General Build for Survivor/Fun Builds?
Currently running Windows, Adren, Lithe, OTR, and a second loadout of Windows, Lithe, Kindred, Deja Vu. My third build is Prove Thyself, Potential Energy, Lithe, Deja Vu.
I would run Sprint Burst but I don't find it fun at all and I don't really see a reason to use Balanced Landing as it's extremely situational. I also never get value from DS until I take it off so I just stopped taking it over Windows.
Any advice on those builds would be appreciated! And if anyone has any fun or "meta" build suggestions I would love to give them a try. Cheers!
We'll Make It and Babysitter is pretty strong. You always know if you can heal under hook or not.
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I presume soloq.
Build 2: If I'm running Kindred I like to pair it with We'll Make It. With Kindred I go for hook rescues a lot and this also lets me know where any other injured teammates are that I can run to heal.
Build 3: Potential Energy? If this is your gen focused build I'd pair it with a toolbox and either streetwise or built to last. Or you could throw something like botany on there, being you are planning to pair up because of Prove running into injured survivors is more frequent.
Lithe is the easiest of the exhaustion perks to use and get good value out of. Balanced landing being situational is the reason you can get more value out of it.
Fun builds - Depends on what you enjoy. You've got some chase focused builds which is what people tend to enjoy the most. I'm fine playing support, so I'll usually run a mix of healing and gen focused perks.
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Yeah with potential I usually bring a toolbox sometimes brand new part and I only run it when I'm playing with at least one other person. The first two builds are solo. I was thinking I could maybe sub out potential for maybe overzealous despite it's risk of just being useless under bad luck but it's meant as kind of a fun build anyway.
I never thought about your suggestion with We'll Make It thought it sounds like a good idea. Should I put Deja Vu somewhere in my first build? I feel like I should have some type of gen perk in a solo build but I'm not sure if its worth subbing out OTR or Adren for. I have around 800 hours so my map knowledge is decent but not good enough for me to feel very comfortable subbing out Windows just yet. Thanks for the tips :)
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I really dislike Potential Energy, but it works a lot better with a team when you can keep eyes on a killer.
Overzealous can be fun and if you can find a hex totem it can be cool to see the gens fly. You could drop lithe there if you're comfortable playing stealth because the idea is that you don't ever want to be in chase and lose overzealous. You could either take inner healing if you do get caught, or a perk like distortion to help with stealth.
Alternatively you could keep lithe and drop prove + potential and add overzealous and dance with me to maximize your chances of getting away.
If you're looking for fun, the gen focused builds with Blastmine and/or wiretap can be really interesting. It can be cool to stun the killer and having wiretap up and knowing exactly where the killer is can be entertaining and also help out the team.
Should I put Deja Vu somewhere in my first build?
I like Deja, but in part its because I've used it so much I've just gotten in the habit of having it. The increased gen speed is not that powerful, but you're going to get value out of it every game.
I have around 800 hours so my map knowledge is decent but not good enough for me to feel very comfortable subbing out Windows just yet.
I only have a few hundred more hours than you, but I was never a windows player, which I think helped me learn the maps more quickly.
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I'm a big fan of Plot Twist/DS/Flip Flop/Power Struggle
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Well make it + second wind + alert + wicked.
You can change out alert for something else.
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Reactive healing+solidarity is a fun one to run,especially in a squad that likes to take aggro or go for saves
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Honestly Im having fun using Sables Invocation paired with Resilience and Desperate Measures. I temd to than just run Windows, but Alert and Distortion have also been good. Not a high meta build by any means but Ive been enjoying it
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Yeah I tried it a few times and I just never felt like the team got enough value from it, and the broken status is really off putting. I tried it with No Mither and Resilience and still felt like it was just a waste of a perk. I thought it was funny though that they had her release with a perk that makes you broken and then a perk that lets you heal in the basement. The basement healing perk is actually kinda nice in situations though but her unhook in the basement perk also seems pretty bad. Now I don't see anyone running the invocation since she's been out for a little while.
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I might try this. I was thinking of also doing a self care and the sable healing in basement perk with bot knowledge and just doing a fun little speed healing build but it sounds more fun in my head than it probably actually would be in game.
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I run:
Lightweight- So I an have a chance of getting away
Botany Knowledge- faster heals
Leader- gives others faster heals if they are close to me
Kindred- so I an see where the Killer is headed and where the other Survivors are
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I used the Invo to replace No Mither in my No Mither build. I mostly pkay Solo Q, playing with others kind of sucks the fun out for me. I like it cause I feel I leave value for the team, however minimal even if I die. It also has the nice effect of countering Merciless Storm.
Also I no longer feel like Im feeding an Oni cause if I go against an Oni, or a Thana user, I just...dont use Invocation
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Sounds like a fun little support build. I'm not too keen on using Lightweight though but I don't think it's a bad perk in any sense.
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I swear by Deja Vu and Empathy for info. Helps avoid stupid 3-gen scenarios, and Empathy indirectly helps tracking the killer and speeds up healing by finding injured survivors. With enough gamesense you can almost pass for a SWF with how efficient you can be on gens and healing with this info.
Then for the other two perks I usually go for some combo of: We'll Make It to really double down on healing (and as you can see the injured survivor in chase you can predict where they're going down / getting hooked), Prove Thyself, Distortion, or an Exhaustion like Lithe/Balanced.
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I've been running Deja Vu and Empathy with Alert for awhile now because I'm enjoying it so much. All that info coming in makes me feel alot less isolated in solo. Alert is quite good with Deja Vu, especially in later game, as it gives away which gen/s the killer is prioritising and gives me advanced warning when they're heading to mine.
Next build I'm planning is We'll Make It with Second Wind and Empathy. My last perk is usually always an Exhaustion perk.
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I use this a lot as well just for shenanigans, but with the lag / rubber banding, The power struggle slams are missing like someone being late on a pallet save. Very disappointing.
I usually run Quick and Quiet / Head on / Lucky Star / Parental Guidance.
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We'll Make It + Second Wind can be a game changer, 2 heals in 8 seconds, 5 with a decent medkit.
But it's an 'all eggs in one basket' kinda deal. If you get found first, tunnelled off the hook, or simply go against Plague/Legion, you're basically playing without perks.
Although if you make your exhaustion perk Dead Hard, you can potentially outplay a tunneler when you instantly recover your deepwound midchase then hit them with a DH unexpectedly.
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I have two good strong builds I've been using a lot lately.
Build 1: Strength in Shadows/Botany Knowledge/Wicked/Flex pick. SiS and Botany make for crazy good self heals with added killer info as a cherry on top as well as helping you heal others faster, Wicked is extremely slept on for info to avoid killers trying to tunnel you, and the flex pick is typically either Overcome to break chases and get to the basement or Kindred for being a bit more on point with hook saves. I've been considering throwing DS in there for the flex pick too, now that it's buffed.
Build 2: Overzealous/Circle of Healing/Deja Vu/Resilience. CoH activates your Overzealous and allows you infinite resets of the speed buff on top of helping you and your team with healing, Deja Vu shows you which gens to prioritise with your Overzealous and stacks on top of it, and Resilience is a nice little bonus for if you're caught off guard. I run this with a Map and the addon for tracking totems, usually, but if I don't have those Resilience is replaced with Detective's Hunch. You could swap CoH out for any other boon and the build would function, but CoH is just the best one in general, so I use that.
I get pretty good success with both of these builds, they're pretty good.
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Ace or Steve or James Sunderland + Scene Partner, Dramaturgy, Babysitter, and Kindred = Survivor Fun