the skill check's rotation speed by -10/20/30% on healing and repair actions.

  • Great Skill checks will appear in centres of the skill check radius.

Increaes the Success zone of Great Skill Checks by 10%.

Magnifying Eye will deactivate when injured.

(Note: This perk will clash with Hyperfocus.)

Teamwork: Bonded Assistance

Whenever you finish healing another Survivor, Teamwork: Bonded Assistance activates, and both you and the healed Survivor benefit from the following effect:

All generators and Exit Gate switches' auras will be revealed for as long as you stay within 12 metres of one another or one of you loses a Health State.

Teamwork: Bonded Assistance has a cool-down of 180/160/140 seconds.

Survivors can only be affected by one instance of Teamwork: Bonded Assistance at a time.