I cant wait for Malicious expansion

C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
edited May 2024 in General Discussions

So I attempted to draw Coldwind farm map by myself. Realized Im totally able to create more maps as I want to since now I have template files.


  • Killer shack is replaced by Slaughter house, which is in a tight corner, its hard to get there.
  • Harvester has a vault to Corn fields in the middle.
  • Corn fields is a place to hide and scavenge only, no objective. Its also the middle space where you can move to anywhere.
  • Behind the Thompson house is the Back Yard is the death end, but may provide items.

@UndeddJester would you like to make a print?

Post edited by C3Tooth on


  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited May 2024



    • The layout is rather simple, square-ish with long corridors.
    • Moving in straight line from top left to top right (or vice versa) is not easy. Limited by double Red path.
    • Moving in straight line from bottom left to bottom right (or vice versa) is easy. You can use Blue & Green (blocked) to easily get the other side, or just using Red.
    • Moving diagonally from Theatre to top right (or vice versa) is easy. You can move by either using Red-Green or Green-Red.
    • Moving diagonally from Theatre to bottom right (or vice versa) is not easy. Limited by double Green path.
    • West corridor is a safe place, but no objective.
    Post edited by C3Tooth on
  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,151

    These are really nicely done. I'm ashamed to say I haven't even opened my game 😬

  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 646

    This looks really cool but I'm also not really sure what I'm looking at? Could you explain a bit more? 😊

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2024

    You legend! Very nice work... I am very interested indeed, though I might need to work out how I'd go about storing extra maps 😅

    I'm curious how you went about deciding on the links/paths and item placements... your little map descriptions are a nice touch... play tested? 😁😁😁

    Regardless, I'll have a look at my setup when I'm back from travelling and hit you up if it works for I 🤘😁🤘

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited May 2024

    Except MacMillan where it has 11 rooms and 4 Yellow paths. Other 3 maps have 10 rooms and 2 Yellow paths. I think this is the standard of maps, while MacMillan being the beginner friendly.

    I listed other 3 maps and they have a general rules applied to them:

    • 18-20 paths total (3 ways path count as 1 path)
    • 2 paths are Yellow, the others are between 5-7 paths
    • 4 breakable walls
    • Main room that connect to 5-6 other rooms.

    How I decide to make paths is first to setup the map layout and decide how hard or easy to move between each area or rooms (as I did with Lery that you can see the Lobby is harder to move through than the bottom side. Or Coldwind has Backyard as a deathzone) I still play around with colors before making final decision.

    I just finish drawing these and not play them yet. But Im sure these map would work.

    Its DBD board game, fun to play with friends. Currently they have Basic game (7 survivors, 6 killers, 2 maps), Collector game (+10 survivors, +10 killers, +2 maps), and in this summer they will release Malicious game (+4 survivor, +3 killers, +2 maps).

    Playing these alot, I found out keep playing the same maps making it boring. So I decided to create more map for us to play. And I would like to share them with others.

    You have Basic game or Collector one?

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,151

    I have the Collector one! Have preordered the expansion too

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,963
  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2024

    Shrewd... I havent studied the maps in such detail... the result looks awesome.

    Don't suppose you have a particular print company in mind to produce the boards?

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    My friend knows a company that print any image with anysize into mousepad. The board game size is 51cm x 60cm, that they can print my images into mouse pad to play.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    @UndeddJester Can you guess the map through this layout?

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2024

    ...hmmmm... Ormond?

    EDIT: Wait no CE already has Ormand... hmmm...

    I dunno if the blue is a clue... big central structure though with 2 generators and pallets...

    Coal Tower leaps out at me, but that's Macmillan so I'm struggling a tad xD

    Red Forest maybe?

    Edit 2: No! No vault from main! Temple of Purgation! That's my final answer 😁

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited May 2024

    Nostromo Wreckage


    • Isolator ; Hypersleep ; Nostromo landing formed as the main building. I put the floor texture to make it clear.
    • Each side of the main building has a vault that drop down to the outside (just like in game)
    • A sneak path that goes around behind the small ship Narcissus (just like in game)
    • An additional path behind the ship to not make Left wing a death corner, also to keep the rule of each room must have at least 3 paths.
    Post edited by C3Tooth on
  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited May 2024

    Grave of Glenvale


    • There is a unique 4 ways of Green path that create the main route in the town.
    • Reduce the number of Green path, with extra 2 Yellow path that dropping from upper stairs.
    • The Route & Dead end are the most dangerous places to do objective.
    • Breakable walls giving Killer the most strategy choice.

    I think I've done enough. Im going to do something else.

    Post edited by C3Tooth on
  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2024

    They're all really cool!

    I'll check my setup when I get back from travelling. Will you be keeping the print stored? Am I alright to hit you up once I figured out where TF I'm gonna put the Malicious Expansion box? 😁

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    These image are original size, you can just download these and make a print of them.

    I converted on Google how much Pixel from 60cm and it showed 2267 Pixel, so I created new Canvas with 2267 Pixel, I hope when printing, its actually 60cm, equal to the real board game.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I made a few changes on the paths to make sure killers mostly have options to make the 3rd move.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    @UndeddJester Have you seen Artist & Jonah new perks? I feel something wrong with PainRes.

    • PainRes: interact with a hook to injure a survivor in a connected space (3BP)
    • Overcharge: interact with a gen to injure a survivor in a connected space, or the same space. (2BP)

    PainRes makes you sabo a hook (which is pointless as killer), to injure a survivor in a connected space, this is pretty much similar to Huntress power, except requires 3BP.
    OverCharge makes you kick a Gen (useful), to injure a survivor in a connected space. Means you kick a Gen and injure a survivor in one move, requires 2BP.

    Or I understand the perk wrong?

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2024

    Pain Res: There are fewer hooks available too, so it's harder to pull off.

    I'm 99% sure the killer doesn't block the hook, it's not on the list of killer interactions so since pain res doesn't specifically state it, I assume it's not a thing… also it doesn't make sense to sabotage yourself, especially for such a high cost. I think it's interacting like they would a hex totem for the effect. It basically means a hook becomes an interactable token for the killer.

    In the early game you want to reveal red tokens, not yellows, so if you reveal a hex totem you can gain extra BP, and if you reveal a hook it now an additional useful interactable token for you. If your next turn has guessed a survivor correctly you can 1-2 punch them for a 1 space carry to hook.

    So I suppose pain res power is the fact that if you guess right while moving through a hook at any point, it's a 1 space carry guaranteed.

    I think it might still be a little on the weaker side, that cost is pretty high... though there are not many 1-2 punches in this game, so maybe the cost is justified. Its also worth considering you'll always have hooks, whereas gens get removed from the board as they get completed.

    I think the another useful case is it gives you some more hook camping power. When a survivor saves another survivor with a hook sabotage they move for free, so a survivors turn will usually be:

    • Move in to the space
    • Interact with hook
    • Take the free move to another space
    • The player who just came off hook also moves a free space (often these will be different).

    If you plan your move into the hook space and there are no lockers or green tiles in the places surrounding the hook, you can guarantee getting a free wound on the unhook player, and you now have a much greater chance of your next move landing on a survivor space you can interact with, either the unhooked player or the unhooker to throw immediately back on hook (though obviously the hook they were unhooked from will be blocked)

    Since they also get to interact in the space they move to after the unhook though, there is a chance you get palleted off, or they crow out, or they jump in a locker and can't be targeted...

    So I guess overall it makes you a little more potent in the early game, where your first few turns looking for hooks and totems are a little more dangerous, and makes saves while you're nearby also quite dangerous. Might be really nice on a killer with a good BP battery like Hag or obviously Artist herself 😉

    I seems they've made Artist purely an info killer and brought the damage part of her kit in in the form of a perk that feeds off BP generation. I guess the cost is high so other killers who don't generate BP like Artist can't abuse it.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Thing is the perk cost 3BP, with no bonus interaction.

    Overcharge give you 2 meaningful interactions (kick Gen and wound a survivor) with 2BP. Most of the time, perks with 2BP add a bonus interaction to the move. Interacting with hooks is not useful interaction for killers.

    It would be better if killer interact with a Totem to wound a survivor (+2BP and -3BP) it would be more reasonable.

    Though the Designer said when they work on perks, its supposed to work well on the killer.

    Still, I dont understand how PainRes would work well for Artist's power.

    Unless release Dire Crows force survivors to keep using Prop Crows, giving her free BP to use PainRes.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2024

    Birds of Torment: Place a Crow or Dire Crow from your board in your space. If there is a Crow or Dire Crow in your space gain 1 BP.

    I've slowly figured this out while typing this message... this is revision 6. XD

    The part that is confusing me is that survivors get bonus turns off Crows... so her passive power only works if a survivors stops on a crow space and doesn't take a bonus turn... I guess you want to throw Crows on gens I suppose to catch survivors as they leave?

    You use you power in place of interactions... I'm not sure if I must place a Crow or Dire Crow to get the BP portion of my power to activate... I'd assume not, that seems overly restrictive, and it doesn't make sense to put a crow in a location that already has a crow... but it should say you "may" place a Crow.

    The fact the second BP part is a separate statement makes the "may" implied... so my rationale is if at any time I activate my power with no Crows on my board, if there is a Crow in my space, I gain a BP. Thus I would guess I can choose to do this instead of interact and remove that Crow.

    This would make sense as the passive portion of her power rewards her for placing crows, and obviously outside of power I can interact with a Crow or Dire Crow to gain a BP, so I can also farm Crows for BP, by moving, using power, and waiting and immediately picking up the Crow for 2 BP a turn.

    Between this and survivor using Crows Artist has a pretty insane BP battery, though its risky cause of all the survivor turns.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2024

    Bah just remembered you can't pick up a survivor wounded this round... which is still a restriction I don't really agree with... if you make a perfect read, I feel you should be rewarded for it.

    So ignore all the 1-2 punch stuff from earlier 😒

    We've discussed before how killers feel a little weak... and I think this rule is the heart of it. Survivors can rush a gen by all diving on it at once... the killer can't rush a hook state by diving on 1 survivor in a turn...

    I be curious to see how much better the killers perform if we change this rule.

    Edit: either that or limit survivors to 2 attempts to repair the same generator each round, to simulate limited spaces around a gen.

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    There is only 1 injure rule that I dont agree is Yui & Zarina perks that injure themselves would not let killer to interact with them that round. Otherwise, cant successfully interact on the same survivor twice work well for us (I mean, if you fail to hook Dwight because he roll a 5, you can spend 4BP to interact with him again, because you failed to interact with him earlier)

    I think per power relied on survivors jumping with Prop Crows to gain BP for 3rd move. Spending an interaction just to put a Prop Crows sound really bad on paper. But Im sure it works well in practice. As an injured survivor, you definitely not want to take a single move without Prop Crows because she will keep hooking you for snowball.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,963

    I suppose in my experience thus far, it's not very hard to get BP starved as killer, but you have more experience than me, and in fairness each time I play a killer, the first game tends to be rough, but the subsequent games get easier as you figure out their power. I've been meaning to get more games going recently, but haven't got the group together for a while :D

    Looking at the rules for Yui and Zarina, that does seem a little fishy…

    Is gonna be interesting to see how the Artist plays. Its an odd power.. I suppose her strength is she can keep feeding herself BPs to make use of her powers… Looking at Grim Embrace, it seems like she has a lot of power to be very dangerous near hooks. Catching someone who makes an unhook can give her a massive comeback later on… and of course she gets additional BP from Pentimento for survivors cleansing hex totems.

    Seems her whole stiche is managing the BP economy effectively…

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Cant wait for them to reveal Dredge and Haddie. May be Dredge can use power to go to any locker he wants, and may be ability to spawn destroyed lockers like Artist.

    There is a locker rule I learned that,Im not sure if you know this.

    • 1st round: Dwight - Meg - Clau - Jake (injured and gets into a locker).
    • 2nd round: Meg - Clau - Jake - Dwight

    On 2nd round, while Meg & Clau make a move, may be go to Jake's space. They can NOT heal Jake because he's still in the locker, also Jake can not use perks until his turn and Dwight being after Jake. This rule changed alot to survivor's gameplay. We always have survivors jump out of locker when clean up.

  • kakapo123
    kakapo123 Member Posts: 1