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New Chapter Concept: Manhunt™️ v1.0

CaptainRaider Member Posts: 151
edited June 11 in Creations

New Survivor: James Earl Cash


Not much is known about James Earl Cash. What is known is that his brutality and cunning is on par with most of the monsters in the entity’s realm. The entity was unsuccessful in it’s initial corruption of his psyche and as much as Cash may detest his fellow survivors he remains focused on finding the Director. “His a** was mine” he thought retrospectively, “I can still feel his @&$&ing neck in my hands, damnit!”he exclaimed, which reverberated through the trees. Only the sound of the crackling fire responded to his anger. Then he was overtaken by a fog, when the fog cleared, he saw others around him who were just as confused as he was. He then sees hooks and portable generators, however just as he gets his bearing he hears it; a static followed by a booming voice, a familiar voice, “Hey tough guy, wake up! You're not in Kansas anymore. Not even Carcer City. Instead you’re getting a second chance as my leading man. Are you ready for your close-up? Camera… action!”

Cash stood there for a moment, then clenched his fist. This time he would finish the job.



(Hand clutching cash)

When the trial starts your aura is revealed for 1 second. Every time a generator is completed your aura is revealed again plus an additional second for every generator completed for a total of six seconds when the last generator is completed.

 If you are the last survivor (from the other survivors being dead or sacrificed) this perk activates. Upon activation the hatch closes. When activated all movement is increased by 100%. You make no sound (unless running) or loud noise notifications and you leave no blood-pools or scratch marks. In addition you become healthy (if injured or down) and gain endurance. If you are sacrificed while this perk is active you forfeit any blood-points gained from the match to the killer.


During the perk’s activation you gain a new action “execution.” There are three ways to trigger this event; vault into the killer while they are stunned, stand behind the killer for 1 second (and press the active ability button) or be behind them as soon as they start performing an environmental interaction (such as checking a locker).


(Gun pointed behind a person’s head)

After stunning the killer by any means gain a token. Whenever you have tokens this perk activates. You can now kick a generator, which regresses it by 3% and spends a token. For the next 30 seconds this generator becomes blocked only for survivors and is highlighted in white. If the killer kicks the generator during this time it explodes knocking the killer back and stunning them for 7 seconds, the gen’s progress is increased by 25% of its current progress.


(Grocery bag over head)

This perk becomes active at the start of the trial. The first time you open a chest you are guaranteed one of the following, alex’s toolbox with speed sabotage addons, a yellow flashlight with odd bulb or a medkit with a styptic agent and an anti-hemorrhagic syringe. While searching this chest your aura is revealed to the killer and you suffer the exposed status effect. These effects persist until you stop searching and the chest or complete the chest search action. The exposed effect persists for 30 seconds and after the timer elapses this perk is disabled for the remainder of the trial.

New Killer: The Director

A manic killer who delights in the suffering of others and wants to prolong it as long as possible indiscriminately of their allegiance.


Starkweather is a ruthless sociopath motivated not only by his sadistic and hedonistic impulses, but his own psychotic beliefs as well. Producing snuff films for the black market, Starkweather views himself as a great director and artist of who is never wrong. Starkweather’s success caught up to him though as his newest star, Cash managed to thwart everything he threw at him and Starkweather’s hubris would wind up being his downfall, “or so one might think” he thought, as he had a contingency in mind for this very purpose. “What good is this film if I can’t enjoy it forever?” His years of buttering the hands of politicians and months of involvement with a new drug in development by Cerberus were about to pay off. As Cash was about to kill him, with a slimey grin, he stuck him with a syringe right in his neck. Cash’s grip remained strong and just like that Starkweather blacked out only to awaken only minutes later in a strange place, but as I soon as he heard the screams he knew, “I’m home, I’m finally where I belong” he chuckled.


When the match starts you will be given a random hunter from one of six gangs (your view will be a static video feed from the hunter’s perspective with the audio sounding grainy). While playing as a hunter survivors are extremely hard to see in poorly lit areas (survivors in chase are not affected and are clearly visible at all times) and you must look at a survivor for 2 seconds to start a chase when they are not running in a dark area (a violin sound effect is held for this duration). The hunter that is rolled will determine the time it takes for survivors to reroll and what ability the killer has access to. The following gangs are numbered and will be represented in the power icon with their time to execute as follows:

1. Hoods ( 1 second)

2. Wardogs ( 1.5 secs)

3. Skinz ( 2 secs)

4. Innocentz ( 3 secs)

5. Smileys ( 3.5 secs)

6. Cerberus ( 4 secs)

The higher number rolled the better the gang, you yourself can voluntarily reroll as long as you have enough tokens, which are gained once per gen that is completed for a total of five extra rerolls (the reroll is a sniper from an unknown location killing the hunter in which you fall over and die with your video turning to static). The hunters will have either a buff or modifier to help you finish the game. These buff are as follows:

  1. Break pallets and vault windows 10% faster.
  2. Gains undetectable when outside of a chase.
  3. Afflicts mangled and hemorrhage for 90secs when injuring a survivor.
  4. When injuring a survivor blocks vault locations and un-dropped pallets for five seconds. This effect persists while chasing that injured survivor at a random interval of 5-10 seconds.
  5. The entity projects their madness onto the survivors, when in this hunter’s terror radius your madness increases. When looking directly at them it increases at twice the speed. Being chased reduces madness (you may still Snap Out of It at level 3).
  6. This roll lasts only for 120 seconds. During this time three Cerberus hunters will rappel into the map where the player can only control one member at a time as the other two will hunt for players automatically. You may switch at any time by looking at another member and pressing the secondary ability button (which in normal instances would be how you reroll). You are also given a firearm that can be used by entering “aim mode” in where you automatically target a survivor with a laser and can fire at them if they remain within line of sight for a full second (a weapon reload animation is played after you successfully decrease the survivor’s health state from this attack). When firing you must lacerate them with eight bullets to take a health state (lacerated survivors suffer from hindered until they recover or lose a health state). You cannot lunge but can still perform a basic attack (gun-butt). When this hunter is executed generators do not become blocked.

Survivors also gain an interaction versus this killer known as reroll. When a survivor (who is not in chase) is behind the killer press and hold the active ability button to perform an interaction. This starts an execution event (in which the killer’s sensitivity is lowered/raised to 10% and a heartbeat is heard) and if the killer can’t turn around in time, they are mercilessly killed by the survivor in a mori-like animation (during this animation all gens are blocked until a new hunter enters the area). If the killer successfully turns around then the survivor is hit by an automatic basic attack (this attack has double the cooldown of a normal swing).



(Hands on cow udders)

whenever a generator would naturally block from being kicked/regressed further by the killer apply a ruin effect onto that generator until it is completed or completely regresses.


(Hand rapping on table with a visible watch on a hairy arm)

The first time a killer injures a survivor by any means this perk activates. If any survivor is holding a temporary item they will no longer be able to drop it or get rid of it and if they are holding another item are unable to use it (until charges are completely used on the temporary item if applicable).


(Fingers snuffing out a candle flame)

If a generator is at 90% completion or higher for more than 60 seconds this perk activates. The next time you kick any generator the generator that activated the perk becomes blocked and its aura is highlighted in white. In addition, while this perk is active whenever you kick a generator damage the blocked generator (highlighted in white) as well by 25% of the blocked generator’s current progress. This perks remains active until another generator pops or the highlighted gen regresses completely. This perk then becomes deactivated for the remainder of the trial.

New Legendary Hillbilly Set: Piggsy

New Realm: Dilapidated New York

New Maps in Realm: Carcer City Mall, Starkweather’s Estate


First addon: Increases odds of rolling x by x%: brown/yellow/green- Iridescent; 50% chance of a six roll that increases by x% every roll until a six is rolled, then it resets.

Second addon: increases time for a survivor to reroll by x% percent: yellow/green

Third addon: increases the time generators are blocked after a survivor rerolls by x seconds: brown/yellow/green/purple

Fourth addon: the time limit is removed from the six roll but a time limit is added to all other roles set at x% of the six role: brown/yellow/green/purple

Fifth addon: gain x extra tokens from a generator completed. ALT EFFECT; Gain an extra token when a survivor is sacrificed: yellow/green/purple

First joke addon (brown): You can no longer roll a six, gain bloodpoints equal to the amount a survivor earns when rerolling you.

Second joke addon (brown): Lose the ability to reroll or gain tokens yourself. Whenever a generator is completed the obsession becomes exposed for 15 seconds.

Sixth Addon: grants the effects of doctor’s iridescent king and queen to roll five (smiley gang): purple

Second iridescent: rolls 1-5 now share all their abilities with eachother no matter what is rolled. Can no longer roll a six. Chance not effected by iridescent (first addon).

Post edited by CaptainRaider on