How to properly use the artist power

Hi there, newbie here.

I bought artist since she and zarina were both for 250 and played 3 games with her.

She feels great, i love her lore, and her power is awesome to scout generators or check rows of locker. Awesome perks too. But.

I never managed to hurt anyone with it. By the time i get to use the power again, the survivors are obviously aware they are swarmed and move far too much.

Can some veteran give me some tips on how to use the artist power for anything more than just scounting gens? (in my current level, prestige 0-2, its enough, but im well aware im far from getting its full potential)


  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    It's probably really hard to be good and consistent with her, if you don't know all maps layout.
    Firstly, really glad to read, that you try to use her power as real power and not only as trap on a pallets, so it's already good start.
    It's pretty much same logic to swarm and injure with birds, you place them in a way where you think survivor will run to / you force him run to and if they dodge too much, you win distance or probably shut down the loop or even got a free hit because of it.
    Some tips:
    1. Don't use more than 1 bird to swarm survivor, otherwise you won't get a second hit because of cooldown.
    2. Sometimes you can place birds behind the obstacles, so survivors won't know where to dodge it.
    3. Patience is the key. When you start to get really good survivors, they will fake a lot to make you release the birds. Make sure you don't commit on this.
    4. You need to understand where and how to use your power. Sometimes it's better to shut down loop, sometimes it's better to swarm and injure survivor,. Sometimes it's better to not use it at all, but it's pretty rare and case only on some really stupid maps, where pallet near pallet near pallet near pallet near window near pallet near pallet.
    5. Don't put bird if you already see that survivor leave the loop. And fake your m2 with such survivors.
    6. You need to understand where it's better to let go birds you already know won't be used in chase or just let them disappear. Mostly depends on how many birds you already placed and how long until they will disappear.
    7. Sometimes it's usefull to use your birds to get info in chase and change target or just win some time, but don't overcommit on that. Just remember that your birds are also good info.
    You can watch S4ninha (has the biggest amount of downs with Dire Crows) and Carniveris (in top-10) on twitch to understand better birds placement. Hope you will enjoy Artist as much as i do <3 Welcome into Bird Lady fun club!