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About custom icons for perk/portraits/addons/items


What's the situation with those? I've seen some discussion about modding in general and I'm ok with it being bannable when you're blatantly getting advantages with them, but what about those that just changes the icon of items/addons/perks/etc.

Best Answer

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,642
    edited April 26 Answer ✓

    BHVR have stated before they won't purposefully ban anyone for using custom icons. However if the anti-cheat bans you for them then they won't unban you for it.

    So far though no one has been banned for using custom icons so it's very unlikely that the anti-cheat will ban you for it.

    Modding the game in other ways such as custom skins, custom sounds, or making things like traps and survivors glow is bannable.