Chaos Mode should stay.

vanwol Member Posts: 14
edited May 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

I might be alone here but, as a killer main and a avid survivor player I love the chaos mode. Partly why I started playing and why I came back into DBD was because I saw Otzdarva do his random perk challenge and I thought that it looked awesome and fun!

The chaos mode is also an amazing tool for new and old players to learn and get the feel for all the perks, making it so that it becomes more enjoyable finding wacky perk combos and still getting a fresh feel from the game. Playing in normal pubs all your getting is straight up the same 12 perks re-used on each side, (you know if you know)

Thus I wish that chaos mode would be kept in, remove the bloodpoint event bonus, I dont need that, I just want the random perks.

Edit: I also wanna add, I do have all the perks unlocked on both sides, although I do, I prefer a randomizer. Because sometimes having to choose is such a hassle!

Post edited by vanwol on


  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bored of the meta. Chaos mode is so nice not having just the same boring thing over and over each match.

    Please. Take away the bonus bp if you must

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,128
    edited May 2024

    Agreed. It's so nice having perk variety for once. BHVR have been buffing and nerfing meta perks to try and create variety and here we have the perfect solution.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • ElodieSimp
    ElodieSimp Member Posts: 388
    edited May 2024

    Chaos Shuffle actually added fun into the game again.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Brix
    Brix Member Posts: 141

    Not much more to say then please let it stay longer! Its very refreshing mode!

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    I want Chaos Mode to be forever.

    It's way more fun than the normal mode.

    It adds variability, silly situations, …

    It brinks back some of the fun chaos the devs have progressively removed from the game.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 863

    I'd rather not make queue times longer by creating a second queue forever, however if random perks became a setting you can toggle then I'd be all for it.

  • LadyNachteule
    LadyNachteule Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    You are not allone, it s so mutch fun. Keep the Chaos mod!

  • saturan
    saturan Member Posts: 20

    Same here, i really enjoyed this game mode. It adds a lot of ramdomness, making games less "try hard" and more fun.

    I agree that having this gamemode on a second queue could be counterproductive, but it could be an option that every player (survs and killer) could toggle, and be given BP incentive if toggled on.