Weaving Spiders - Pros & Cons -

Pros :
- Faster generators
- permanent broken
- play as safe as possible
- activating late game is a waste
- antiloop killer are happy
- Low MMR = entity pleased
- cannot take protection hits for a teammate
- cannot hook trade when the killer is proxy camping
- you are forced to leave someone behind when another survivor is hooked in end game
Yeah, this perk is definitely worth using !!
Fine by me, I hope ppl continue to not run this perk mainly bc I don't want to start having to check the basement as killer. I HATE the basement as killer, I don't even hook in there if I can avoid it. Its a waste of my time and I dont want to feel like I have to check every game bc of one perk. Its the one reason I dont like the idea of invocation perks.
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You don't even need to check the basement, just let them use the perk and they would be doing you a big favor.
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They should have put the Broken status on a timer. Even if it's for 5 minutes or something. Because you're right - it pretty much puts you out of the count for every other aspect of gameplay
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Yeah but just wait till they make more of these and they stack. I have no doubt in my mind they will make one of these OP and it will be meta.
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Maybe the broken status should remain until you have been hooked once after completing the invocation.
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You have a point. More invocations perks are coming and it may be possible to repeat the CoH situation again by creating a perk that breaks the game completely.
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Invocation of old CoH: After spending a minute invocating, you and your team may heal yourselves without a medkit at 120% speed.
Killer is broken for the remainder of the trial.0 -
Honestly the next invocation doesn't even have to be broken it just has to be decent and that perk with WS will be worth it. I'm fairly confident before Anni 9 we will see an invocation meta.
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If their first swing at this concept is for the only objective that actually matters to survivors, and the perk is so undertuned that it's a 5th killer perk slot…
I can't even imagine what they could add that would even be usable. Even 60 seconds of time investment is an insane amount of time unless the payoff is better than an entire gen, after accounting for travel time and automatically losing half a chase every time. And the gen invocation doesn't break even on that point.
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it decent now but will never truly be meta. No perk that make u injure for the whole trail will ever be strong.
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Decrease 50sec of Gen while sitting in basement for 60sec. And your chases shorten by half.
Do the math.
I wonder how it work when they make more of Invocation perks. Does 1 Invocation activate all the perks like Boon?, or each Invocation activate 1 perks.
The way they make Invocation so weak in the beginning, I think 1 Invocation would activate all perks. By then, Im still not sure Broken for the rest of the match worth it.
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At worst Weaving Spiders looks good now. At best it could be meta.
I think we're gonna see it a lot now.
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It still doesn't look good, be reasonable.
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It does look quite good. Probably not for the average player who doesn't know how to loop and the broken is more punishing. However for any decent survivor, especially if they're a swf, this looks good.
It isn't just a math of time spent doing it vs gen progress since it's progress that can't be regressed and it's something that could be sniped early on before the killer has even started a chase so less valuable time lost early on. Now much worse later in the game. You would have to do it at the start.
I could see some argument to what degree of good it is, just okayish or great, but I think for anyone to call it as much as "bad" would just be wrong.
You absolutely will see this ran a decent amount on swf groups. That tells us there's at least something there.
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Probably not for the average player who doesn't know how to loop and the broken is more punishing.
I'd say it's actually more punishing for the more advanced players as it disables them from making more aggressive plays. You can't bodyblock, you're at much greater risk with saves, and you can't help in a contested unhook.
and it's something that could be sniped early on before the killer has even started a chase
At 60 seconds? No. Unless you're dumping a bunch of extra perk slots on it, which would make the trade-off significantly worse. And this is also assuming that the killer doesn't find you and interrupt you which very quickly undoes all your work, gives them a free hit, and puts you right next to the basement. Also, if your teammate is doing this, and the basement is in the killer shack, that means you can't use the killer shack loop if you get chased, either, denying you a very powerful resource.
You absolutely will see this ran a decent amount on swf groups. That tells us there's at least something there.
But it's your presumption that we will see this on swiffer groups. That tells us nothing.
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It is just this simple.
If you're "decent" enough to take 1 hit per 1min, and each chase you would last 2 min. Why should you sacrifice 60sec in basement, and 3min chase from 3 health state for 50sec of Gen?