Strange solo game

So I was on the grim pantry just playing some survivor and this Leatherface just wasnt moving at all and swinging at the air. I thought it was one of those bots that people use to farm but then I remembered I was on console and I dont think they can do that on console. But yeah I just took the opportunity to max my boldness and I just took the hatch at the end. I do remember seeing a video where something similar happened but it was the killer pretending to do that and if a survivor got close he would just down them and hook them so I didnt want to take my chances. But yeah i got some good bps out of it at least.


  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    So I was on the grim pantry just playing some survivor and this Leatherface just wasnt moving at all and swinging at the air. I thought it was one of those bots that people use to farm but then I remembered I was on console and I dont think they can do that on console. But yeah I just took the opportunity to max my boldness and I just took the hatch at the end. I do remember seeing a video where something similar happened but it was the killer pretending to do that and if a survivor got close he would just down them and hook them so I didnt want to take my chances. But yeah i got some good bps out of it at least.

    Same happened to me after Spirit's release. I was playing at Shelter Woods with Dwight and the game was too quiet.
    3 gens were done and no sign of the killer, then I encountered my teammates and we did the last 2 gens. After that we saw a Spirit swinging at the air.

    The funny part is that one of my teammates went too close and got downed by her, and got camped on the hook. The rest of us escaped. I keep wondering what that Spirit was doing.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I do a similar thing when it gets to exit gates with no kills as Billy, but all I do is facecamp a gate and down everyone who comes near me. I don't hook them though ;)

  • FoggyDownpour
    FoggyDownpour Member Posts: 288
    You don't need a cheating program to do that, all you need is a rubber band around the trigger and enough attention to look at the screen once in a while to see when the match is over and you need to find a new lobby.
  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,576

    my weird solo one, was the wraith just stood in some corner not moving.....i only knew who the killer was at the end, as i didn't see them all game and was like ohhhhh he is just stood invisible in the corner some place....i was sort of like....what was the point lol

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    @NeonAlien and i faced a Legion yesterday who did exactly the same thing. Stayed in one spot and kept swinging the weapon. Double pip for everyone :)
  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    So I was on the grim pantry just playing some survivor and this Leatherface just wasnt moving at all and swinging at the air. I thought it was one of those bots that people use to farm but then I remembered I was on console and I dont think they can do that on console. But yeah I just took the opportunity to max my boldness and I just took the hatch at the end. I do remember seeing a video where something similar happened but it was the killer pretending to do that and if a survivor got close he would just down them and hook them so I didnt want to take my chances. But yeah i got some good bps out of it at least.

    all you have to do is tape down the trigger and you keep swinging

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    Sometimes I'm in a nice mood and will not kill anyone. Instead I will find a high point and dance/swing around until survivors call me along like a pet dog, then I will go to one end of the generator and keep hitting it to pretend I'm doing the generator and if someone busts the gen 3 times in a row or so I will smack them one time and shake my head. Which usually ends up with everyone scattering then creeping back when they see I'm not chasing followed by funny gesture exchanges.

    I get a little put off by people who don't take the opportunity to cleanse the totems, farm each other off the hook or grab the hatch. I get that they're being careful but they still wouldve died with a lot of points if I just so happened to be a bad guy camping at the end and only downed them if they came close.