The problem with the emblems


i'm embarrassed to say I've got 600 hours and still not got the legendary survivor achievement (reach rank 1). I'd always get close then get bored and just play killer and now I've left it too late and emblems are here. The problem is, they have now made all the emblems equally difficult to obtain, but not for the 2 separate roles. For example: Light bringer is now just as easy to get as benevolent but both are much harder to get than gate keeper. This means killers get to high ranks in the first week where as the majority of survivors are stuck at rank 10-20. Bad killers are there for put against good survivors who pallet loop. They would pip anyway, but they get salty for obvious reasons and start camping and tunnelling in all their games. For survivors, we can barely pip if we don't escape so there goes our rank. My point is the new system encourages, not discourages campers and i think it needs to be made harder for killers to pip and easier for survivors.


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Both roles are pretty equal when it comes to pipping difficulty.
    Since the last patch, depipping as survivor became nearly impossible tho, while it's still very possible as killer.
    But it's not an issue, since there were matchmaking issues.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093
    edited June 2018

    @Runiver said:
    Both roles are pretty equal when it comes to pipping difficulty.
    Since the last patch, depipping as survivor became nearly impossible tho, while it's still very possible as killer.
    But it's not an issue, since there were matchmaking issues.

    well do u play killer or survivor because i play both and i actually try to depip by using no perks because its boring at high rank but i barely ever do. Meanwhile in survivor games 50% of games are BS games where i'm camped by insidious, or my teammates don't save me, or the killer finds me at the start. The worst thing is i can last a while in a chase and all these ######### killers think that's a reason to tunnel me more so they chase me all game and get me at the very end only for my team to leave without me. if anything being a good survivor is bad for this new system because we're the ones who ene up in a chase all game weather we like it or not and we dont pip for it

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 1,970

    Are you on PC or console?
    I find the Emblem system is where it should be for Survivors now, on PC. You seem to be properly rewarded for success, except in the extreme cases where the killer played terribly.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Science_Guy said:
    Are you on PC or console?
    I find the Emblem system is where it should be for Survivors now, on PC. You seem to be properly rewarded for success, except in the extreme cases where the killer played terribly.

    I'm on pc and i really don't know what i'm doing wrong. Like i said i'm always tunnelled by the killer because i play well. At the end they rant at me in chat that i'm cancer and i deserved it for being toxic but i don't BM and it's not like i want to be chased all game by them.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Runiver said:
    Both roles are pretty equal when it comes to pipping difficulty.
    Since the last patch, depipping as survivor became nearly impossible tho, while it's still very possible as killer.
    But it's not an issue, since there were matchmaking issues.

    well do u play killer or survivor because i play both and i actually try to depip by using no perks because its boring at high rank but i barely ever do. Meanwhile in survivor games 50% of games are BS games where i'm camped by insidious, or my teammates don't save me, or the killer finds me at the start. The worst thing is i can last a while in a chase and all these ######### killers think that's a reason to tunnel me more so they chase me all game and get me at the very end only for my team to leave without me. if anything being a good survivor is bad for this new system because we're the ones who ene up in a chase all game weather we like it or not and we dont pip for it

    I Play both, and I usually find hard game easy to safety/pip as survivor, while as killer, I either barely safety, or double pip.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093
    edited June 2018

    I'm at rank 10 now and i'd say i my pip to depip ratio is around 3:2 or 4:3. Meanwhile on killer i usually double pip. Last season i was rank 1 billy/huntress/myers and i always pipped and often doubled. On survivor i have to live with campers like the one in the picture the majority of games.

    Post edited by No_Cluie_Louis on
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093
    edited June 2018

    2 games in a row now

    Post edited by No_Cluie_Louis on