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Is this still considered camping?

jamally093 Member Posts: 1,522

Alright let me paint you the scene

Four survivors facing a huntress with really bad ping aka hitting us through walls with hatchets.

She downs a TTV(nice person) and hooks them in basement no usual problem there until I notice that shake is right near a mountain she goes on set mountain and doesn't move constantly raising and throwing hatchets. Thing is she's far enough from the hook so no progress is made to self unhook but still close enough to basically rush back to it grab hatchets and well be near the basement. Is this still counted as campaing? BTW the TTV died I joined after because I'm not going to be remaining in a match if the killer is pulling that move the whole time I would rather not gain any pips and little blood points the deal with that.


  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,548

    It's known as proxy camping, so yeah it fits the bill. You'll usually have to hook trade in those scenarios. Difficult in solo queue but alternating hook states among team mates is probably the best way to go if a killer does it all game.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 636

    It is proxy camping, which yes, is camping. Killers pull this so they can run out in post chat and claim innocence, but you and they know what they were doing. You probably made the right choice to head out and just go on to the next. Hope you got a killer who actually wanted to play DbD in your next match.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,164

    Its camping, no nothing is going to come of it since they don't care to remove camping just facecamping