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Genuine question for help vs. Blight (even after nerfs)

UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,959
edited May 5 in General Discussions

This thread I will whine a little... but its not intended to whine, I know this is a skill issue, and I genuinely want to know where I'm going wrong/what it is I'm missing, and what my goal is to improve.

So I have made it to about 1200 hrs in this game and learned a lot over that time. I've watched a lot of content creators, played as and against every killer, done all Adepts and am a good way through the challenges. I know I still have a lot of skill to build, but I have got a feel for all aspects of the game, and I understand the basic premise of counter play against every killer... I'm on console so some are much harder than others to pick up killer side, but I get the premise of the power.

One of my methods of getting better in chase is to disallow the use of Distortion, WoO, OTR and any exhaustion perks (except maybe Head On). I also ban Commodious Toolboxes, BNPs, and medkits with styptics or Adrenaline shots.

Using this playstyle I have developed fundamental looping principles against all killers, and even if I don't execute flawlessly, I can see where I'm going wrong most of the time... except for Blight.

I've accepted its a skill issue, and figured as I get better it'll become more clear... but I just can't figure out what I'm meant to do, outside of just having God tier map and tile link knowledge. A console Blight just can't seem to turn like a PC Blight can, so I can play Blight to an OK degree on console, but I can't do the same as PC Blights, and thus I can't figure out where his insane power comes from... and thus figure out where my safety is... This isn't aided by any content creators I see, I rarely see Blight being the one they are doing well against... they're usually getting smashed...

The issue I have with him is he is 4.6m/s, he has 5 rushes (all of which he seems to be able to turn around terrain quite well) making him very hard to avoid... and even if I do avoid him, his recovery off of every miss is very fast...and his power comes back also at a very quick rate. Any time I do manage to win an exchange... it never seems to matter... I can't make any distance to go elsewhere with resources, and a lot of the time I can't even reach another point of safety in the same tile before he either m1s me or can rush again to m2 me.

The way a Blight encounter usually goes: -

  • He can't hit me on the first rush. This is my window to get to some kind of safety, but he's so fast and my warning he's coming is so relatively short, this is already not guaranteed even if I pre run to the nearest tile as soon as his TR touches me like a female dog.
  • After his first rush, if I'm not near a window or a pallet, it's basically up to Blight to miss. I can't turn to the side/behind him like Hillbilly, l can't get him to commit and use his turn lock against him like Chucky. If I try to hug terrain to make it hard for him to rush, a lot of the time he just turns around it and hits me anyway... and if he can't hit me, he bounces off opposite terrain and keeps doing so until he CAN turn around a corner and hit me... if he does miss he finishes his injection within a second and more often than not I'm not near a window or pallet... thats why I'm hugging terrain... and he just walks me down and m1s me.
  • If I'm near a pallet, and throw it, he just breaks the pallet... pallets don't really do sod all against Blight. Both Hillbilly and Bubba move slower while charging their chainsaws... Blight just walks through at 4.6, his power charging and coming back the whole time as he walks me down. If I can't make any other safety he hits me as per, but if I can, he can rush to hit me cause his power is back in few seconds...
  • If I'm at a window these are better, but Blight obviously has normal m1 killer mind games, which obviously you can lose, as otherwise we don't have a game... but in addition he can rush me on demand. The moment I'm on the long part of the tile, he can bounce after me and again I'm at the mercy of him missing instead of having any options.

His strength in these scenarios severely limits what I can even try. Even if I somehow avoid him in any of these scenarios, he recovers so fast more often than not I'm just eating an m1 anyway... and even if I totally Bamboozle him and leave him for dead at a tile... he just rushes and puts me right back in the same scenarios at the next one...

It doesn't feel like you're ever really win an exchange vs. Blight. Even Nurse if she misses she has to wait out her stun and then for her power to come back, and you can even ditch her entirely while her camera drags her head down to the point she loses you. Against Blight, every dodge feels desperate, like I was lucky to just to survive that one hit, and I'm still in insane danger. Even if he hits me, and I boost away... it still feels like it doesn't matter, he still recovers really fast, and he's immediately on me again.…

So I just don't get it... what exactly am I missing to counter to Blight? I know I'm missing something, but I really don't know what...
