Way Too Many Unfun Killers To Play Against

kosaba11 Member Posts: 119

It's been said, time and again, but a lot of these killers are just unfun to play against, either because their basic design is overpowered, or perks from other killers make them overpowered. For me, personally, I hate, with a burning passion, playing against Twins, Wraith, Deathslinger, Freddy, Doctor, Blight, Dredge, and Chucky. They are so unbelievably unfun to play against.

That's not to say there aren't killers I've never won against that I don't hate facing - like Oni. I can't seem to survive against him, but he's not particularly unfun for me. And Ghostface, the only killer that has actually jumpscared me. Hardly survive against him, but he's not particularly unfun.

Now, I'm not saying they should be nerfed - though I do think some are over tuned and should be looked at, despite what the community feels. Like Wraith. I know he's considered weak by the community, but he's really not.

Anyway, I made this to ask the community which killers ya'll absolutely hate playing against.


  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820

    I dislike playing against Nurse, Blight, and oddly enough, Plague.

    Nurse and Blight are pretty self explanatory, there's just not a lot you can do in some situations. Although I recently had a fantastic game vs Nurse with a friend and two god gamer randos where I was able to get about a minute and a half chase against her in endgame. That was cool.

    Plague is a little different, as it just always feels like you're on the backfoot against her. Vomit is incredibly easy to inflict and will eventually result in getting injured, and on top of that she gets the best ranged power in the game for a limited amount of time. It just feels like she has a B tier slowdown/permainjure power on top of an A tier Ranged power. I think this is mostly a me thing though, as I can't find many other players with the same issue.

  • Feetusgod9
    Feetusgod9 Member Posts: 20

    to me, as a killer main, I hate playing against all killers because I know it is gonna take me a while to learn how to deal with the vast open sea of killers. All of what I just said is completely untrue when I play with people on comms.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    Unfortunately there's a lot of uninteractivity in this game. Killer and map designs create situations that so heavily favor one side it's boring.

    rant: It's unreasonable for most gamers and especially dbd players to be asked to look into blight and get to the point he's exceptionally fun to play again(in the 1/10 chance he's not running pop/PR and going back to every hook LOL). Going against blights who just play for chase and reading their available bump logic, factoring in potential plutos(although that might be gone next patch for 0 reason) and playing around that is the highest level of chase possible for BOTH sides.

    Many low tier killers suck to play against and honestly there are few in the general A tier that feel bad to play against, It's pretty much just spirit, chucky and xeno(although xeno might not be considered that strong anymore).

  • Feetusgod9
    Feetusgod9 Member Posts: 20

    has anyone ever had the unfortunate circumstance where you are queued against a good player who is playing your killer main? I always find myself losing against Xenomorphs and singularities on the very off chance that I get one (Dammit people, use killers other than bubba, billy, nurse, and blight, PLEASE!) btw I am a Xeno, singularity, and unknown main yet I hate playing against them, why is this?

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 632

    As you can guess my Survivor experience isn't usually one that's fun most of the time, especially since for whatever reason I almost never come across Billy, Blight, and Oni.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,368

    Blight and slinger very fun. Infact most killers are even fun or i can respect the skill it take to use them. slinger, huntress, unknown hitting crazy shots how can i be mad? wesker, demo, billy, power accelerate them in one direction giving u room to dodge sound like lovely time. ArielAriel deniers who force u to leave the loop or get injure like knight, skull merchant, artist.... i don't like going up against that type of thing but intertwining Loops can at least stall them. The killers i dislike are the ones with nearly no counterplay. clown a perfect example! Endless bottles so he's nearly invigorated the whole chase, while keeping u slow... forcing u to pre drop nearly everything. Terrible design in my opinion! u can't even get around most loops more than once most of the time. You don't have to even be accurate with his bottles at all.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,920
    edited April 2024

    Yeah I agree with that! Clown isn’t even good but he just feels boring and annoying to play against because there’s nothing else to do but pre-drop and hold w.

    Freddy is another killer that I don’t like playing against because he’s just so uninteractive. He’s got next to no power yet he’s just so boring whether awake or asleep. Which sucks because it’s Freddy Krueger!

    I don’t mind the Knight too much so long as they don’t just drop a guard in a loop you can’t run away from. It’s kind of fun when they aim to play more strategic or when you manage to avoid the Knight and the guard. Sadly the drop guard and run strat is the best way to play him :(

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Cenobite is my least enjoyed to face because his hooks makes the game become frustrating. I don't think any other killer causes as much frustration in my than Pinhead.

    Legion, Blight and Plague also can be very dull, but probably not due to design but the predictability of the build and playstyle. Those I do find boring, but they are moreso boring depending on who is playing them.

    Out of all of them, the one killer I'd say is unfun to face by design alone is the Cenobite. Others can vary, dependig on the gamer behind them.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,660

    Its not.

    Playing him the strategic way you described to perfection is stronger in my opinion and from what ive experienced. A good Knight can basicly stop gen progress when one survivor is hooked.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 444

    I certainly feel that way about Blight currently, the last three Blights I've played against were terrible with their map presence/gen pressure and were either tunnelling arseholes or back-to-hook Andies. They were also easily the easiest Blights I've ever been able to spin and that's saying something cause I'm bad at playing against Blight or maybe I'm getting better, I can't tell, lmao. All of them had been running some form of NoEd+Devour+NWO+Surge/Pop/Pain Res/Overcharge/Lethal, on top of using some of the Add-Ons that help with him missing his rushes and recovering faster from missed swings. All in an attempt to make up for their poor map control, on top of them tunnelling to force value out of Devour, but w/e it works for them right so therefore it must be good and is "balanced".

    Sorry, I don't mean to sound salty, and I have massive respect for people who play Blight in unscummy ways. But when you see it a few times in a row, you begin to really really hate Blight or at least some of the people who play him.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 444

    Yep, I'm not a fan of Guarting (guard farting) its just so boring and lame and the fact that so many Knights will just drop a guard at hooked survivors then proxycamp hoping to go in for a "cheeky" 1+2 trade because its "easy/free" is just gross, lazy and boring.

    Like Knights, really good ones who know how to play chess with him are engaging and fun, they're so fun to outplay and you feel rewarded for outplaying him or being outplayed by him.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,368
    edited April 2024

    Freddy just so dull to go against 🤣🤣. knight not bad! i just don't like being force to run from every loop with no other options. The knight can be super interesting! especially when he don't have line of sight on you. Every once in while u get the right set up with the right line of sight blockage to be able to misdirect the knight. For example in most main building there some furniture, structure, or random object u can loop on inside. knight put a guard on you, you run inside main, big brain 4d chess knight go around for the classic pincer maneuver. Obviously he can't see u around these big buildings so he relying on the guard to tell what direction your going. As the guard chase u loop around a near by structure inside. Allowing u a chance to change the direction before reaching the knight so u don't run into him (possibly even returning to the orginal position for the flag).

  • arcaneGospel
    arcaneGospel Member Posts: 258

    I think the analysis of these killers as overpowered is flawed, though I think the statement makes much more sense if read with the word uninteractive in its place. I mean, you can't say Freddy—a man without a power—and Dredge—a thing without a power on several maps—are overpowered. But not interesting, you could definitely say.

    And to that, I think some of these are issues of not playing against them with the right idea—Twins require a more big-picture thought process for counterplay, they are entirely macro-focused after all, or Deathslinger, who largely requires some element of preemptive evasion as opposed to basing it on reaction when he begins to aim—but for killers like Wraith and Doctor, yeah, some of these dudes are lame. I've never liked facing Doc or Wraith, not helped by Wraith players being categorically obnoxious. I also, frankly, despise Spirit, because her only point of interaction is whether or not you can hear her, which is called an accessibility issue, and she's busted as hell to boot.

    Something about Trapper bothers me, but I think that's a personal issue. Huntress is extremely agitating to me, because she kind of just, wins vault situations outright if you aren't over it before she even starts to have it in line of sight.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    I find it odd how many people don't like Dredge. I main him and I like vsing him. I like vsing Unknown. I also like Singularity, but I think he suffers from the same issue as Xeno and Pinhead where if your team isn't interacting with the killers power at all (singularity's wands/xenos turrets/Pinheads box) they're really strong/annoying to vs. You can't stop mid chase and plop a turret or pick up a wand or stop the box. You have to rely on your team to help you and if they don't, chases tend to end quickly.

    I think I dislike Legion and Clown the most currently. I don't want to not like any killer, but there's certain small things I personally dislike about many of them. I can even like vsing a killer, but not like when they do certain things.

    I love vsing Bubba even though he's an insta downer. It's fun to loop him even if you lose. It's *not* fun to vs a Bubba that just wants to camp and has no intention of letting you get an iota away from unhook IF you can even get unhooked. They often are able to even down the rescuer and redown the unhooked in the same sweep. Although this isn't something only Bubba is capable of, it's made a lot easier for him with his power.

    I don't mind vsing Pinhead, but he's annoying as all get out on console where everything is the same button and you're getting hit by 50 chains even without the addons that create more chains on environment break, etc.

    I don't mind huntress, but dead by hit box doesn't feel great. You'll be physically around a corner and go down because your butt was peeking, I guess.

    I'm not a big fan of anything that hinders movement. Clown and Freddy in particular, but when you DO see Freddy they usually use fake pallets (which can also be a little annoying).

    Legion is just mend simulator and I dislike when his speed (in power) is used to block you from using the only thing that was available (wraith is also guilty of this), but that's a smaller qualm.

    Ghostface being able to tbag behind cover for half a second to reset you breaking him out constantly, yet he keeps his stalk on you and that's even if it's letting you break him out. I feel like there should be some way to reduce that and do away with the 99'd issue where you didn't even know you were because he was on a roof somewhere earlier in the match and mid chase you just go down before you even hear him go into cloak because the moment he switches he's able to mark you. There's no counterplay to that.

  • JeanGreyarea
    JeanGreyarea Member Posts: 498

    the problem with deathslinger is that he was over played because of the tome so he just got annoying quick

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 444

    I think most people just don't know how to deal with Wraith's cloaking and his speed, not to mention his lunge is incredibly large coming out of his cloak, which can help him gain ground and hit a swing he otherwise would have missed. On top of that, Wraith seems to attract a crowd of players that just get super salty, win or loose they just play with anger in their hearts.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    The idea of losing vs a character you main in any game doesn't feel too good(unless mirrors are allowed). Also your mains aren't exactly fun to play against in general.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    I don't blame you for disliking blight because of it's players, it's why I dislike hillbilly now. They just run the meta and more importantly go back to every single unhook, with hillbilly it does feel worse for me since he can just get a free insta down if he has awareness on game state. I went against a nurse who went back to every single unhook last week and was just bored, she wasn't technically tunneling but the game was actually more boring and uninteractive than if she did.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    It is interesting that your "Unfun" list consists of both old and new killers. I generally dislike the new(er) killers because they have really gone crazy giving these more recent killers just a ridiculous amount of basekit. When this game started survivors were just like skins, all the same for the most part. And the killers had one special ability that set them apart from each other. Trapper has traps, Wraith could cloak, Billy has zoomy chainsaw, Nurse has blink, Etc. Then they started coming out with killers where it takes 7 paragraphs to explain all the things they get before we even talk about perks. No one killer should have speed boost, AOE, teleport, aura.

    I think that if killers are going to start having 4,5,6 basekit abilities survivors should either get one special ability each that makes who you play strategic, or an extra perk slot. Because the divide between abilities is getting ridiculous.

    I also think it isn't most killers that are unfun, it is a large swath of players that are. Any player can run back to every hook, tunnel people out of a match, slug everyone (although this should not be a thing, Devs could fix this) ect. Just like any survivor can be flashlight clicky, point out their team mates to killers, fast vault and sand bag. I just have the most fun when people play with integrity and those matches are like unicorns, hard to find but they remind me why I love this game and keep me coming back.

    Least favorite killers (in order): LEGION, Skull Merchant, Full Aura Huntress (specifically this build)

    Like the most (In order): Trapper, Doctor, Singualrity

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    I'll take anything but Huntress and Wraith. Unknown is getting there.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 444
    edited April 2024

    Oh agree, killer strategies are just boring af at the moment either due to meta or because people can't be more creative or are try-harding for no reason. Like I'm not saying don't play to win, do that, play to win, but at least use your brain a little. There's more to the game than just soft/smart tunnelling out one survivor, patrolling/guarding a 3-gen and then just chasing survivors away from said 3-gen.

    Play more than Devour Blight, SM/Perma Tier 3 Myers, Gen guard Insidious Slinger, Caitlyn 3-genner, proxy camp Huntress or Impossible Skillcheck Doctor (NGL, I do find Impossible Skillcheck Doctor super fun, but it does become stale after a while). Please do more than just run back to every hook once you get an unhook notification or chase survivors away from a 3-gen, only to not engage with survivors after chasing them. Stop being so boring.

    ETA: To add onto this, as I also play Killer a lot too. Survivor stratrtegies are getting just as boring, but I whine less about that because what else is there for them to do? Unless they're doing a daily or a tome challenge, all they can really do is just complete generators. I'm not advocating for survivor snot to play to win either, but I would be a hypocrit to admit that even Surviors have boring gameplay as well. Just pick meta perks, hold W on a gen, press the skillcheck and pan the camera around, occasionally take chase. Then is you're feeling liek a sore winner, TBag the killer at exit gate, because the killer playing more casually or not running meta is worthy of being "shat" on.

    Post edited by BrightWolf on
  • Kaethela
    Kaethela Member Posts: 352

    Blight, Billy, and Knight are the three killers I will strongly consider just going next against. They are always miserable. Blight always runs the strongest add-ons, Billy always runs lo-pro, and Knight always does the tired guard strat that makes it impossible to do anything. I'll take a Skull Merchant over those three any day.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267
    edited April 2024

    "Fun" is so subjective and while I may not love all of these killers you listed, to me many of these either don't bother me or are kinda fun.

    I personally despise Trickster, Twins, Knight, SM and Chucky with Plague and Pinhead being annoying but just bearable.

    If I could possibly dodge these killers and wait an extra 10 minutes in queue I would do so but I cant objectively say they are 'unfun' (okay maybe SM and Knight are) as these are just my personal opinions.

  • canonjack001
    canonjack001 Applicant Posts: 67

    Don't talk about fun or unfun if you are judging them by strength

    If you feel Twins, Deathslinger and Chucky are op, then you are too weak actually.

  • THE_Crazy_Hyena
    THE_Crazy_Hyena Member Posts: 376

    On the topic of fun, I find Scratched Mirror Myers being one of the most fun killer builds to both play and verse. I genuinely wish that BHVR went back to the more scary roots of DBD, and brought some genuine tension back into the game.

    Jumpscares are incredibly fun.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I don't really think any killer is "unfun". Its such a subjective concept.

    I don't like twins because they have a power that kinda sucks in general.

    I also don't like trickster but that's because I think he's ridiculous and in no way find it scary or interesting to play or play against him.

    But "unfun" eh its a poor way to describe it.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    I would definitely appreciate more scare focused game play than the looping game it turned into.

    That being said, as much as I like Myers and I do like Myers, I find SM Myers quite tedious to verse after going against it countless times over the years. But I would still take that over a single Knight, Trickster, SM or basement Trapper/Hag game

    Hopefully they do introduce more scary modes into the game though, I could very much be behind that

  • kosaba11
    kosaba11 Member Posts: 119

    When I talk about fun or unfun, I'm talking about whether I have fun or not when I face them - whether that's because of the base kit of the killer themselves or the many ways you can make them OP is redundant. Like, did you read my post, my guy? I have yet to have a fun match against any of the killers I listed. Whether that's due to the strength of the killer, or because I'm unlucky and keep getting put with sweaty players - I dunno. All I know is, personally (key word, buddy) I don't like facing those killers.

    And, again, if you read my post, you'd know that I actually tend to have fun against killers I almost never win against - like Oni and Ghostface.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 444

    Jumpscare Myers is fun, but it quickly becomes stale when every Myer's you face after the first two are perma tier-one jumpscare Myers. Even more so when they just Insidious camp in the middle of a 3-gen, then dare to act offended when you break said 3-gen by slugging and bleeding everyone out.

  • THE_Crazy_Hyena
    THE_Crazy_Hyena Member Posts: 376

    Of course, there has to be someone abusing it. Though on indoor maps, it is really fun to play this build

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    This is super subjective though, I mean every single killer will be hated by atleast one person.

    What could help is you changing your mindset. Instead of "I keep dying this is unfair" try to play for different results. Try to optimize time waste for the killer. I've been doing this and it has been lots of fun. You won't see me dying without running all the way waving into a corner. Optimizing time waste for my team and learning ways to do it has been super fun, no matter the result when playing solo queue

  • kosaba11
    kosaba11 Member Posts: 119

    And I agree - play who you want. And yes, as someone who switches between survivor and killer frequently, there is plenty of things I hate about survivors, and like with the killers, plenty of perks and strategies that are just unfun to face. And that's the point of the post - who do you not like the face. As in - what's your opinion? Key word there, "opinion". I'm not wrong for not liking to face the killer I listed, and the people who play the killers aren't wrong for playing them. Both of these things can co-exist.

  • kosaba11
    kosaba11 Member Posts: 119

    Again, like with the others - did you not read my post? I'm not speaking as though my list of killers I hate facing are fact - it's my opinion. Also, I don't care about whether I die or not - I care about whether the experience was fun. Like, I never survive against Oni and Ghostface, but the experience is usually a fun one. And trust me, I make it my personal motto to waste a killer's time - I know what my role in a horror movie is, and it ain't the final girl. But the killers I mentioned just aren't fun to play against, in my opinion. Whether I win or lose is irrelevant - I never have a fun time against them. And again, I'm not saying they should be nerfed just because I hate facing them. I just don't have fun against them. Which is the point of the post - hell I named the post the way I did because this game is filled with way too many unfun killers, because for someone, each of them is unfun. I just wanted a fun conversation of who people don't like to face, maybe get a why, and have a few laughs and move on.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,504
    edited April 2024

    Knight, Nurse, and Doc

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Pretty much it's gonna be mainly... Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Wesker & probably Billy.

    The only killers that are threatening... 🥱

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,358

    Quickly becomes stale? How many SM Myers do you face!?

    I think I'vefaced an equal amount of SM Myers as I have BK Myers, and BK Myers has been dead for years.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,000
    edited April 2024

    My favorite killers to battle against are, in order, Blight (old version), Trapper, and Nurse. They provide me with either the top challenge dbd can offer a survivor, or to play against my main and throw try my best.

    I dislike Plague and SM exclusively. The rest of the roster gets more fun the better their controller is with them. But Plague just makes the trial kind of stale imo. Everything seems slowed down and sludgy.

  • powerpuffCheryl
    powerpuffCheryl Member Posts: 40

    Cant express enough how much I hate the "stay injured" killers. I'd much rather face Nurse or Blight over Legion or Plague.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 444

    In the last two days? Five, I've been against five Scratched Mirror Myers. Not exactly in a row, more like a few games apart. But last night I played against three different Scratched Mirror Myers, two of them back-to-back. I don't find it funny, or cute or charming, I find it annoying.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    "There's more to the game than just soft/smart tunnelling out one survivor, patrolling/guarding a 3-gen and then just chasing survivors away from said 3-gen."

    Don't get me wrong when I say this because I despise ego, but any real killer playing a killer with skill expression doesn't need any of that. I mained many killers before blight and only hag I give way to because playing around a web is the only way to play her.

    I've been a hybrid player for almost 2 years now(6.1.0) and the amount of rot dealt to the brains of killers via the gen kick meta has made me dislike killers far more. Every, single, game a killer will take a kick over a free hit or EVEN A DOWN on me. I can't deal with it, it makes me so mad. My macro that peaked in 2022 is far better than 95% of killers while being under the influence and I don't even use it.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 444

    Oh no I agree, a killer who can play the game without camping, tunnelling or relying too heavily on meta is very skilled in my opinion. Same with Survivor, if you can carry the game without relying on meta and use skill alone you are incredibly talented at DbD and I envy your skill and hope to get as good one day.

    I agree about the Genkick rot, I started playing both Killer and Survivor around the time NWTH, Surge, Pop, Opression, FoR etc in meta (Kinda around the time Wesker released iirc) so I didn't have access to many perks, especially gen regression so I had to learn to deal with a lot of BS on both sides. TBH, I feel like it gave me an appreciation for the game as it was meant to be, a deadly game of hide and seek, it also taught me a lot of skills that I would need and not to overly rely on perks.
    Hell, I'm even weaning myself off my training wheels as a survivor (WoO, Deja Vu, Adrenaline) and killer (mostly NoEd) and when I play killer, I try to be the type of killer I would love to face, it doesn't work out 100% of the time, but I tend to feel more chilled while playing kilelr because survivors kind of realise I'm not going to sweat for the 4K (unless the team goes out of their way to annoy me, but thats another story lmao), if it happens it happens kinda thing?
    That said, I still have a lot to learn as killer and survivor, but every game I feel like I'm getting better, even if it feels like I'm playing against the same killer over and over again…Although if I go against one more SM Myers, I may just throw my PC out the window, lmao.

    I do agree though, my friend who is slightly better in chase than me, has lost killers because they'd stop to kick the gen while she just hides behind a shrub plain as day scratch marks and everything and the killer just waltzes on by confused because they lost her because they stoped to kick. -_-

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 419
    edited April 2024

    There's nothing overpowered about Wesker. His only design flaw is the -8%. This crap needs to go already.