Why are console players so slow?



  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 679

    Controller definitely has a slight disadvantage due to the ramp up time from walk to run delay with analog sticks. On M&K you basically have 2 set speeds whilst standing. Walk and run. On controller you have a range of speeds when walking from slow motion to normal walking speed and running is just a set speed.

    It's maybe the transition between walking and running with slight input delay that makes it ever so slightly slower when you first start running. I have the Xbox elite controller which I've adjusted all the stick settings and buttons to have an aggressive curve so it reacts almost instantly and even then it can sometimes feel a bit off. I use it on PC when playing survivor because I'm too lazy to transition to M&K and don't play survivor that much.

    Using a basic console stock controller where you dont have the option to make adjustments could definitely make it feel a lot worse due to them normally being programmed to have a linear curve on the sticks and buttons. Add in the fact that you may be using a controller that might not be as responsive as it was when new and you could easily start seeing some big differences in game performance.