What's more important...

What's more important..
The fact that you won or lost,
or why you won or lost?
There's some ambiguity in this of course. I'm leaving that up for your interpretation.
To me, winning or losing isn't that important. How I won or lost is much more important to me. If I lost as killer while I had 7-8 fun chases with different people, this is actually a win in my book.
If I loose while getting pre dropped and shift w key'd for around 5 minutes by all teammates, then that game can go down the bin.
Winning with great chases feels the best of course.
Winning with massive tunneling, slugging and camping feels awful. These matches feel more like the game being a job and you are the one that has to do the dirty work.
Very subjective question though.
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I no longer care if I 'win' or not, I care that I had fun and left the match feeling like it was worth playing
That being said, I have won matches but the process has not been fun as the survivors are annoying and toxic and aren't actually playing for the objective but more how much they can make the game miserable and frustrating for the killer.
So I guess to answer your question I would say why I won is more important to me than the fact I won.
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Lol good day!
What I find interesting is that if you ask people which matters more in their own personal experience, they will almost always say "why". However, if you reference game balance or game statistics, now the why is totally irrelevant and the win or loss is all that matters.
Interesting right?
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I agree!
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I play both sides, I understand positive and negative emotions (when I'm the killer committing bad deeds, or the victim of the tunneling, camping). At first when I first started playing, winning and losing was very important to me (because usually game players always want to win), but after a while, perhaps just for DBD, interesting variables occurred in the game are important to me.
I may not be able to kill anyone (zero-K) when playing as the Killer, and I may not be able to make gens fly when playing as the Survivor. It no matters, as long as both sides have good play, I will never complain about the opponent's skills (when they are too good in their roles).
I really hate killers who still try to protect their tunneling/camping/slugging playstyle with ridiculous arguments, and survivors who always play cowardly.. No matter which side they play on, they always blame the other side, and have toxic words after every match.
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The "why" always surpasses the result for me, because if I don't understand how something happened I cannot hope to replicate/ avoid the same thing for future trials.
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It depends, if I lose but had a bunch of great chases or saw some funny #########, I won't care as much. If I win but I got ran around 90% of the match, and only managed a 3k because the survivors got cocky, then I want to play alt f4 to a different game as soon as the match ends.
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The why.
We as the community can't measure overall player satisfaction. A big part of the why as Singularity said is having a fighting chance. That means balance might not be the predominant consideration in players' minds, but its certainly part of the why.
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If opponent is efficient, winning is most important
if opponent is inefficient to the point I can even go for 12hooks, win or lose doesn't really matter
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I care more about a GG than the outcome.
Most stats don't matter in DBD as they never tell what really happend in the trial.