So whats the right play here?

Please nerf this stupid combo already
According to the current specifications, the killer is checkmated in this situation, so there is no dream. Forced Hesitation will help you.
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Isn't buckle up being reworked in next update to remove endurance? Or did I just dream of that?
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The "play" would have been to just dont write something in EGC. In the end, the Survivors just used a combo. (Not that I like FTP + Buckle Up, but it is what it is)
But the Combo will already be nerfed in the next Patch. Then Buckle Up does not give Endurance anymore, but will provide a Speedboost for the Survivor who has been healed from the ground. So while Feng would probably still be out in this situation, Lisa would have been dead instead. The combo will be purely altruistic after the next Patch.
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What you do is stop taking bad perks like friends till the end, alien instinct, haunted, and retribution, and bring 4 slowdown perks so you never get to that point to begin with.
Post edited by Reinami on16 -
So your suggestion is to counter BS with more BS? I'm not convinced.
Buckle Up + FTP should have been nerfed months ago. I guess they were too busy messing up Twins and nerfing STBFL though.
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The fact you only got half the perks right makes me unsure whether or not you even play enough to have an opinion on this matter.
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It’s being nerfed next patch so you won’t have to worry about this happening soon :)
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Only thing you maybe could’ve done here is tried to shoot Lisa instead (and earlier too), reeled her in and hit her then immediately reload and try to shoot her again before she gets past the exit line. But idk if that would’ve worked or not, might’ve already been too close anyways.
Barring that, there’s not really anything else you could’ve done at this point and this is why Buckle Up is changing in the next update. (And with the new version, you would’ve killed Lisa if she did this, Feng would still get out though)
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This. Why try to have fun with the game just pick Nurse with 4 slowdown perks every game
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I cant in good faith agree with this since I managed to down someone twice earlier at a killer shack with the pallet dropped
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I would have shot and reeled her just out of the gate and held onto it to waste the deep wounds, most survivors expect you to swing immediately in that scenario as soon as theyre close to you and they'll let you reel them right in with no resistance so that you hurry up to eat that deep wounds before it's gone , but if you ever see a for the people assume they both have deep wounds is a good rule of thumb because nobody is just gonna pick up in your face to both go down unless they're trolling.
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I just shot. By the time I reloaded they were already at the exit
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Actually nevermind I was wrong I rewatched it for some reason I thought you reloaded right before for the people but you didn't have time my bad
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The right play is not to let them do 5 gens.
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I don't know why it took them so long to change Buckle Up. In fact, I don't know why they made this change in the first place. They never should have released this perk in the state it's in and lasting for so long. I know that because old dead hard existed and it took them years to see any reasonable changes and in the past, gen kick meta perks.
Post edited by EQWashu on6 -
That's good in my book. Guaranteeing the escape of a teammate that has gone down should come at some for of risk.
Also... The combo will ALREADY be nerfed next patch? As far as I know, that has been in the game for a pretty long time now. It's time for it to go.
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Oof friend... Oof
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Possibly the most L take I think I've ever seen in DBD's history.
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Thankfully nerfed next patch.
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Then you probably missed era of survivors defending old MFT. It was even fun to read all these ridiculously stupid excuses.
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I think the era of defending old dead hard and eruption was worse
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The only thing you can really do is anticipate the play and use the momentum from your swing to try and body block the FTP player from reaching the slug until you can quickly M1 them. Doesn't always work, but I've pulled off. Not a legitimate counterplay.
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Why has this combo existed for so long, and why doesn't the BhVR staff regularly play killer plays in ranked matches and need the experience of running and being run by trendy perks and combos? That's exactly what Matthew did in the match that led to the weakening of the lights and the strengthening of the hugs.
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Part of it is the fact that the person is using custom perk icons so it made them look a bit different.
But it certainly does show how bad alien instinct and friends til the end are when i thought they were the only half decent perks those killers had.
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I remember people defending stretch resolution. Very cringe
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People defend everything in this game, I even got into an argument with someone recently who said the Potential Energy exploit was fine because 'gens could once be completed faster' which is funny because gens could literally be insta completed with old old bnp if I remember right.
Post edited by ArkInk on1 -
On that video, as far as I know, there is no possible counter-play that'd get you a down.
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With deathslinger. Just well timed backpedalling and shooting through the window.