Possible Controversial Opinions

I have a few that I'd like to share.
Tryhards ruin the game. I'm not saying to not play to win, but when you're using toxic perk combos, slugging, camping, tunneling, etc. then all you're doing is making the game unfun to play for everyone involved. And yes, that goes for both sides.
Slugging needs counter play, and the only way I can think of is to let people pick themselves back up if they fill their bar. I know there's a perk that does that, but allowing the killer to just run around and knock everyone, especially killers with one hit downs like Billy, with no penalty is just not fair for survivors.
These are what I got right now. Feel free to agree, disagree - I don't really care. State your own opinions if you want, I just wanted to vent.
My unpopular opinion is that the game has a lot of ways of playing and counterplaying and most of the time people just complain about things since they cant accept that they played poorly or the other side played better than they did.
We see a lot of people pushing for "techs" to be removed, and instead of encouraging skill expression, people want them removed since they see it as a blanket excuse for why they lost a game. This applies for both sides, Survivor and Killer.
Also overall it makes the game more boring. I dont want to be forced to play each tile the exact same way and anytime we get an interesting tech for either side that allows for more interesting ways to approach a situation, it gets removed or nerfed. I feels very anti-fun.
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I understand the frustrations you're talking about, but I think most people are just going to tell you that it's part of the game and that you may need to get better (typically it's phrased as "skill issue"). I'm not saying you need to get better, as I think it's silly and judgemental to tell someone something like that without ever seeing them play, but I just want you to know that it's a response you may get.
Slugging is defended pretty heavily as a counter to any kind of unhook play, like flashlights, offerings, sabo, stuff like that, and with the buffs in tool boxes some have stated that they intend to slug regardless because of this, so you might have to anticipate this and perhaps run unbreakable or exponential boon. Camping and tunneling are also defended and accepted as valid playstyles, as is gen rushing, though many agree it's unfun.
In the current state of the game, I believe most of the community doesn't think the things you listed are problems in need of solutions, but on a personal note, I do agree that if everyone only focuses on their own fun then nothing will ever get better, it will only lead to more selfish game play which leads to a more unpleasant game.
Wishing you luck in your future games. :)