Do you've SWF who constantly cry about Killer's being OP?


Our little group of SWF is not super strong or toxic. But when I play with them I constantly hear how OP the Killers are. Doesn't matter which Killer -> OP

They can see me across the map
They always find me
This is (add ability) is so OP

I try to explain to them how things work, since I do play more Killer then SV. But I can't get through them. Even Killers like Freddy are so OP. A few days ago they got tombstoned by Myers. I told how hard that actually is to pull off and that the Killer needed two ultra rares. On top they got this the first time in their entire playtime. I personally haven't gotten tombstoned yet. So while this surely is a very strong ability from Myers, you surely will not encounter this very often.
Also explaining how hard games can become for Killers at Rank 5 - 1 against really good SWF, including toxic SWF, is like talking to a brick wall. It's just complaining about the Killers, but never about their own fault or lack of knowledge of proper looping or when to drop a pallet, etc.

Anyway... Do you guy have such SWF as well?


  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    I think the best thing a person can do is play both so that they may understand both sides. I wouldn't say killer is OP, though survivor also isn't OP in many regards. They may also believe killers to be OP because they don't understand or know the tiles and don't know how to loop. If that's the case, I would suggest for them to look up guides and so on.

    When playing with friends, I don't really hear much of that. If anything, I hear that survivor is OP from killer main friends who are playing SWF with me.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582
    I used to play with a few people who had very limited understanding of how most killers worked. One would suicide as soon as he faced Freddy cause there was "no way to play against this". We'd also play KYF and they'd joke when I picked Nurse cause they felt she was the weakest killer, only to get immediately bodied. People just find it easier to blame their shortcomings on their opposition
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Tell them to play killer until green ranks. They will see what really is and isn't OP.

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Tell them to play killer until green ranks. They will see what really is and isn't OP.

    I told them many times to do exactly that. They have no interest in playing Killer, which is fine. But hearing from a Killer player how things truly are, I get just "Stop defending Killers. They are OP!"

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    No. Because the people I play with are actually good at the game. :p

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @bendermac said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Tell them to play killer until green ranks. They will see what really is and isn't OP.

    I told them many times to do exactly that. They have no interest in playing Killer, which is fine. But hearing from a Killer player how things truly are, I get just "Stop defending Killers. They are OP!"

    Challenge them. Say "if killers are so OP pick one you think is OP and prove it, otherwise shut up".

    If they still argue with you get new friends.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    The few times I play SWFs it's generally just moaning about killers camping and tunneling. I've come to accept it as I play both sides but most survivors don't.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @bendermac said:
    Our little group of SWF is not super strong or toxic. But when I play with them I constantly hear how OP the Killers are. Doesn't matter which Killer -> OP

    They can see me across the map
    They always find me
    This is (add ability) is so OP

    I try to explain to them how things work, since I do play more Killer then SV. But I can't get through them. Even Killers like Freddy are so OP. A few days ago they got tombstoned by Myers. I told how hard that actually is to pull off and that the Killer needed two ultra rares. On top they got this the first time in their entire playtime. I personally haven't gotten tombstoned yet. So while this surely is a very strong ability from Myers, you surely will not encounter this very often.
    Also explaining how hard games can become for Killers at Rank 5 - 1 against really good SWF, including toxic SWF, is like talking to a brick wall. It's just complaining about the Killers, but never about their own fault or lack of knowledge of proper looping or when to drop a pallet, etc.

    Anyway... Do you guy have such SWF as well?

    A few of my potato friends are like this too, but they rarely play DBD..... if you dont know how to loop, then killers are indeed op

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @bendermac said:
    Our little group of SWF is not super strong or toxic. But when I play with them I constantly hear how OP the Killers are. Doesn't matter which Killer -> OP

    They can see me across the map
    They always find me
    This is (add ability) is so OP

    I try to explain to them how things work, since I do play more Killer then SV. But I can't get through them. Even Killers like Freddy are so OP. A few days ago they got tombstoned by Myers. I told how hard that actually is to pull off and that the Killer needed two ultra rares. On top they got this the first time in their entire playtime. I personally haven't gotten tombstoned yet. So while this surely is a very strong ability from Myers, you surely will not encounter this very often.
    Also explaining how hard games can become for Killers at Rank 5 - 1 against really good SWF, including toxic SWF, is like talking to a brick wall. It's just complaining about the Killers, but never about their own fault or lack of knowledge of proper looping or when to drop a pallet, etc.

    Anyway... Do you guy have such SWF as well?

    Yeah I have 1 friend in particular who never plays killer and yet will constantly ridicule/complain about how the killer plays. The one that drives me nuts the most is when they say "oh the (beep) is long range camping." I honestly wish they were being sarcastic with this remark but they aren't...

    It all boils down to people like being chased but not being caught, when someone is caught they never want to blame themselves and see what they could have don't differently OR accept that getting caught is going to happen at some point. Once that "fun" is ruined for them they find a way to point their finger at the killer.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I'm not a huge fan of SWF in this game. Breaks the immersion for me.

    The few times I teamed up with others, I recall there being some smack talk. SWF tends to bring out the worst in us. It's easy to forget that you're versing another player who is trying to win (the same as you).

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I have friends I play with, usually we tend to say how the killer we are going against sucks or is good. In the end it's mostly about skill, if your friends complain is probably because they are bad and don't know how to deal with killers

  • FoggyDownpour
    FoggyDownpour Member Posts: 288
    Most of the people I play with are  like that. These friends are usually the ones that don't play killer all that much or they are the types that don't try to learn all sides of things.
  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    There are OP killers.
    But survivors are clearly the power role.
    Whole game is inbalanced.

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    I was like that, then I got decent at being in chases as a survivor and chasing people my rank as a killer with all my killers less than Level 5. Now I complain about how the maps are imbalanced for killers and I'm tired of being a low rank killer with higher rank SWF joining my games and protecting their newbie by bumrush unhooking in front of me and purposely making loud audio cues left and right to taunt me and drag the game out from 10 minutes or less to an hour when they realize the struggle I'm having. When I was a rank 20 killer I was getting rank 12 people in my game protecting their rank 19 whatever friends. And they played like people who Depipped to join their friends in dragging an easy game out.
    To be fair, i don't mind that different ranks can join each other like that, I get annoyed at how survivors just harass killers and drag out the game forever then want to complain if a killer quits out. If you're going against a killer who obviously sucks, just win fast and move on out, stop wasting our time, we got more games to play and life stuff to do. Some of us I assume really don't want to quit out on a SWF winning, but once you start dragging out the game much much longer than it would've been, you lose all rights to complain about whatever points you couldn't make.

    Your friends just need to feel the game out more. They'll complain when they become killers.