Another Vigil Rework/Buff

Reddit post here:

Vigil: You look over your friends even in dire situations. Allies within 8 metres of range have your aura revealed to them. Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds.
When an ally is within 8 meters of range for 60/50/40 seconds, gain a token, up to 1/2/3 tokens.
If an ally suffering from an Exposed, Blindness, Exhausted, Hemorrhage, Hindered, or a Mangled Status Effect enters a range of 8 meters - lose a token: for the next 10/15/20 seconds, that survivor is unaffected by that Status Effect.
"I'm gonna be here when you wake up. You're gonna make it." - Quentin Smith.

Basic idea of this perk: Follow your teammates around to fill up tokens. Other survivors can see your aura so they can keep a track of where you are so it's harder to lose you. Current Vigil is very bad because it reduces the timer of allies' debuffs - but most debuffs in the game don't even have a timer. NOED has no timer, Rancor has no timer, No addons have a timer. etc etc. That's why I think Vigil needs a buff.

Once you have tokens, survivors should hope to run into you to get the debuff - Vigil prioritizes Status Effects in the following order: Exposed > Exhausted > Hindered > Mangled > Hemorrhage > Blindness. Vigil would pair nicely with Bond, Empathy, Leader, Prove Thyself and maybe Streetwise.

If a survivor who got hit by Sloppy Butcher happens runs to you, first their Mangled would be removed for 20 seconds, then Hemorrhage. This way you can heal them quickly for a short period.

If a survivor who is exposed by Rancor runs to you, for 20 seconds the killer would not be able to insta-down them. This way you can protect them for a short period.

My only issue with my Vigil rework is the exhaustion section: is it overpowered if someone who sprint bursts towards you, can sprint burst away again? (Provided you spent at least 40 seconds collecting a token to be able to debuff them).

I was also thinking that this perk should increase the chances of becoming the Killer's Obsession, and perhaps not even affect Exhaustion.


  • JanTheMan
    JanTheMan Member Posts: 495
    It's the Mercy cleanse ability we all wanted.
  • Sharmarko
    Sharmarko Member Posts: 71

    @JanTheMan said:
    It's the Mercy cleanse ability we all wanted.

    The one we want and deserve. #MakeVigilGreatAgain

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Vigil just needs to make Exhaustion recover at all times. If you did that it would be worth the perk slot.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    JanTheMan said:
    It's the Mercy cleanse ability we all wanted.
    "Heros never die"
  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Vigil just needs to make Exhaustion recover at all times. If you did that it would be worth the perk slot.


  • Sharmarko
    Sharmarko Member Posts: 71

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Vigil just needs to make Exhaustion recover at all times. If you did that it would be worth the perk slot.

    No, because Vigil is supposed to be a support perk. If it did make Exhaustion recover at all times, not only would that be annoying, but everyone would run it for themselves.

    Vigil means "a period of time of keeping awake during the time normally spent asleep" i.e, the period of time taken to protect those who are vulnerable. Vigil should debuff those in sudden danger with each token, protecting them when they were vulnerable. I don't think it should even affect Exhaustion, but I added it in anyway.

  • Sharmarko
    Sharmarko Member Posts: 71

    @Ihatelife said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Vigil just needs to make Exhaustion recover at all times. If you did that it would be worth the perk slot.


    If it made Exhaustion recover at all times, but only for allies, would you still run it?

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    @Sharmarko said:

    @Ihatelife said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Vigil just needs to make Exhaustion recover at all times. If you did that it would be worth the perk slot.


    If it made Exhaustion recover at all times, but only for allies, would you still run it?

    As the solo survivor no.

  • Sharmarko
    Sharmarko Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2019

    @Ihatelife said:

    @Sharmarko said:

    @Ihatelife said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Vigil just needs to make Exhaustion recover at all times. If you did that it would be worth the perk slot.


    If it made Exhaustion recover at all times, but only for allies, would you still run it?

    As the solo survivor no.

    Then I don't think you understand what Vigil is meant for - look at its name. It's not speed-recover-god3000; it literally means protecting others when they are vulnerable. Vigil does that, but unfortunately it doesn't work on most Status Effects since most debuffs have no timer. NOED has no timer, Rancor has no timer, very few addons have timers. My perk just rewords Vigil to work with timers and without timers.

  • Sharmarko
    Sharmarko Member Posts: 71

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Vigil just needs to make Exhaustion recover at all times. If you did that it would be worth the perk slot.

    The perk literally says "You look over your allies even in dire situations". Maybe it shouldn't even affect exhaustion, but focus on removing all other debuffs from nearby survivors.

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    @Sharmarko said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Vigil just needs to make Exhaustion recover at all times. If you did that it would be worth the perk slot.

    The perk literally says "You look over your allies even in dire situations". Maybe it shouldn't even affect exhaustion, but focus on removing all other debuffs from nearby survivors.

    Dont worry about crybaby killers who dont want survivor buff, your idea is A W E S O M E

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @EntityDispleased said:
    thesuicidefox said:

    Vigil just needs to make Exhaustion recover at all times. If you did that it would be worth the perk slot.

    Then it would become meta and then we'd have the pre-exhaustion mess all over again.

    But... you're spending a perk slot for it. The only ones that would use it are people that plan to run from the killer all game with something like SB or Lithe. I highly doubt it would become meta just for the fact that you will generally be better off with other perks.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i'd be okay with it, if the vigil user himself would still be effected by these effects.
    like, it'd be very annoying when i use DH / NOED / EW 3 and the survivors are all unaffected by it, just because one had vigil and they happened to stay in a group.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    This would be better than what we have now, the status effect thing is almost pointless because the addons are timed anyway and they aren't that detrimental, and the Exhaustion cannot be used efficiently because you recharge when you don't run, and at tier 3 it's 40 sec, 40 seconds of doing a gen or sneaking.

    But what if, we take your idea of just nullifying the status effect for a short period to it SWITCHING to the person who has Vigil? Someone is Exposed from MYC or Rancor, EW3, etc and you run by it is taken off of them and put on you. Someone is Exhausted and they run into 8m of you, bam you're Exhausted and they are recovered. The tiers could reflect how long you're effected, 60/45/30. Or maybe should this ability be it's own seperate perk, it might not fit the idea of ''Vigil''.

  • Sharmarko
    Sharmarko Member Posts: 71

    @Mister_xD said:
    i'd be okay with it, if the vigil user himself would still be effected by these effects.
    like, it'd be very annoying when i use DH / NOED / EW 3 and the survivors are all unaffected by it, just because one had vigil and they happened to stay in a group.

    Yeah the user himself is still affected. He doesn't get debuffed by his own tokens.

  • Sharmarko
    Sharmarko Member Posts: 71

    @HatCreature said:
    This would be better than what we have now, the status effect thing is almost pointless because the addons are timed anyway and they aren't that detrimental, and the Exhaustion cannot be used efficiently because you recharge when you don't run, and at tier 3 it's 40 sec, 40 seconds of doing a gen or sneaking.

    But what if, we take your idea of just nullifying the status effect for a short period to it SWITCHING to the person who has Vigil? Someone is Exposed from MYC or Rancor, EW3, etc and you run by it is taken off of them and put on you. Someone is Exhausted and they run into 8m of you, bam you're Exhausted and they are recovered. The tiers could reflect how long you're effected, 60/45/30. Or maybe should this ability be it's own seperate perk, it might not fit the idea of ''Vigil''.

    That would be a nice perk idea, but I think it would be too risky to use. Too dangerous for the killer, unless the perk gave another bonus. Maybe it should be another new perk?

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @Sharmarko said:

    @HatCreature said:
    This would be better than what we have now, the status effect thing is almost pointless because the addons are timed anyway and they aren't that detrimental, and the Exhaustion cannot be used efficiently because you recharge when you don't run, and at tier 3 it's 40 sec, 40 seconds of doing a gen or sneaking.

    But what if, we take your idea of just nullifying the status effect for a short period to it SWITCHING to the person who has Vigil? Someone is Exposed from MYC or Rancor, EW3, etc and you run by it is taken off of them and put on you. Someone is Exhausted and they run into 8m of you, bam you're Exhausted and they are recovered. The tiers could reflect how long you're effected, 60/45/30. Or maybe should this ability be it's own seperate perk, it might not fit the idea of ''Vigil''.

    That would be a nice perk idea, but I think it would be too risky to use. Too dangerous for the killer, unless the perk gave another bonus. Maybe it should be another new perk?

    Probably a new perk yeah, it's kind of a masochist or selflessness perk.

  • Sharmarko
    Sharmarko Member Posts: 71

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @EntityDispleased said:
    thesuicidefox said:

    Vigil just needs to make Exhaustion recover at all times. If you did that it would be worth the perk slot.

    Then it would become meta and then we'd have the pre-exhaustion mess all over again.

    But... you're spending a perk slot for it. The only ones that would use it are people that plan to run from the killer all game with something like SB or Lithe. I highly doubt it would become meta just for the fact that you will generally be better off with other perks.

    It shouldn't debuff Exhaustion, at least not the user's. It doesn't make sense that a perk about protecting and watching over others, is used by people to help in their own looping. Sort of opposite ends of the spectrum.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    Yo if they used that rework idea I'd never unequip Vigil. It's one of my favourite perks already, but the token based system with a cool cleanse is brilliant and more effective than current vigil.

    I rather have Vigil focusing on the support idea around it than just boosting exhaustion. Infact, if they implement this change, I'd be more than happy to remove the Exhaustion recovery rate from the perk entirely

  • Sharmarko
    Sharmarko Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2019
    Brady said:

    Yo if they used that rework idea I'd never unequip Vigil. It's one of my favourite perks already, but the token based system with a cool cleanse is brilliant and more effective than current vigil.

    I rather have Vigil focusing on the support idea around it than just boosting exhaustion. Infact, if they implement this change, I'd be more than happy to remove the Exhaustion recovery rate from the perk entirely

    Glad you like it. I even edited a picture to post the perk on reddit. Hopefully someone on the DBD team sees this. People who see Vigil as weak don't understand the support aspect and just want to loop the killer for as long as possible.
  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    The way the perk is worded it would give other survivors a 20 second Sprint Burst or 20 second non-stop Dead Hard. If the Exhaustion can be re-applied then it can still give a triple Sprint Burst or triple Dead Hard easily by following the other survivor. If the killer switches to you then the first survivor can give YOU a triple Dead Hard / Sprint Burst. While you are then being chased a third survivor could heal the original survivor, both of which would recharge their Vigil's off each other, and then come over to you to give you more Sprint Bursts or Dead Hard. Granted they would most likely not be able to charge it to the full 3 stacks before you get downed, so they would have to come help you after getting a single stack each, which would still translate to two extra Sprint Bursts / Dead Hards. Even more cancerous with all four survivors.

    In other words, completely busted, ESPECIALLY with SWF.

  • Sharmarko
    Sharmarko Member Posts: 71

    @Madjura said:
    The way the perk is worded it would give other survivors a 20 second Sprint Burst or 20 second non-stop Dead Hard. If the Exhaustion can be re-applied then it can still give a triple Sprint Burst or triple Dead Hard easily by following the other survivor. If the killer switches to you then the first survivor can give YOU a triple Dead Hard / Sprint Burst. While you are then being chased a third survivor could heal the original survivor, both of which would recharge their Vigil's off each other, and then come over to you to give you more Sprint Bursts or Dead Hard. Granted they would most likely not be able to charge it to the full 3 stacks before you get downed, so they would have to come help you after getting a single stack each, which would still translate to two extra Sprint Bursts / Dead Hards. Even more cancerous with all four survivors.

    In other words, completely busted, ESPECIALLY with SWF.

    That's why I considered it not to affect Exhaustion at all - Exhaustion is too easy to be activated. Alternatively, survivors who get debuffed could have a 5 second cooldown. Maybe even Vigil itself has a 5 second cooldown when using up totems. You make a perfect point which I considered.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @Nickenzie said:
    JanTheMan said:

    It's the Mercy cleanse ability we all wanted.

    "Heros never die"

    "Ressurect" Once Per Trial if a survivor was moried you can bring them back to life if they didn't leave the lobby.
    You see the aura of moried survivor in 24m/48m/Infinite range