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New Chapter Idea:From Page to Terror

queenbee20233 Member Posts: 2

I apologize if this is long to read.  I had put some time and thought into writing this. I hope to be noticed by behavior devs. I have a passion for writing and thinking of new ideas.


Chapter:From Page to Terror

Killer:The Babadook

Perk 1: I’ll Wage My Campaign

Description: Obsessive torment clouds your judgment. When a Survivor completes a Generator within a 16/14/12 meter radius of you, their aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds and gains the exposed status for 15 seconds.

Explanation: This perk plays on The Babadook’s relentless pursuit of his victims. It allows him to track Survivors who are making progress on Generators, making it harder for them to hide.

Perk 2: Believe It or Not

Description: Your presence lingers in the minds of Survivors. After hooking a Survivor, the next time they attempt to perform a rushed action (vaulting, healing, cleansing, etc.) within 10 seconds, they scream, revealing their location and suffering from the Hindered status effect for 4/5/6 seconds.

Explanation: This perk reflects The Babadook’s ability to manipulate the minds of his victims, causing them to doubt their own senses and make mistakes.  

Perk 3: Mister Babadook

Description: Your power grows with every failed attempt to deny your existence. For each successful skill check performed by Survivors during a chase with you, gain a token (up to a maximum of 5/6/7 tokens). Each token grants you a 1% increase in movement speed. All tokens are lost when you hit a Survivor.

Explanation: This perk embodies the idea that The Babadook becomes stronger the more people try to ignore or suppress him. It rewards the killer for prolonged chases and punishes Survivors for trying to outmaneuver him.


Real Name: Mister Babadook


-A towering figure in a black coat and a wide top hat, casting an imposing silhouette.

-His face is stretched into a horrifying grin with sharp teeth. With Long, claw fingers that twitch and grasp, eager to tear into his victim.

Weapon: The Book and the Claw

-The Babadook wields a large, sharpened claw, an extension of his right hand, as his primary weapon.

-He clutches a tattered children’s book  “Mister Babadook”  in his left hand, for his nightmarish power the babadook will be able to place 3 books anywhere around the map for survivors to find and banish with items found around the map.  

Power: The Babadook’s Curse

-Dread: The Babadook inflicts a stacking status effect called Dread on Survivors through his abilities and presence. Dread manifests in increasingly disturbing visual and auditory hallucinations, impacting Survivor's actions and perception.

-Nightmare Essence: The Babadook projects an aura of Nightmare Essence around himself, lingering in the environment and clinging to objects. This Essence acts as a conduit for his power, amplifying Dread and enabling special abilities.


-Hallucination Surge (Cooldown): The Babadook unleashes a surge of nightmarish energy.

-Within his Terror Radius: Survivors suffer a large spike in Dread and briefly see illusory copies of the Babadook lunging at them from random directions.

-Outside his Terror Radius: Survivors within Nightmare Essence see a quick flash of the Babadook’s form in their vision, suffering a smaller increase in Dread.

Fearful Whispers (Active Ability): 

The Babadook focuses his power, intensifying the whispers of fear within a selected area where Nightmare Essence is present.

-Targeted Area: The chosen area becomes shrouded in a visible haze of Nightmare Essence. Survivors within this area suffer from the following effects:

-Shrinking Skill Check Zones: Success zones for skill checks are significantly reduced, making actions riskier.

    >Increased Dread Gain: All sources of Dread inflict a higher amount.

    >Sound Distortion: The sounds of their actions are amplified, potentially drawing the Babadook’s attention.

Dread Stages:

-Stage 1 (Whispers and Shadows): Faint whispers, flickering shadows. Skill check success zones are slightly reduced.

-Stage 2 (Manifestations): Frequent hallucinations, distorted sounds. Skill check success zones are moderately reduced. Hindered status effect applied.

-Stage 3 (Crippling Fear): Near-constant hallucinations, significantly obscured vision and sound. Considerably harder skill checks.

-Stage 4 (Consumed by Darkness): Survivor screams and collapses, becoming broken for a short duration. Their aura is revealed to the Babadook.



Brown Addons (common)

-Scrapbook Page: Increases the duration of the Fear status effect by 1/2/3 seconds.

-Torn Photograph: Slightly increases the movement speed of illusory copies created by Hallucination Surge.

-Cracked Music Box: When a survivor interacts with a Babadook illusion, they scream, revealing their location, and become exposed for 4/5/6 seconds. The illusion is then destroyed.

-Whispering Pages: Moderately increases the range at which Fearful Whispers affects Survivors’ skill checks.

Yellow Addons (Uncommon)

-Pop-Up Book: When a Survivor under the effect of Fear fails a skill check, they scream, revealing their location for 3/4/5 seconds.

-Red Shoe: The Babadook’s terror radius is hidden from Survivors under the effect of Fear.

-Monstrous Voice: Survivors within The Babadook’s terror radius suffer from the Oblivious status effect for 5/6/7 seconds while under the influence of Fear.

-Bent Spoon: Successfully hitting a Survivor grants The Babadook a burst of movement speed for 5/6/7 seconds.

Green (Rare)

-Mother’s Lipstick: A touch of glamor masking a chilling truth. Survivors who look at The Babadook while their Nightmare meter is above 75% scream and have their aura revealed for 2/3/4 seconds.

-Broken Picture Frame: A family portrait, shattered beyond repair. Your Terror Radius is suppressed for 4/5/6 seconds after manifesting a Babadook illusion.

-Sam’s Hand-Drawn Monster: A child’s nightmare-given form. Babadook illusions now inflict the exposed status effect on nearby Survivors within a 4/6/8 meter radius for 4/5/6 seconds.

-Scratched Film Reel: Images flicker and distort, blurring the line between reality and nightmare. When a Survivor’s Nightmare meter reaches 100%, their aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds.

Purple (Very Rare)

-Water-Damaged Photograph: A cherished memory, warped and faded by grief. Whenever a Survivor’s Nightmare meter fills, the duration of all active Babadook illusions is increased by 4/6/8 seconds.

-Scrawled Note in Children’s Handwriting: “Don’t let him in!” When a Survivor within your Terror Radius reaches 100% Nightmare, all other Survivors outside of your Terror Radius have their Nightmare meter increased by 10/15/20%. This effect can only trigger once every 30/25/20 seconds.

-Ripped Bedtime Story: A tale abruptly cut short, leaving a lingering sense of dread. When a Babadook illusion disappears, Survivors within a 6/8/10 meter radius suffer from the Hindered status effect for 4/5/6 seconds.

-Ink-Stained Handkerchief: Used to wipe away tears, now stained with the darkness of the book. For each 15/12/10% of Nightmare meter, a survivor gains, their action speeds for repairing, healing, and cleansing are decreased by 2/3/4%, up to a maximum of 8/12/16%. This effect lingers for 4 seconds after they stop gaining Nightmare.

Iridescent Addons(Ultra Rare)

-The Babadook’s Replica Book: A twisted reflection of the original, brimming with dark power. You start the trial with a second Babadook illusion that can be placed independently. This illusion has a 50% reduced duration.

-A Lock of Amelia’s Hair: A mother’s love, twisted into something possessive and cruel. Babadook illusions now emit a Terror Radius of 8/12/16 meters. Survivors within this radius suffer from the Hindered and Exhausted status effects for 10/20/30 seconds.



The Entity did not seek out a man in a suit, nor a clawed beast, when it found Mister Babadook. It found a story. A whisper that festered in the dark corners of children’s minds, feeding on the anxieties of parents ill-equipped to face it. The Babadook was never truly one being, but a manifestation of the terror that took root when denial met grief. Amelia, driven to the edge by the loss of her husband, became the perfect vessel. Her son, Samuel, became the catalyst. 

The Entity, hungry for potent fear, did not claim the Babadook so much as it absorbed the story, twisting it into a new horror. Now, the Nightmare echoes with Amelia’s despair, amplified and never-ending. The Babadook is no longer confined to a single house or a single family. He is the bogeyman in every closet, the monster under every bed, given form by the Entity’s power.

The Babadook stalks survivors with an unsettling stillness, his movements a disjointed waltz between predator and phantom. He doesn’t need illusions to instill terror but to create hallucinations to drive his victims to insanity.  His presence alone warps the environment, turning the familiar into the menacing. Toys twitch to life, whispering threats. Shadows writhe with unnatural menace. The air itself grows heavy with dread, increasing the survivors’ fear and weakening their resolve.

He preys on their vulnerabilities, exploiting past traumas and anxieties. A survivor who fears enclosed spaces might find themselves struggling to breathe, walls seeming to close in. One haunted by a childhood bully might hear taunting whispers, their name hissed with malicious glee.

The Entity delights in the Babadook’s unique brand of psychological torment. For what is more terrifying than the monster you cannot outrun, the fear that festers within, waiting for the moment you break, the moment you whisper, “Babadook.”

The Entity revels in the Babadook’s ability to tap into these primal fears. For what is more terrifying than confronting the monsters we thought we’d left behind, the realization that some fears never truly disappear, they simply evolve alongside us, waiting for the moment we’re vulnerable enough to be consumed once more.

He preys on the insecurities we carry from childhood: the fear of abandonment, the terror of the unknown, the helplessness of being small in a world that seems designed to swallow you whole. He might force survivors to relive traumatic childhood memories, trapping them in looping corridors that echo with the taunts of bullies or the despair of neglectful guardians.


Amelia Vanek: Survivor

Perk 1: Mother’s Intuition

Description: You possess a heightened awareness of impending danger. When the Killer reads your aura or gains a Killer Instinct notification on you, you receive a visual and auditory cue indicating the general direction of the Killer for 3/4/5 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 45/40/35 seconds.

Explanation: This perk represents Amelia’s maternal instincts and her ability to sense when her son, Samuel, was in danger. It gives her a brief moment of warning when the Killer is focusing on her, allowing for a slightly better chance to react and evade.

Perk 2: Repressed Memory

Description: The trauma you’ve endured has left you with a fragmented memory, but also a strange resilience. When you are unhooked or escape from the Killer’s grasp, you leave behind a false aura for 4/5/6 seconds that briefly misdirects the Killer. This perk has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.

Explanation: This perk plays on the psychological aspect of Amelia’s struggle with The Babadook. It creates a moment of confusion for the Killer, similar to how Amelia’s own memories were muddled by the entity’s influence.

Perk 3: Don’t You Tell Them

Description: You’ve learned to mask your fear to protect others. When performing a rushed action within the Killer’s Terror Radius, your grunts of pain are silenced for 4/6/8 seconds.

Explanation: This perk reflects Amelia’s attempts to shield Samuel from the full extent of their terrifying situation. It allows her to perform necessary actions without drawing as much attention to herself, increasing her chances of survival.


Amelia Vanek was once a woman filled with love and hope, eagerly awaiting the birth of her son, Samuel. However, tragedy struck on the day of his arrival when her husband Oskar died in a car accident. The joy of welcoming their child into the world was overshadowed by grief and loss.

As Samuel grew older, he exhibited challenging behavior that tested Amelia’s patience and resolve. He became fixated on a mysterious pop-up book titled “Mister Babadook,” claiming it depicted a sinister entity haunting them. Despite dismissing it as childhood imagination at first, strange occurrences began to unfold around them.

The lines between reality and nightmare blurred for Amelia as she grappled with her own inner demons while trying to raise Samuel alone. The presence of The Babadook seemed to loom over their lives like a dark cloud, feeding off her sorrow and amplifying her fears.

Driven to desperation by sleepless nights haunted by visions of The Babadook and Samuel’s erratic behavior influenced by his belief in the creature’s existence, Amelia struggled to maintain control over her unraveling life.

In an attempt to protect herself and Samuel from the malevolent force that threatened their sanity, Amelia confronted The Babadook head-on. Through sheer determination and sacrifice, she managed to contain its influence within herself but not without enduring immense psychological torment along the way.

Now marked by trauma but fueled by resilience born out of maternal instinct, Amelia finds herself drawn into the Entity’s realm where she must confront both external threats and the lingering shadows of her past if she hopes to survive another day in this twisted landscape.


Oskar Vanek:Survivor

Perk 1: Resilient Spirit

Description: Your unwavering determination in the face of adversity fuels your resolve. When injured, your recovery speed is increased by 15%/20%/25%. Additionally, you have a 50% chance to reduce the duration of the Hindered status effect applied to you by successful Killer attacks.

Explanation: This perk reflects Oskar’s resilience in coping with life’s challenges, both before and after his untimely death. It allows him to recover more quickly from injuries and potentially evade further hindrances imposed by the Killer.

Perk 2: Watchful Protector

Description: You’re always alert for danger, especially when those you care about are vulnerable. When within an 8/12/16 meter radius of a hooked survivor, you can see the Killer’s aura for 2/3/4 seconds if they are within a 16-meter radius of the hook. This perk has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.

Explanation: This perk highlights Oskar’s protective nature and awareness of his surroundings. It allows him to assess the situation around a hooked survivor and potentially make a move to intervene or warn others.

Perk 3: Lasting Legacy

Description: The memory of your sacrifice lingers on, inspiring those around you. Each time you are unhooked or healed from dying state by another Survivor, all nearby Survivors gain a small boost (5%/7%/10%) to repair speeds for Generators for a limited duration.

Explanation: This perk honors Oskar’s legacy of selflessness and bravery even beyond death. By channeling his spirit into aiding others’ efforts toward escape, he continues to make a meaningful impact on the team’s chances of survival.


Oskar Vanek was a man who understood the preciousness of life. A devoted husband to Amelia and soon-to-be father, he approached everything with a quiet strength and a warm smile. He was the anchor in the storm, the calm amidst chaos.

A carpenter by trade, Oskar possessed a quiet artistry, transforming wood into objects of beauty and practicality. His hands, calloused yet gentle, built the world around him with care and precision. He poured the same love and dedication into his relationship with Amelia, cherishing every moment they had together.

The news of Amelia’s pregnancy filled him with a joy he could barely contain. He dreamt of their child, of teaching them to ride a bike, of reading them bedtime stories. He threw himself into preparing for their arrival, crafting a crib with his own hands, each piece imbued with the love he already felt for the tiny life growing within Amelia.

But fate, it seemed, had other plans. On the day their child, Samuel, was born, tragedy struck. Driving to the hospital in the dead of night, a thick fog descended, shrouding the road in an eerie silence. A blinding flash, the screech of tires, and then… nothing.

Oskar never got to hold his child. He never got to whisper words of love into their tiny ears. His life, filled with so much promise, was cut tragically short. Yet, even in death, his presence lingered. A whisper of warmth in the cold, a flicker of light in the darkness, a reminder that even the deepest love can transcend the veil of death.

Some say that Oskar’s spirit, unable to find peace, still wanders, drawn to places where families are torn apart, seeking to protect those left behind from the darkness that claimed him. A guardian angel, forever bound to the memory of a life unlived and a love that death itself could not extinguish.


The Babadook’s Books of Dread:


-Strategic Terror: The Babadook can place his three smaller books anywhere on the map, allowing for strategic mind games and dynamic gameplay. He might:

-Place a book near a hooked survivor, forcing a risky rescue attempt.

-Surround a generator, hindering repairs and amplifying fear in the area.

Ritual Mechanics:

Three Stages, Three Books: Each book requires a three-stage ritual to banish:

-Seek the Torn Page: A page ripped from the corresponding book is hidden within a 12-meter radius of the book’s location. This page contains a fragment of the banishment rhyme.

The Memory box:Find a small box hidden somewhere around the map.  The box is locked with a 3 digit code.  The clues are scattered nearby.

-Trace the Circle of Courage:  Two survivors must collaborate to draw a circle of protection around the book using a Red Crayon.  Illusory Babadooks will attempt to distract and disorient them during this stage.

-Unite in the Chant: With the circle complete, all participating survivors must stand within its boundaries and speak the banishment rhyme in unison. The Babadook will intensify his psychological assault, whispering threats and dredging up their deepest fears.

Risks and Challenges:

-Illusory Distractions: The illusory Babadooks are harmless but  distracting. They’ll flicker in and out of view, whisper survivors’ names, and even mimic their movements, making it difficult to focus on the ritual.

-Psychological Torment: The Babadook will exploit survivors’ vulnerabilities, whispering personalized threats, reminding them of past traumas, and attempting to break their resolve. The closer survivors are to a book, the more intense the whispers become.

-Coordination and Communication: The ritual demands teamwork and communication. Survivors must coordinate their actions, share information about page locations, and support each other during the chanting phase.

The Ritual’s Influence: As survivors banish the Books of Dread, the Babadook’s power will either diminish (ritual complete) or intensify (ritual incomplete). Each book banished grants ALL survivors a UNIQUE temporary boost.

Book Banishing Boosts:

-First Book Banished: +4% movement speed for all survivors.

-Second Book Banished: +5% repair, healing, and sabotage speed for all survivors.

-Third Book Banished: All survivors gain a 15% chance to avoid detection while in the Babadook’s terror radius.

-All Books Banished : All three boosts are applied simultaneously for 20 seconds.

Incomplete Ritual (Default & End-Game State):

-This is the Babadook’s starting point at the beginning of each trial.

-This is also how powerful he’ll be if ALL THREE books remain at the end of the trial.

-He retains his base power level and has no additional benefits.

-However: If the survivors have attempted and FAILED to complete the banishing ritual on ANY of the books, the Babadook gains access to his “Nightmare Manifestation” power as a last resort.

Ritual in Progress:

-Level 1 (3 Books Remaining): The Babadook is at his base level. He retains his base kit and has no additional benefits. The challenge for survivors is discovering the ritual and choosing to engage with it.

-Level 2 (2 Books Remaining): The Babadook becomes slightly more powerful, gaining a 3% movement speed boost. The whispers and illusions might intensify slightly.

-Level 3 (1 Book Remaining): The Babadook’s power grows significantly. His terror radius is increased by 4 meters, and his illusory copies become more frequent and disorienting.

-Level 4 (0 Books Remaining - Ritual Complete): The Babadook is significantly weakened. He loses any additional speed boosts or terror radius increases gained during the trial. He cannot use “Nightmare Manifestation.” The survivors have faced their fears and weakened his grip on the trial.


-Banishing All Books: Provides the most significant advantages, weakening the Babadook and empowering survivors.

-Banishing Some Books: Still offers benefits, but survivors will face a tougher challenge during the escape.

-No Books Banished: The Babadook will be at his strongest, making escape extremely difficult.


Facing the Illusion: Survivor Interactions with the Babadook

To make the Babadook’s illusions more than just a passive threat, Survivors will need ways to interact with them

1. Direct Confrontation: Seeing through

-Mechanic: Survivors within a set range of the illusion (8 meters) can press and hold the Active Ability button to “Focus” on the illusion.

-Success: After a short channel (1.5 seconds), the illusion is revealed as a flickering, transparent figure for 4 seconds, visible to all Survivors. The Survivor who focused gains a 3-second burst of speed.

-Failure: If the Survivor releases the button or is interrupted, the Focus fails, and the “Marked by Fear” duration on them is increased by 2 seconds. They also hear a close-range whisper from the Babadook.

2. Tactical Exploitation: Playing Pretend

-Mechanic: Survivors can use the illusion’s presence to their advantage:

-False Hope: Standing within the illusion’s radius for 3 seconds while holding the Active Ability button grants the “False Hope” status effect for 5 seconds. This effect provides no benefits but creates moderately loud, fake notification sounds as if the Survivor is repairing a generator or cleansing a totem, potentially misleading the killer. (Cooldown: 45 seconds)

-Whispers of Misdirection: While within the illusion’s radius, Survivors can press the Active Ability button to create a fake noise notification in a random direction within a 15-meter radius. This can be used to distract the killer or mask their true location. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)

3. Shared Nightmare:

-Mechanic: When a Survivor is affected by “Marked by Fear,” their aura is briefly revealed to all other Survivors within a certain range (16 meters). This creates a tense dynamic where Survivors need to weigh the risks and benefits of staying close together when the Babadook’s illusions are in play.


Voice lines for the killer

 Chasing Survivors:

-“You can’t hide forever.”

-“I’m coming for you…”

-(Maniacal laughter) “You’re mine!”

-“Don’t let it in…” (Whispered menacingly)

Hitting a Survivor:

-“You’re next!”

-“This is for your own good…”

-“Embrace the darkness…”

Downing a Survivor:

-(Deep, satisfied sigh) “Finally…”

-“The book told me to do it…”

Hooking a Survivor:

-“Don’t worry, it will all be over soon.”

-“The Entity is hungry…”

-“You brought this upon yourself.”


-(The Babadook leans in close, whispering) “I warned you…” (Opens its mouth wide, revealing rows of sharp teeth)

-(The Babadook forces open the survivor’s mouth and shoves the book inside) “Read it! Read it all!”

-(The Babadook claws at the survivor’s chest, mimicking the book’s illustrations) “This is how the story ends…”
