Did this happen to anyone else after installing the 7.7.0 update?


After waiting, like, an hour for this update to download i was super pumped to hop in and start playing killer! I clicked on the killers tab and picked my killer, and while i was waiting for a match to load i decided to do some webbing. So i scrolled all the way down to the bottom so see what killers i wanted to web when i saw… two of the killers i’d purchased were now… un-purchased!

it was ghostie and demo, who i had already purchased with real money and prestiged. so i was pretty upset at first (and kinda still am lol). this made me paranoid so i went to check my survivors but they were all still there! apparently it was only killers that i’d lost.

i’ve booted up, closed, and rebooted the game over and over trying to see if it was just a glitch, but it looks like my demo and ghostie are really gone!

i just wanna know if this has happened to any of you guys! also if it can be fixed or not. thanks for reading! peace <3

Best Answer

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,213
    Answer ✓

    IT has never happened to me as I am on PC, but I have heard that this is a bug on consoles that has happened in the past. I'd be sure and make a report to BHVR's customer service if you have not already.


  • matiddles
    matiddles Member Posts: 2

    yeah i’ve been putting off making a report, but i probably should do it now. i also heard earlier today that other switch and console players have had a similar problem.

    thanks for your input! :)