Lagging in new patch 7.7.0



  • SchmittyKat
    SchmittyKat Member Posts: 25

    I’m on a BRAND new 2k pc. First ever. Just to stream DBD. and what do I get? Extreme rubber banding and noob killers humping me for looping them for 3 plus gens WHILE stuttering around 🥴😂😵‍💫💀

    playing on steam. I noticed that every single match I played against Legion regardless of the map was really bad but as soon as I played a different killer, it was better. My ping was never over 70 at worse and 50 at best.

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    I was rubberbanding a lot as well. I also had a match just get dropped mid match. Said server or match not found or something.

    No idea why.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,345

    Good time as any for me to finish AoT;was fun giving Ultimate Weapon one final oorah with the Armoured Titan.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,933
    edited April 2024

    Yikes... tried playing today and it was insanely bad.

    Something is definitely up with packet loss. Not seeing any FPS issues on PS5, but the networking code is definitely having a rough time. I didn't have any issues with Nemsis yesterday, but playing with Artist today was dire... I could barely even walk in straight line.

    Hopefully that is fixed soon.

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • koonmickey
    koonmickey Member Posts: 1

    I constantly teleported and sometimes disconnected from the match, these issues haven’t occurred before

  • sausage11
    sausage11 Member Posts: 142

    Did anyone else notice some severe stuttering/lagging after hooking a survivor? It only happens when I keep pressing "W" (forward) during the hooking process. If I let go of "W" before hooking a survivor, there won't be any lags after the hooking.

    Does this have something to do with the rubberbanding issue or is it an own bug?

  • AndrewS
    AndrewS Member Posts: 2

    Same insues in:
    AMD Ryzen 7 5800H

    16GB RAM

    Gforce RTX 3080

    Placing the following on Steam starting option for Dbd worked, its a common fix for Unreal Engine 5 stuttering.

    -xgeshadercompile -nothreadtimeout -NoVerifyGC

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I'm on steam , I've been experiencing problems with rubber banding and also clunky animations , I threw a pallet earlier today and got stuck on the pallet because the animation was clunky and it merged my characters hit box with the pallet and I couldn't move, it seems like any type of action is causing this , I'm running on a Ryzen 7 with 32 GB of ram, a Nvidia GeForce 4060 gtx, with 650 gb of free space on a terabyte drive my system shouldn't be having any issues running this game based off the specs and other games are working fine

  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 194
    edited April 2024

    This worked!!

    Ugh almost. Some maps it was better others the same

    Post edited by Doxie on
  • AKCondinoO
    AKCondinoO Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2024

    [duplicate removed]

    Post edited by AKCondinoO on
  • AKCondinoO
    AKCondinoO Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2024

    [duplicate removed]

    Post edited by AKCondinoO on
  • AKCondinoO
    AKCondinoO Member Posts: 5

    my comment disappeared so I'm trying to post again. I don't know if the first one will appear later or not.

    this may help or have no effect at all, but it's worth a try because it fixed for me (Steam PC):

    1. set the ingame graphics settings to have framerate fixed on 90 fps (or less);
    2. set your graphics card settings to lock games at 90 fps (the same value you set in DbD): if it's NVIDIA, you can set it per game basis, so you can set it only for DbD if you want to;
    3. disable VSYNC in DbD ingame settings;
    4. disable VSYNC in your graphics card settings again (the same way you did in step 1): if it's NVIDIA, you can set it to be controlled by the game/app itself;
    5. raise your Windows and network routers MTU (maximum transmission unit) to the highest value possible (a value usually between 1492 and 1500 depending on your ISP).

    also, you can try this:

  • FrostySnow
    FrostySnow Member Posts: 24

    I'm on switch, there's rubber banding, frame rate is at 15-30fps for the opposite side. As survivor all survivor models move ok, but killer is killer all the survivors are low fps. I played multiple matches, one even had the dedicated server become a potato. Barely playable on the killer side, and it's handing the killer a win from survivor side.

  • sobrat1
    sobrat1 Member Posts: 45

    I had matches, back to back, where I had to give up due to the constant rubber banding. The game is so unplayable right now—It's infuriating.
    Some sort of network issue is happening, because this is not a performance issue on my end. It's either the servers or something in the game's networking.
    It's awful right now.

  • Lord_Kaine
    Lord_Kaine Member Posts: 39

    I'm on pc, every match i've tried on both sides it's been like the air itself was fighting against movement, regardless of distance from obsticals at entirely random intervals, with no ping status implying a bad connection, even in custom games.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,146
    edited April 2024

    I played 2 killer games on Switch the other night. First one was on Coldwind (Abattoir) and a terrible mess. Just a stuttering slideshow at best and a rubber-banding nightmare at worst for the entire match. It was honestly the worst performance I've ever seen from the game and essentially unplayable.

    Then immediately after I played a game on the Yamaoaka estate and it was more or less just fine, if not totally perfect. Very strange. I hope they roll out a fix for this soon, because I was looking forward to coming back after my break.

  • Mentally_Mechanical
    Mentally_Mechanical Member Posts: 58

    I haven't even been able to play the game since the update. I've gotten into the main menu exactly once, every single other time it's crashed on either the "initializing shaders" screen, or the loading screen just after the intro cutscene. I've done everything, everything in my power to fix it, but nothing works. I was really looking forwards to the update, but I don't think there's anything else I can do unless the devs fix it, and I'm not too hopeful if I'm being honest.

  • LoolaHoop87
    LoolaHoop87 Member Posts: 48

    I logged in to find this post I'm glad I'm not the only one it's borderline unplayable for me right now. Getting stuck rubberbanding its not only frustrating but its so bad sometimes its disorientating as the camera angle is switching too I was walking around a corner chasing a survivor and I walked round trhe corner 3 times each with the camera snapping back to the original. I just sat there like what tf just happened!? I play on Steam for the record.

  • Soundwave_11
    Soundwave_11 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 13

    Just got off a game. Was fine before this patch but today I've had extremely bad rubber banding. I'm using Steam - PC


    CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor - 3.40 GHz

    RAM: 16GB

    GPU: NVidia GeForce RTX 2070

    OS: Windows 10 64bit

    Internet Speed: 50Mbps (I'm from Australia lol)

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    I've experienced this too.

  • Feare
    Feare Member Posts: 4

    PC / Steam

    Lots of rubberbanding and stuttering. Sometimes running in the same spot or teleporting back.

    I also noticed an issue with performance while e.g. a live stream is open on the same monitor. Having the stream in the foreground with the game running in the back, the stream stutters and buffers a lot. What fixed that one for me was to set the following launch options for DBD: "-DX11" and "-USEALLAVAILABLECORES". No idea why the game in the background causes other applications to stutter and it's only since the 7.7.0 update.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903
    edited April 2024

    All kind of lagging (and stuttering) and even some teleporting in Hawkins. (I'm not entirely convinced there wasn't a cheater in that match but I don't really think there was.)

    Post edited by drsoontm on
  • Stino57070
    Stino57070 Member Posts: 5

    New thing that i noticed, when you drop a survivor when you play killer, it drops him at your feet and no next to you, you can no longer even drop survivors in holes in the ground, no more fun in this game …

  • its247am
    its247am Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

    I’m lagging so badly 😭 i keep getting pulled back after running away like teleporting, thought it was my wifi even called the company and changed my wifi plans because it was so bad bc usually dbd doesn’t have lag but it was unplayable. found out it’s just the game and not my wifi. Everyone seems to be having this issue i can’t play anymore until it’s fixed bc i can’t even have a chase going bc it teleports me back to the killer everytime. I play on xbox never had this problem before unless my wifi was acting up but now i know it’s just the game, pleeeease fix this

  • its247am
    its247am Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

    same 😭 for me today it’s worse than it was yesterday making it unplayable rn

  • Belzher
    Belzher Member Posts: 471

    Yeah a lot of rubberband happening

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,336

    I think that's leftovers from the new DS animation they messed around with but didn't let go live.

  • Harey
    Harey Member Posts: 7

    After this newest update I started having problems with laggs, buggs and the game crashing. I'm constantly rubber banding and I can't play normally. Also every other game I play, crashes. I tried to update my controllers to graphic card, update whole pc, restart it, restart my router, check the performance of my notebook (completely fine) and other stuff. I've never had this heavy problem before. I play on notebook Lenovo IdeaPad L340 Gaming (yes, notebook but it runs smoothly valorant, Genshin, dbd (until now) and whole pack of Adobe creative cloud aps such as photoshop, illustrator, Indesign ang others smoothly af)

    Procesor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9300H

  • DefJukies
    DefJukies Member Posts: 34

    Platform: Xbox Series S

    The game seems to have tanked resolution SIGNIFICANTLY since the last update. Lots of jagged edges, fuzzy models and assets, the game prior looked to be running at 1080 or 1440p. Now it looks like it's nearly 720p, maybe a shade higher.

    I don't know if there was an accidental resolution downgrade, or a bandaid fix while the UE5 engine is optimized properly. But it looks terrible.

    Not to mention it also has an issue with stop-motion-like animations as the trial goes on. Survs and Killers look fine in the distance at first, but by mid trial, it looks like they're walking in a flip book.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    Was already an issue on PTB. Dont know why they even forced this patch if its that bad at times.

  • Kaylynn
    Kaylynn Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2024

    I’m also unable to play any matches due to rubber banding.. I was really looking forward to this patch but why bother if you can’t even play the game.. never had any issues rubber banding before…

    edit: I am on ps5 and play as survivor and experience this insane rubber banding on all maps

  • Demonsatyr
    Demonsatyr Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2024

    I'm experiencing rubber banding since 7.7.0 release

    Steam Linux

    Operating System: Fedora Linux 40
    Kernel Version: 6.8.7-300.fc40.x86_64 (64-bit)
    Graphics Platform: Wayland
    Processors: 4 × Intel® Core™ i5-4590 CPU @ 3.30GHz
    Memory: 31.2 GiB of RAM
    Graphics Processor: AMD Radeon RX 550 / 550 Series
    Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
    Product Name: HP EliteDesk 800 G1 SFF

    Post edited by Demonsatyr on
  • Ivanynakov
    Ivanynakov Member Posts: 235

    Also I experience DC from a game more often than previously. And it is pretty discouraging to have Matchmaking Locked afterwards… Reconnecting feature would be good to see…. Or a code that would handle 2sec of disconnection without kicking me from a game.

  • MachineDrayMon
    MachineDrayMon Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Yeah ever since the patch dropped, I've had no desire to play. Sometimes my frames just drop for no reason, paired with INSANE rubber-banding. Like I get stuck in one place, it's impossible to loop. I had absolutely 0 performance issues beforehand and my PC isn't low-end by any means. Hope they fix this soon.

  • rysm
    rysm Member Posts: 317

    I have really REALLY tried to look past the issues that came with this update but the game is genuinely unplayable in its current state. The constant rubber banding makes matches a total nightmare. I mostly play survivor and the amount of hits i've taken due to the rubber banding is beyond a joke.

    NODD3RS Member Posts: 169

    every match has rubber banding for me im on steam

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273

    yeah the rubber banding/lagging is happening for all my dbd friends playing the game atm

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 470
    edited April 2024

    I have found that switching nvcp low latency to off in the game I get unplayable rubberbanding. Using with it on and I'm still seeing some strange things happen but not nearly as bad. One game I was standing on hatch and pressed the escape button. Next thing killer appears and has closed it. lol

    I'm glad in potential improvements coming with unreal engine 5 but I see none at this precise moment so what was the point doing it right now?

    Are we going to get ray tracing, dlss or proper HDR? Anyone know!

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,009

    I decided to play again, the rubberbanding is not as bad but it's definitely still there.

    The performance is absolutely awful though. Killers like pig are okay but xenomorph makes my game go at 20fps. Update is absolutely having an impact on performance…

  • Puppettron
    Puppettron Member Posts: 2

    i'm rubberbanding so much i can't even chase. i'm on steam. i'm annoyed. if anything it's gotten worse in the past few days.

  • Lit
    Lit Member Posts: 62

    any further update from the Devs about this issue?! Please?

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    PS5 UK, rubberbanding is pretty bad.

  • TheDankSoviet
    TheDankSoviet Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Im running on an I7 9700k and a 3060. 16gb of ram ddr4

    Ever since reinstalling a few days ago, i stutter in place (maybe called a jitter) not sure really, i've never had issues with dbd previously, but its made the game nearly unplayable. Its like a jitter in place movement, and its really infrequent about when it happens, although it seems to be more prevalent on killer. I dont see any network issue icons appearing in game when it occurs.

  • Spooderdude404
    Spooderdude404 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I have massive issues on dbd pc

    Rubberbanding , freezing ect

  • MarylinMonhoe
    MarylinMonhoe Member Posts: 137

    Well, I now hit 1 great skillcheck every 20 skillcheks

    Killers and survivors far from me look like they are in 20fps

    I reset all my settings via Nvidia panel and put the exact same settings as before, to no avail

    Game isn't unplayable though, but frustrating

  • Scarletprince15
    Scarletprince15 Member Posts: 18

    For what I have seen latin american servers are in the worst state since the new patch, everyone is complaining and it's unplayable. I hope they fix it soon, at this rate nobody will play the game in this part of the world (I hope we don't get to that worst case escenario).

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 962

    Played a few matches today (US Eastern Time Zone) and everything seemed fine (other than the usual solo q teammates who refuse to touch gens - that's a whole different problem!). No performance issues that I could notice. Last week just about every match I played had the server kick me out, always right near the end of the match.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,009
    edited April 2024

    So i discovered on twitter that it seems like the new update now uses direct x12 as a default, therefore the performance may be better or worse depending on how old your hardware is. For me it's worse. You can go back to direct x11 using steam launching options, i use "-dx11". Also, this issue fixes the problem with shaders taking forever to initialize, it happens very quickly now.

    @Emeal tagging you since i remember you had the same issue with the shaders taking forever to load.

    also forgot to mention that rubberbanding is still horrible unfortunately but at least they announced today they are looking into it.