The game it self

CloudParkMayhem Member Posts: 1
edited April 22 in Feedback and Suggestions

Dear behavior
My name is CloudParkMayhem and I was playing DBD again since 4 years of retired playing because the patch notes that you made from the very first you made the worse decision ever that you nerf dead hard so almost no one uses it until now with so many other perks. However when I got to play again that you nerf Iron will that almost the best perk to trolling and having fun with the killer but you nerf the perk so you have to make us bought the characters to get more perks and more characters. The main problem is what is your goal by nerfing all good perks and releasing new perks but to nerfed it again and again. I just confuse what have DBD become… no fun at all and most all killers now try hard as they can (and camping + tunneling) and I lost so many times now when I just play again. So… just for the heads up I looked up to this game to be a better game not a competitive game so I have to try hard it every time.
