I was really hoping old Rift cosmetics would return with the shop rework

I didn't start playing DBD until after the Rift with Dwight 8 bit pizza hoodie so I was never able to get it. I love that cosmetic so much that it kills me each time I see someone else wearing it. BHVR is missing out on making lots of money by not bringing back some of these cosmetics. Do you all have any old Rift cosmetics that you'd buy instantly if the devs brought them to the shop?
most of the rift cosmetics will be added to the shop after some time and that’s been a thing since they introduced rifts!
Though that doesn’t apply to all cosmetics for some reason and especially those that are green rarity or that are not full cosmetic sets (3 individual pieces).. maybe they will change that soon-ish? I have seen this being asked for plenty of times
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The devs said that but I’m not sure that’s true anymore. They said they would come to the store a year after being in the rift and yet it’s been a year and a half since Huntress’s night owl skin has been in the rift and it’s still not in the shop. And I think it’s been two years since her Apex Ursine skin has been in the rift and it’s not in the shop either. So I wouldn’t be getting your hopes up lol.
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they never said the cosmetics will be added after one year. They said the cosmetics might get added after at least a year.
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In tome 4, there was a "seifuku (red)" cosmetic for the spirit. Still in limbo as of right now. I would love to get this skin. Its now been almost 4 years since this rift released and im losing hope for it ever making it into the shop.
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oh really? Lol I didn’t know that. I don’t know why you wouldn’t add them for sure lol. It’s literally free money for a cosmetic you already made.
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Sadly… Fomo. so people will buy the rift and potentially also buy the levels they don’t get in time before it closes as there might be some things that will stay exclusive.
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Well I hope they bring it back for you! I want the red sweater mama bear skin recolor for Huntress lol. Red is my favorite color and I can’t get it. :(
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I honestly don’t think it’s fomo because even if they said it’s guaranteed to be back in a year people would still buy the rift so they didn’t have to wait a full year to get it. Just like people do with the seasonal cosmetics. I thought I remembered them saying deep rift items were definitely exclusive though but idk maybe I’m wrong on that too.
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Right here in the FAQ it says most cosmetics from the rift will come to the store after a period of 6 months.
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Does this include the deep rift though?
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No, if I remember right in a video they said the deep rift will stay exclusive. I’m not sure where the video is but that’s why at the bottom it says stay tuned for more info.
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Then this part is 100% fomo… Just like many of the charms, banners and badges.
Just recently there was this Huntress voxel charm that still has my blood boiling.
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If you missed some rewards in The Rift, most of them will eventually be available in our in-game store after a minimum period of 6 months.
after a minimum period of 6 month without any upper limit given
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