Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Disable Sloppy Butcher for Wraith

Until you guys fix this bug with Sloppy Butcher PLEASE just disable it for the Wraith. Every single Wraith I have played against in the last 2 days on Xbox has used it and I'm 90% positive they are doing it on purpose. They don't even need to use the add-on, just Sloppy Butcher. My game has already crashed twice from it. And yes the killer can see the blood spurts, I've been outed by it.



  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2019

    @Ryuhi said:
    as a wraith player who didnt even know about this until survivors told me about it, you cannot see it. stop propagating that lie. a lot of wraiths are avoiding it (which is especially annoying since its a very meta perk for him) to try to be nice since we know its an issue, but the rest are either unaware or don't care about survivor feelings.

    taking drastic measures because something puts one side at a disadvantage is kinda silly, and asking for it as a counter to a glitch is even more silly... that'd be like disabling crouch walking because audio for most killers is completely broken right now, forcing scratch marks because the spirit can barely track off of anything since the new engine update both auditory and visually, etc.

    They've already addressed the issue in the PTB and it is only caused there by a "double application" of hemorrhaging(?) status, so hopefully they will have it completely isolated by the time 2.5 goes live. In the meantime people will just have to make like every single other glitch: adapt and endure until it gets fixed.

    (for the record, I'm actually kinda glad it happened and i was nice enough to stop running sloppy, introduced me to the enduring+ spirit fury combo)

    You can see it. I don't think it's all the time but they can definitely see it on occasion. I know because I asked some Wraiths if they saw the blood (this was before I knew about the bug) and they said yes. Also I was found because of it a few times, as there was definitely no other way the killer saw me.

    And no Wraith's are not avoiding it. At least not on Xbox. I just played one earlier that was using Sloppy and KNEW about the bug. How did I know he knew? I messaged him about the bug and he told me he knew.

    Also you seem to have miss the important part so I will make it in big letters...


    At least on Xbox. IDK about PC or PS4 but I would assume it has the possibility of doing so. If it was just a visual bug I wouldn't have a problem with it. But it freezes the game. And while BHVR might not ban you for it, MS/Sony still can. This is a big deal, it's not just "oh he can see my blood all the time".

    Also, add-ons don't make a difference. Again maybe it's just Xbox, but it happens when Wraiths have no add-ons. I've only seen 1 Wraith using the add-ons that supposedly cause it, but it's actually just Sloppy Butcher that causes the bug.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733 your answer is to remove it before hotfixing it to at least where its at in the PTB? If you'd even read the patch notes for it, you'd see they have isolated it so that it does not affect SB or the addon anymore, but rather only when both are used simultaneously. Since there is no actual benefit to this, if nothing else, it makes it 100% obvious when people are actually exploiting it.

    Unfortunately there are a lot of very big bugs that are present in the game in the 2.4 update, which will happen when updating an entire game engine. Unfortunately the devs have opted to not do any quickfixes it seems, so we're stuck waiting until the 2.5 update. And considering I've lost a good dozen BPS offerings and some good killer addons to loading screen crashes, I'm not crying too much a few people have had game crashes from this issue.

    BTW when I mentioned wraiths were avoiding it, I was talking about the good guy killers who avoid exploiting things and try "playing by survivor rules." Considering how fixated you are on the ones who just play the game with the tools given to them, its no surprise you're not seeing a whole lot of them. There is very little reason to gimp yourself in this game, regardless of which side you're on, so a lot of them will either continue to remain ignorant about it or simply ignore it and ignore the survivors who complain about it.

    That doesn't suddenly mean every time you see a wraith with sloppy they're willingly trying to crash your system, they just don't care about the consequences on your end. And thats the DBD mentality in a nutshell.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2019

    @Ryuhi said: your answer is to remove it before hotfixing it to at least where its at in the PTB? If you'd even read the patch notes for it, you'd see they have isolated it so that it does not affect SB or the addon anymore, but rather only when both are used simultaneously. Since there is no actual benefit to this, if nothing else, it makes it 100% obvious when people are actually exploiting it.

    Unfortunately there are a lot of very big bugs that are present in the game in the 2.4 update, which will happen when updating an entire game engine. Unfortunately the devs have opted to not do any quickfixes it seems, so we're stuck waiting until the 2.5 update. And considering I've lost a good dozen BPS offerings and some good killer addons to loading screen crashes, I'm not crying too much a few people have had game crashes from this issue.

    BTW when I mentioned wraiths were avoiding it, I was talking about the good guy killers who avoid exploiting things and try "playing by survivor rules." Considering how fixated you are on the ones who just play the game with the tools given to them, its no surprise you're not seeing a whole lot of them. There is very little reason to gimp yourself in this game, regardless of which side you're on, so a lot of them will either continue to remain ignorant about it or simply ignore it and ignore the survivors who complain about it.

    That doesn't suddenly mean every time you see a wraith with sloppy they're willingly trying to crash your system, they just don't care about the consequences on your end. And thats the DBD mentality in a nutshell.

    If they fix it fine, but considering that there is a lot of wrong information (I know for a fact some killers CAN see it, and I know for a fact that it only takes Sloppy to make it happen) BHVR needs to do something about it if their fixes don't work. They took resort out of map rotation for all platforms because it caused crashing on PS4, this is pretty much the same thing except it is way more common.

    And if the Wraith puts on Sloppy KNOWING that it can crash that game, then yes they are doing it to crash my game. Whether it happens or not is irrelevant, they know it can crash the game and they do it anyway.

    You are trivializing a rather serious bug. Game crash = serious. And if you give players the ability to do it, they will. Knowingly or not it doesn't matter.

    The fact you are defending a game crashing bug just shows how biased you are. Survivors were able to crash the game with flashlight macros, and yes that should be bannable, and yes they should disable it until they get a fix (I don't play on PC so IDK if it's still a thing, it might be a bit tougher to do because it's an item not a perk, but the point still stands that something should be done).

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    you keep saying you know for a fact that killers can see it, yet I have tested it extensively as a Wraith player in both matches and KYF and did not see it a single time. I had to watch a video a friend recorded to see what it even looked like.

    And again, they are not responsible for any consequences on your end for using what is provided to them normally. You can't ban people for using thick mist offerings, you can't ban Myers players who use sp00py LeRay's builds, You can't ban people for ragequitting vs nurses and making it a 3/2/1v1, so how is this different? People ruin each others games more intentionally constantly, and get far less backlash for it. The reason I find this whole situation so silly is because of how absurdly important tracking is to the wraith, and here people are screaming that a low tier killer needs to be punished for using one of his most synergizing perks (which gives him better tracking AND slows down survivors from healing up, two things he needs desperately)

    and like I said, there are a lot of equally serious bugs. Infinite loading screens are incredibly common with this patch, and were especially bad during the blood point event. At one point I was failing to load into the map 1 out of every 3-5 games. I guarantee I lost more matches than your average player crashing to the sloppy blood glitch. Does that mean it doesn't exist? no. does that mean it shouldn't be fixed? of course it should. But what it does mean is that you're missing the forest for the trees, and demanding action be taken against a low tier killer when they could already have it addressed if they were actually going to step in and do ANYTHING about it in the interim. So my response is, yet again, just be patient and endure like everyone else who plays the game.

  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    To clarify it happens on pc too. I've run into a handful of wraiths that are exploiting it as well. I have a decent internet connection and it makes my ping drop to about 15 ms. Everyone knows about it, yet there seems to be no stopping it until it's patched out in the ptb. We can only report them for exploiting and be hopeful that something is done to them for it.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    @Captain_Spaulding said:
    To clarify it happens on pc too. I've run into a handful of wraiths that are exploiting it as well. I have a decent internet connection and it makes my ping drop to about 15 ms. Everyone knows about it, yet there seems to be no stopping it until it's patched out in the ptb. We can only report them for exploiting and be hopeful that something is done to them for it.

    While I acknowledge that it does happen, I think you have your tems mixed up: If it made your ping 15ms, that would be a buff lmao.

    It does cause people to have FPS drops (which is your video card, not internet connection) and can apparently get pretty nasty if your video card is poorly cooled. I have had it happen to me once, and it might be because I play on low settings but my crappy computer stayed around 45 fps which was horrible but the game still played.

    and again, how do you know they're exploiting it? If they are saying they are in post game chat, sure report them. The chat will even be evidence to the dev team that it is intentional, and they can decide if its a matter of the player doing it to maintain an unfair advantage or just not caring.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Ryuhi Just because you tested it doesn't mean it can't happen. I asked some of them and some said they could see it. Some said no. And others didn't respond. But of the ones that said yes, how do you explain that? Obviously bugs can happen for a variety of reasons and causes a variety of effects. Not to mention, KYF does not always work the same as a normal game. There are some bugs the only work in KYF, like the multi-killer bug, so it stands to reason there are bugs that only work in a normal game too.

    By your logic then it's totally fine for a survivor to use a flashlight macro to crash the killer's game. Literally NONE of the examples you give crash the game. They are lame, but they don't crash the game. Crashing the game is something that the devs should not allow PERIOD. If that means disabling a perk/add-on/item/whatever until they fix it, so be it.

    Also infinite loading screens isn't something that's easily avoidable. But Sloppy on Wraith IS easily avoidable by just disabling Sloppy. I get it's a good perk, and very good for Wraith in particular, but dude IT CRASHES THE GAME. That's unacceptable. No excuses. Stop defending something that is an actual serious issue that can be easily solved.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Captain_Spaulding said:
    To clarify it happens on pc too. I've run into a handful of wraiths that are exploiting it as well. I have a decent internet connection and it makes my ping drop to about 15 ms. Everyone knows about it, yet there seems to be no stopping it until it's patched out in the ptb. We can only report them for exploiting and be hopeful that something is done to them for it.

    It's not the ping it's the frame rate, but yea they need to do something about it. With their track record I don't expect their fix to completely remove it. Until they can confirm they fixed it completely they need to do something. There are people exploiting this on purpose.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Thats why i tested it both in matches (Wraith is by far the killer I have the most experience with, which while not a lot, is still sizeable enough) as well as KYF, the KYF obviously being a lot more direct and the matches being a lot bigger sample size but low stress testing. The only things that could be variables past that are either different hardware/drivers making it visible to the killers, or settings being enabled/disabled affecting its visibility.

    you're making a pretty big false equivalence with the flashlight macro, especially since it requires third party software to even be possible. There is no macro software in the game, and it especially isnt tied to a perk that a player has to unlock and select into a loadout. Stop comparing apples to warships.

    Infinite loading screens has been an issue throughout the life of the game, but various patches have made it ebb and flow in numbers of times the issue was prevalent. This patch was one of them, for the same reason a lot of other glitches have either appeared or resurfaced: there was a very big engine update. From a development point, it can often take a long time to correct things after a major commit, and you can break other things with your fixes. Its why fixes are often done in two different methods: either hotfixes that address individual issues, or update patches that address a large number of issues simultaneously. Since the devs have shown they are not doing the former, that means they will do the latter. If they were going to do a hotfix to remove the wraith from being able to choose this one perk, they could easily just inject the code for the fix that is already live on the PTB instead. But again, there could be other consequences to it, which is why they are opting to continue working on it instead of applying a bandaid. It sucks, but thats how development works.

    Also for the record, they re-introduced the ormond map wayyyy too early, as the loading issue was still very much a thing following its return to the map rotation. to be honest, since My crashes were the worst after it was re-enabled (and when I did load in, almost every game had at least 1-2 survivors not load in instead) it should be a great example of why these types of fixes don't get rushed. They fixed one issue, but caused another pretty big one that affected other players instead.

    And again, I'm not "Defending" anything other than the dev teams' decision to handle patching at their own discretion. they're the ones who make and update the game, so they know the code better than any of us who don't even have access to it. They make some bad mistakes with stuff like the Sprits... well... everything with this patch, but if their notes in the PTB changelog are any indication, they are working on ironing out a lot of bugs based off of player feedback. So simply provide the feedback, sit down, and go back to playing the game.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Ryuhi Okay so macros require a third party. W/e, I don't play on PC so I don't know this. My point is that if it's within the devs ability to prevent something that CRASHES the game they need to do it, else it will... drum roll... make people's games crash. Whether intentional or not, it doesn't make a difference.

    Just as you say, there are difference variables that make it happen. I play on Xbox. You can see it ON XBOX. Maybe not on PC, and maybe just not on YOUR PC. But on Xbox it can happen.

    And you are defending it, because a reasonable person would say "yes remove it until it's fixed". The bug crashes the game. That shouldn't EVER be acceptable. If Wraiths have to suffer without a perk for a short time that's better than letting games crash.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Again, you're ignoring the fact that multiple other bugs on a similar level exist simply because this is the one that affects YOU on occasion. Thats doesn't make the issue any more pressing than one that causes other people to CTD very frequently, major gameplay elements simply not working correctly, the one where killer queues would fail to properly load the matchmaking algorithm and sit in limbo for 30+ minutes, etc.

    You know what is a lot easier to implement than them removing an entire perk from being availble to a specific killer? You selecting "leave match" every time you see the bug happen and you're afraid of a crash. There aren't even penalties for doing it on console, so there you go. You can complain about how you shouldn't have to do that, and you're not wrong. That said, its the fastest way to get the result you want and more effective than requesting an entire killer lose a piece of his toolkit because some people are exploiting an issue that is already in the process of being fixed properly on the backend.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2019

    @Ryuhi said:
    Again, you're ignoring the fact that multiple other bugs on a similar level exist simply because this is the one that affects YOU on occasion.

    There are no other bugs that crash the game. Not ones caused DIRECTLY by the players. Stop saying any bug is at all the same as this.

    You clearly don't know how game dev works. When bugs reports come in they are classified by their severity. Game crashing bugs are ALWAYS labeled as top priority. None of the other issues you mention even come close to that level of severity.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    This one also isnt caused directly by players, but rather by a perk that is available in the game. Likewise, the ormond one could then be said to be directly caused if a player uses the map offering for it. Not only that, but a lot of the other ones, while not game crashing, can make the game unplayable, which can be worse (especially for killer) since you have to force quit the game depending on their severity.

    You keep painting this out as something that only ever occurs as an exploit and are complaining about it as such, rather than a glitch that the devs are very clearly aware of and have already written out test code t fix. You stopped being constructive a long time ago and entered into the territory of complaining.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    Lots of people crash due to it. It’s even worse if in a chase.
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2019

    @Ryuhi said:
    This one also isnt caused directly by players, but rather by a perk that is available in the game. Likewise, the ormond one could then be said to be directly caused if a player uses the map offering for it.

    If the players can make the bug happen ON PURPOSE then yes, it is directly caused by the players. And resort bug was crashing the game, and COULD be caused directly by players that used the offering. Hence why they removed the map from rotation.

    SMH like do you even listen to yourself? The killer main self defense mechanism is strong with this one. There is no other reason you would be defending something that crashes the game.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Ryuhi said:
    This one also isnt caused directly by players, but rather by a perk that is available in the game. Likewise, the ormond one could then be said to be directly caused if a player uses the map offering for it.

    If the players can make the bug happen ON PURPOSE then yes, it is directly caused by the players. And resort bug was crashing the game, and COULD be caused directly by players that used the offering. Hence why they removed the map from rotation.

    SMH like do you even listen to yourself? The killer main self defense mechanism is strong with this one. There is no other reason you would be defending something that crashes the game.

    The Ormond bug was actually MORE common AFTER they restored it for a lot of players. That was my point, if you missed it. Also its funny you call me a killer main, because a good 80% of my playtime is survivor. I very rarely play killer, between visual and auditory disabilities making it very difficult and the way that most survivors act.

    I'm "defending" it (rather, how the devs are handling it) because I have a small bit of experience with game programming, and I know how it feels to receive such obnoxious "feedback" that starts as helpfully bringing light to an issue and devolves into vitriolic demands. If they didn't even touch or acknowledge it in the PTB, that would be one thing, but they are actively working on a fix. you can SYH all you want.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    @thesuicidefox what’s your gamer tag? Me and @Nickenzie are on Xbox as well. :) 
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2019

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    @thesuicidefox what’s your gamer tag? Me and @Nickenzie are on Xbox as well. :) 

    This is my gamertag. I use it for everything.

    @Ryuhi You are talking out your ass. Sorry, but you are just being nonsensical about it. The bug crashes the game. That's all the reason you need to remove the perk as an option for Wraith. Also I call bullshit that the resort bug is "more common" now than before. I have not seen a single complaint about the game crashing since they fixed it. That's not to say it still doesn't happen, but it's definitely not the the extent that it was before the fix.

    Like I said if the next patch fixes it, ACTUALLY fixes it then fine. But if it doesn't they need to disable Sloppy for Wraith because it's becoming more and more of an issue.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I ran it for 2 days while it was bugged until i found out.
    I played at least more than 12 matches per day.
    NEVER have i seen blood gush out like that, i had no clue.

    Moreso than disabling it, they should just fix it.
    Why? Knowing these devs, it would actually take ######### long to disable it.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    @thesuicidefox what’s your gamer tag? Me and @Nickenzie are on Xbox as well. :) 
    Yes, I'm usually on my Xbox. That Sloppy Butcher bug really screws over my Xbox One X. :(
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    Nickenzie said:
    @thesuicidefox what’s your gamer tag? Me and @Nickenzie are on Xbox as well. :) 
    Yes, I'm usually on my Xbox. That Sloppy Butcher bug really screws over my Xbox One X. :(
    I don’t play wraith so I haven’t noticed it. I also have an external hard drive which supposedly helps with performance a little bit. I‘m just not having any of the issues that other Xbox user says seem to be having. Do you like your X? 
  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    They could easily fix it and add a small patch to the game. If they can’t fix it while in use, then removing it would be the wiser option. The bug by itself is not a problem, but people crash when combining other actions.

    Like this Claudette was running away from the Wraith, she approached a pallet, killer lunged, Claudette dropped the pallet, killer hit the pallet, Claudette fell to the ground, DC. I was right next to them on a gen and took some screenies because the blood pump was fun at the moment haha
  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649
    Ryuhi said:

    as a wraith player who didnt even know about this until survivors told me about it, you cannot see it. stop propagating that lie. a lot of wraiths are avoiding it (which is especially annoying since its a very meta perk for him) to try to be nice since we know its an issue, but the rest are either unaware or don't care about survivor feelings.

    taking drastic measures because something puts one side at a disadvantage is kinda silly, and asking for it as a counter to a glitch is even more silly... that'd be like disabling crouch walking because audio for most killers is completely broken right now, forcing scratch marks because the spirit can barely track off of anything since the new engine update both auditory and visually, etc.

    They've already addressed the issue in the PTB and it is only caused there by a "double application" of hemorrhaging(?) status, so hopefully they will have it completely isolated by the time 2.5 goes live. In the meantime people will just have to make like every single other glitch: adapt and endure until it gets fixed.

    (for the record, I'm actually kinda glad it happened and i was nice enough to stop running sloppy, introduced me to the enduring+ spirit fury combo)

    The problem is not about seeing it as killer, the problem is about the fps drops. Sometimes my game crashed because of that lol 
  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    @thesuicidefox what’s your gamer tag? Me and @Nickenzie are on Xbox as well. :) 

    This is my gamertag. I use it for everything.

    @Ryuhi You are talking out your ass. Sorry, but you are just being nonsensical about it. The bug crashes the game. That's all the reason you need to remove the perk as an option for Wraith. Also I call bullshit that the resort bug is "more common" now than before. I have not seen a single complaint about the game crashing since they fixed it. That's not to say it still doesn't happen, but it's definitely not the the extent that it was before the fix.

    Like I said if the next patch fixes it, ACTUALLY fixes it then fine. But if it doesn't they need to disable Sloppy for Wraith because it's becoming more and more of an issue.

    the resort loaded up very often with only 1-3 survivors during the blood point event, which was after it was restored. I personally only was able to load into it a total of 3 games during that entire time, and of those 3 none of them had the full 5 players. and this was while it was at a high appearence rate due to their new seasonal map algorithm.

    Your reiterations are exactly what I was referring to, you're just trying to get the last word in by repeating the same demand. That kind of thing is generally not well received by developers (and for good reason.)

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Ryuhi said:
    the resort loaded up very often with only 1-3 survivors during the blood point event, which was after it was restored. I personally only was able to load into it a total of 3 games during that entire time, and of those 3 none of them had the full 5 players. and this was while it was at a high appearence rate due to their new seasonal map algorithm.

    Still has nothing to do with what we are talking about. Your anecdotal "evidence" means nothing. However it has been proven this bug can make the game crash and it happens CONSISTENTLY when Wraith equips Sloppy.

    Your reiterations are exactly what I was referring to, you're just trying to get the last word in by repeating the same demand. That kind of thing is generally not well received by developers (and for good reason.)

    LOL and you're not? Jesus flippin Christ dude, the bug crashes the game I don't have to say any more than that. And I'm not repeating it for the developers, I'm repeating it for YOU because it seems like your skull is too thick to understand that CRASH = BAD. Like there is no defending this LOL.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    are you implying that I want the issue to remain? Is that why you keep repeating the same demand? I'm confused.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2019

    @Ryuhi said:
    are you implying that I want the issue to remain? Is that why you keep repeating the same demand? I'm confused.

    Clearly if you are okay with people crashing the game you want it to remain. Otherwise you wouldn't be defending it. It won't hurt the game to disable the perk for Wraith until they fix it completely. It will hurt to continue to let games crash from an easily avoidable bug.

    And I just told you why I keep repeating it. SMH

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    I'm just going to repost this since you either missed it, forgot, or are purposely trying to misinterpret my intentions this entire topic (which was just created to whine about something that the devs already knew about, and have been in the process of addressing)

    @Ryuhi said:
    And again, I'm not "Defending" anything other than the dev teams' decision to handle patching at their own discretion. they're the ones who make and update the game, so they know the code better than any of us who don't even have access to it. They make some bad mistakes with stuff like the Sprits... well... everything with this patch, but if their notes in the PTB changelog are any indication, they are working on ironing out a lot of bugs based off of player feedback. So simply provide the feedback, sit down, and go back to playing the game.

    you may now resume SYH if you want.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2019

    Says "I'm not defending it". Proceeds to defend it.

    The fix is on the PTB and isn't even an actual fix. It can still indeed happen if the Wraith uses add-ons and Sloppy. So why shouldn't we just disable it again? Go ahead, tell me again why we should allow a game crashing bug and then say you're not defending it.

    Then tell me how I always want the last word by having the last word because I'm not replying to you anymore ;) Hypocrite

  • will_i_am_14_85
    will_i_am_14_85 Member Posts: 489

    Lol, I just got hit with this for the first time today. Even though I didn't drop any frames, it was very distracting, especially annoying as it remains after being fully healed, very hard to look around when working on a generator when you have blood spurting everywhere XD

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    because "just disabling it" isnt fixing it. There can be a slew of dependencies that rely on that data being present, especially in a game that saves things like loadouts and has overlapping status effects. It could very well take more code to disable it than it can modifications to fix it, which is exactly why I've been saying its their call since they actually. have. access. to. the. code.

    Code is not a light switch you can just flick and have zero consequences. You can comment things out easily enough, but it can (and will) very often cause a slew of other issues, especially when its not a new revision thats causing it (but rather, in this case, the byproduct of an engine overhaul.)

    any other paintbrushes you want to try smearing that one with? your bristles are getting rather thin.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Until you guys fix this bug with Sloppy Butcher PLEASE just disable it for the Wraith. Every single Wraith I have played against in the last 2 days on Xbox has used it and I'm 90% positive they are doing it on purpose. They don't even need to use the add-on, just Sloppy Butcher. My game has already crashed twice from it. And yes the killer can see the blood spurts, I've been outed by it.

    If you dont want to rely on ruin and the RNG that survivors dont spawn on it, then there is only sloppy butcher as an alternative

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Wait, I think I'm the only one that doesn't know about this bug, what is happening?

  • will_i_am_14_85
    will_i_am_14_85 Member Posts: 489

    @LCGaster said:
    Wait, I think I'm the only one that doesn't know about this bug, what is happening?

    When you get hit with an M1 attack from the Wraith who is using Sloppy Butcher, the effect of the blood splatter stays, from my experience, for the rest of the game, even if you are fully healed, which is killing the FPS rate on console, and is just annoying in general.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @will_i_am_14_85 said:
    When you get hit with an M1 attack from the Wraith who is using Sloppy Butcher, the effect of the blood splatter stays, from my experience, for the rest of the game, even if you are fully healed, which is killing the FPS rate on console, and is just annoying in general.

    Oh, I have been using it without knowing then. I will stop using it for a while

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited January 2019
    Nickenzie said:
    @thesuicidefox what’s your gamer tag? Me and @Nickenzie are on Xbox as well. :) 
    Yes, I'm usually on my Xbox. That Sloppy Butcher bug really screws over my Xbox One X. :(
    I don’t play wraith so I haven’t noticed it. I also have an external hard drive which supposedly helps with performance a little bit. I‘m just not having any of the issues that other Xbox user says seem to be having. Do you like your X? 
    Yes, it's really great but it only lags when a Wrath uses this stupid bug. :(
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    as the killer, YOU CAN NOT SEE THIS.
    thank you for your time.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    I stopped using the perk because I got told by some survivors were telling me it was causing the game to crash. That said, the wraith cannot see the bug, period. It is not visible, we cannot track you with it, it is only on the survivor side.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    You know, this might actually be a cool buff to Hemorrhage.
    That Status Effect is super weak, so why not add the blood geysers as well? (Y'know, without the crashes.)

    I mean, the blood geysers make as much sense as dropping literal pools of blood every second.
    And Hemorrhage exists purely to make tracking easier.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523
    The bug is already fixed in the PTB and will be pushed to the live build in the next update.
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2019

    @Master said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Until you guys fix this bug with Sloppy Butcher PLEASE just disable it for the Wraith. Every single Wraith I have played against in the last 2 days on Xbox has used it and I'm 90% positive they are doing it on purpose. They don't even need to use the add-on, just Sloppy Butcher. My game has already crashed twice from it. And yes the killer can see the blood spurts, I've been outed by it.

    If you dont want to rely on ruin and the RNG that survivors dont spawn on it, then there is only sloppy butcher as an alternative

    What's worse:
    1) Choosing a different perk for a short time.
    2) Games crashing

    Shouldn't be a hard decision. Not to mention, Ruin and Sloppy are not the ONLY options to slow the game down. If it bothers you that much there are 13 other killers for you to pick in the meantime while the bug is fixed.

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Yes, ruin the fun of other innocent players just so you could have yours. 10/10 

    Clearly you didn't read the OP. This isn't about fun. This is about the game CRASHING. If it was just a visual bug I wouldn't care but when the game literally freezes from it THAT IS KIND OF A BIG DEAL.

    @Mister_xD said:
    as the killer, YOU CAN NOT SEE THIS.
    thank you for your time.

    Then why was I told by someone they could see it? Maybe they misunderstood what I asked, but I was pretty clear about it. "Did you see us constantly squirting blood even after we were healed?" Their answer YES. So....?

    @Peanits said:
    The bug is already fixed in the PTB and will be pushed to the live build in the next update.

    They fixed it individually, but the patch notes make it sound like you can still cause the bug by using Sloppy with the add-on. If someone can still crash the game by using both that's still a problem.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Master said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Until you guys fix this bug with Sloppy Butcher PLEASE just disable it for the Wraith. Every single Wraith I have played against in the last 2 days on Xbox has used it and I'm 90% positive they are doing it on purpose. They don't even need to use the add-on, just Sloppy Butcher. My game has already crashed twice from it. And yes the killer can see the blood spurts, I've been outed by it.

    If you dont want to rely on ruin and the RNG that survivors dont spawn on it, then there is only sloppy butcher as an alternative

    What's worse:
    1) Choosing a different perk for a short time.
    2) Games crashing

    Shouldn't be a hard decision. Not to mention, Ruin and Sloppy are not the ONLY options to slow the game down. If it bothers you that much there are 13 other killers for you to pick in the meantime while the bug is fixed.

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Yes, ruin the fun of other innocent players just so you could have yours. 10/10 

    Clearly you didn't read the OP. This isn't about fun. This is about the game CRASHING. If it was just a visual bug I wouldn't care but when the game literally freezes from it THAT IS KIND OF A BIG DEAL.

    @Mister_xD said:
    as the killer, YOU CAN NOT SEE THIS.
    thank you for your time.

    Then why was I told by someone they could see it? Maybe they misunderstood what I asked, but I was pretty clear about it. "Did you see us constantly squirting blood even after we were healed?" Their answer YES. So....?

    @Peanits said:
    The bug is already fixed in the PTB and will be pushed to the live build in the next update.

    They fixed it individually, but the patch notes make it sound like you can still cause the bug by using Sloppy with the add-on. If someone can still crash the game by using both that's still a problem.

    fact is: i dont see it as wraith.
    and i dont believe there is any way for you to proof me wrong there.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2019

    @Mister_xD said:
    fact is: i dont see it as wraith.
    and i dont believe there is any way for you to proof me wrong there.

    So you can't see it. Doesn't mean it's the same for everyone. You guys keep focusing on the whether you can see or not and ignore the real issue here...

    Okay fine, because I don't care to argue about this point anymore, let's just say you're right and people can't see it. THE BUG STILL MAKES THE GAME CRASH. That should be all the reason one needs to disable the perk.

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Until you guys fix this bug with Sloppy Butcher PLEASE just disable it for the Wraith. Every single Wraith I have played against in the last 2 days on Xbox has used it and I'm 90% positive they are doing it on purpose. They don't even need to use the add-on, just Sloppy Butcher. My game has already crashed twice from it. And yes the killer can see the blood spurts, I've been outed by it.

    cant be outed if you loop the killer and they cant catch you

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Master said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Until you guys fix this bug with Sloppy Butcher PLEASE just disable it for the Wraith. Every single Wraith I have played against in the last 2 days on Xbox has used it and I'm 90% positive they are doing it on purpose. They don't even need to use the add-on, just Sloppy Butcher. My game has already crashed twice from it. And yes the killer can see the blood spurts, I've been outed by it.

    If you dont want to rely on ruin and the RNG that survivors dont spawn on it, then there is only sloppy butcher as an alternative

    What's worse:
    1) Choosing a different perk for a short time.
    2) Games crashing

    Shouldn't be a hard decision. Not to mention, Ruin and Sloppy are not the ONLY options to slow the game down. If it bothers you that much there are 13 other killers for you to pick in the meantime while the bug is fixed.

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Yes, ruin the fun of other innocent players just so you could have yours. 10/10 

    Clearly you didn't read the OP. This isn't about fun. This is about the game CRASHING. If it was just a visual bug I wouldn't care but when the game literally freezes from it THAT IS KIND OF A BIG DEAL.

    @Mister_xD said:
    as the killer, YOU CAN NOT SEE THIS.
    thank you for your time.

    Then why was I told by someone they could see it? Maybe they misunderstood what I asked, but I was pretty clear about it. "Did you see us constantly squirting blood even after we were healed?" Their answer YES. So....?

    @Peanits said:
    The bug is already fixed in the PTB and will be pushed to the live build in the next update.

    They fixed it individually, but the patch notes make it sound like you can still cause the bug by using Sloppy with the add-on. If someone can still crash the game by using both that's still a problem.

    The game has never crashed for me if I or someone else used sloppy butcher. Not sure what ur talking about here. ALso what other options do you have to slow down the game? Dying light? lul

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2019

    @ItsYourBoyGuzma said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Until you guys fix this bug with Sloppy Butcher PLEASE just disable it for the Wraith. Every single Wraith I have played against in the last 2 days on Xbox has used it and I'm 90% positive they are doing it on purpose. They don't even need to use the add-on, just Sloppy Butcher. My game has already crashed twice from it. And yes the killer can see the blood spurts, I've been outed by it.

    cant be outed if you loop the killer and they cant catch you

    Guess you missed the part where it crashes the game? Can't loop when my game is frozen!

    @Master said:
    The game has never crashed for me if I or someone else used sloppy butcher. Not sure what ur talking about here. ALso what other options do you have to slow down the game? Dying light? lul

    Lucky you. I've had my game crash twice, and at least one of my friends have had their game crash. You're on PC right? Yea did your game crash on resort before it was fixed? No? Well that was because YOU WERE NOT ON PLAYSTATION. On Xbox this bug can indeed crash your game, so stop with the "well it didn't happen to me" bull #########.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited January 2019

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @ItsYourBoyGuzma said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Until you guys fix this bug with Sloppy Butcher PLEASE just disable it for the Wraith. Every single Wraith I have played against in the last 2 days on Xbox has used it and I'm 90% positive they are doing it on purpose. They don't even need to use the add-on, just Sloppy Butcher. My game has already crashed twice from it. And yes the killer can see the blood spurts, I've been outed by it.

    cant be outed if you loop the killer and they cant catch you

    Guess you missed the part where it crashes the game? Can't loop when my game is frozen!

    @Master said:
    The game has never crashed for me if I or someone else used sloppy butcher. Not sure what ur talking about here. ALso what other options do you have to slow down the game? Dying light? lul

    Lucky you. I've had my game crash twice, and at least one of my friends have had their game crash. You're on PC right? Yea did your game crash on resort before it was fixed? No? Well that was because YOU WERE NOT ON PLAYSTATION. On Xbox this bug can indeed crash your game, so stop with the "well it didn't happen to me" bull #########.

    Well it didnt happen to me :wink:
    And yes im on PC ofc

  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533

    Until you guys fix this bug with Sloppy Butcher PLEASE just disable it for the Wraith. Every single Wraith I have played against in the last 2 days on Xbox has used it and I'm 90% positive they are doing it on purpose. They don't even need to use the add-on, just Sloppy Butcher. My game has already crashed twice from it. And yes the killer can see the blood spurts, I've been outed by it.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Yeah, it makes the game pretty unbearable for survivors when you run into, lot's of FPS dropping, especially when a bunch of people are around. Plus it still goes on even if you get healed, not sure what that is about.

    The killer can't see the blood spurting up, tested in a KYF and a real matches.