Bloodpoints vs Pips

Just played a match as Doc, 3k and hatch (2 hooks on that Meg), and got 31,608 points. Single pip. What's the logic behind this?

On the other hand, I´ve played games as Huntress, 3k and hatch, gaining 13k bloodpoints and a double pip.

Is there a bloodpoint/pip rework in the horizon?


  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Bloodpoints are not tied to emblems

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited January 2019

    Killer emblem system is indeed broken. Survivor is ok: it's a good concept to reward survivors with emblem score for evading, helping others and doing gens.

    Killer system on the other hand, is just wrong. It betrays a somewhat sweaty attempt from the developers to incentivize a "nice" gameplay. That's why you lose emblem points (although not a lot) if you camp, that's why you, interestingly enough, end up with less pips if survivors keep unhooking each other and you hook them again.
    I honestly believe it is not necessary to be so hellbent on forcing killers to play a certain way. I don't mind salt, I think the best way to play is to be as ruthless and possible: if you slug all four of them and then go and hook, and they all die on their first hook, it should count the same as having a 4K by repeatedly downing, letting them rescue then hooking again. Killer requirement for pips should be:
    0K = -2 pips
    1K = -1 pip
    2K = black pip
    3K = +1 pip
    4K = +2 pips

    I understand it may lead to more camping, but there are better ways to counter that. Gameplay mechanics should reward a more intense and fun playstyle, not some point system. I'd completely go for a change where sacrifice stages are longer, making camping less rewarding. If I was a dev, I'd even consider changing the mechanic of three hook stages to a simple "hook health" bar system, where, if you're hooked, your "hook health" slowly goes down (like when you're downed and bleeding out), and if you're unhooked at, say, 67%, you'll continue from there when you're hooked again.

    These are just ideas, there might be better ways. But my main point is, the success of a killer is much more objectively measured by how many kills they have. If it leads to a more tryhard playstyle, that's for the better. Kills are what we care the most about when playing killer, and it would be definitely better than some patronizing, "play-nicey" approach forced on us.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @George_Soros said:

    These are just ideas, there might be better ways. But my main point is, the success of a killer is much more objectively measured by how many kills they have. If it leads to a more tryhard playstyle, that's for the better. Kills are what we care the most about when playing killer, and it would be definitely better than some patronizing, "play-nicey" approach forced on us.

    I agree with your opinion on emblems being broken most of the time:

    Playing as Billy, I've scored a lot of chainsaw downs without the game even registering the start of a chase mechanic, resulting in bronze or silver emblems, even after killing all 4 survivors and going through all 12 hooks. What am I supposed to do, hit them with the hammer instead, and let them loop me for 5 gens? And the game will reward me with a higher emblem for that? Same happens with M&A Myers and aTrapper that actually traps.

    Breaking chases in order to hit a 2nd or 3rd survivor, will also mean you "lost" the chase with the first guy... Anyway...

    In the end, I agree with you on caring more about the kill count. Bloodpoints matter in a distant second place. Emblems and pips = whatever.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @White_Owl said:
    Bloodpoints are not tied to emblems

    Yeah I know. But points are supposed to reward performance, and emblems too, I suppose. What I find curious is the huge difference between both of the scenarios I mentioned.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    points are supposed to reward performance

    I disagree. I think points are meant to incentivize and reward doing certain actions. How many would cleanse dull totems if it didn't give boldness or coop repair if it didn't give more bp while being less efficient? The same with killers, even though to a lesser degree, points incentivize to use their ability, break stuff and hook as many time as possible.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @White_Owl said:

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    points are supposed to reward performance

    I disagree. I think points are meant to incentivize and reward doing certain actions. How many would cleanse dull totems if it didn't give boldness or coop repair if it didn't give more bp while being less efficient? The same with killers, even though to a lesser degree, points incentivize to use their ability, break stuff and hook as many time as possible.

    I'd reluctantly agree with the use of BP rewards to incentivize diverse gameplay. But rank, pips: these should be about effectiveness. For killers, it should be the number of kills, nothing else.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @White_Owl said:

    I think points are meant to incentivize and reward doing certain actions.

    And emblems? Do they incentivize and reward a different set of actions?>