Infinite Tier 3 Tombstone Myers has to be the most obnoxious build in the game

Yeah, it can take time to build up… or your fellow survivors are idiots and try to 'meme' with the Killer and instead feed him Stalking progress and he gets Tier 3 before you get even one generator done. Once Myers is in tier 3, there is no counter play beyond hoping you get four or all the generators done by the time it pops.
Edit: I meant Infinite Tier 3 Tombstone, not Scratched Mirror. I did a stupid.
What on earth is infinite scratch mirror Myers? You cannot get t3 with that addon... What do you even mean?
Also infinite t3 is really not that big of an issue...
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You mean infinite tier 3? Or infinite Tombstone?
Because Scratched Mirror restricts you to only Tier 1.
Infinite tier 3 is using the iri Tuft of Hair add-on.
And Infinite Tombstone is playing with both iri add-on s
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Maybe he meant infinite tombstone?
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Right, Infinite Tombstone. That's what I meant; I'm out of it
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I meant Tombstone and did a stupid instead.
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But that addon combination is trash, just hop in a locker or spam vault a pallet or literally just sit on a generator and he cannot mori you.
Sure it gets tougher, but it is so easy to force him into the down and it takes ages, you will lose 3 gens until you even get t3... Winning or even getting the achievement is so hard with that...
It will say however that I think the addons should be reworked because the gameplay is not really engaging, but winning against it really is not an issue.
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On a side note, Jane's perk that let's you miss Gen skill checks without the blowup is kind of decent against him... Because if he wants to mori you and you are on a gen you can prolong the Gen duration by missing skill checks ^^ I don't remember what the perk is called, because it is so trash xD
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The example I used in the OP wasn't a hypothetical: The other survivors were morons and 'memeed' with the killer at the start of the match and fed him Evil Within progress. We only got one generator done.
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But that does not make the thing op... If you feed an Oni 20 free hits because you meme he will have blood for the next 5 games... Does not make it Op... Memeing around decreases your chances of winning.
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I have to agree. It's not really a pleasant experience for both sides, regarding both tombstones really.
Sometimes as the killer if the survivors are alert you'll probably get tier 3 at the end and get one mori. There's also the issue of jumping in lockers, which is particularly frustrating regarding the achievement. Also, you barely get any bloodpoints and previously you would always depip but now you just wouldn't pip from doing it.
And as survivor it's not engaging to go from healthy no hooks to completely dead just from seeing the killer possibly for a split second. Survivors also get barely any bloodpoints or emblem points too because the game detects a lack of interaction between both sides, which isn't wrong.
The add-ons need updated for sure. But, i do hope they keep the ability for myers to kill healthy survivors though, since that's unique, but if it has to only work at 2 hooks then that would be fine.4 -
I think you misread his post. When he said OP, he meant "original post" not "overpowered".
You're thinking of Feng's perk Technician.
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I am a Myers main and I will occasionally use it, but seldom have any luck. It just takes way too long to get to T3. By the time you get there, you'll maybe have time for one kill as the survivors rush to the exit gates. My favorite Myers build is vanity mirror and dead rabbit. Great for chases and sneaking up on survivors. It fits the Myers character perfectly and is a lot of fun to play, I think for both sides.
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I understood he meant original post, but I still assumed the complain about the addon is because it is too strong...
Or that, for some reason I though it was Jane's perk?
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Tombstone isn't even that bad to deal with. Most players just don't use lockers to prevent the mori for some reason. I'll never understand that one. Why on earth would you not jump in a locker to force a pull on the first tier 3 chase if you don't know whether he has Tombstone or not? Just...why?
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Still rather face him than playing mend simulator against Legion. That's one killer I despise going against in solo queue above all others.
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If he actually gets to T3 before the game is over the team completely threw, so not really an issue. Also, very loopable and you can just locker jump. Easy counters.
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Meh. Double Iri Myers sucks for BP and pips but I don't care about either of those things.
It's not bad once in a blue moon. Both sides are just speed running the game It's like a little competition to see who can rush faster