Adepts for Killers

Screw these. Now I know what people mean about the Gen Rush. Tried doing Nurses... by the two minute mark, every single game, 3 gens were already done.

If the survivor queue times and the constant bad games hadn’t killed my motivation to play this game, these matches of Nurse have. I am genuinely... done.


  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649
    edited January 2019
    Slugging. Always slugging. 
    Use omegablink and mori if you really want it badly 
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Slugging. Always slugging. 
    Use omegablink and mori if you really want it badly 

    Exactly this.

    If the gen rush bothers you so much, just learn to slug and play the killers that can slug. Against good survivors that is the only option imo.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @Delfador said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Slugging. Always slugging. 
    Use omegablink and mori if you really want it badly 

    Exactly this.

    If the gen rush bothers you so much, just learn to slug and play the killers that can slug. Against good survivors that is the only option imo.

    This is about getting the Adepts, the trophy for each killer using their 3 perks and getting Merciless. Sure switching to a better killer is an option for gbetter games but that doesn't help with getting the Adept for the killer you can't win with. I usually try to get these at Rank reset, easier that way, of course I wait a few days before playing killer.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
    edited January 2019

    Honestly, she gets genrushed without her range addons (otherwise known as 'omegablink') I was a Nurse main when I was pushing to rank 1 and honestly, it was rough since everyone wanted to escape, they'd do gens as quickly as possible which was both impressive and scary af. My advice is, if you see 2 people at 1 gen, chase one down, go straight back and get the other. That's forcing 3 people off gens. It's GG from there. And if you see 3 people on a gen...

    Make sure to say GG ez in the aftergame chat ;)

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Nurse takes a long time of practice until you can play her super well. Don't let that discourage you. :)

    When you've mastered her, the adept trophy won't be hard to get anymore.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,775
    edited January 2019

    Although I have the game since September '17, I never bothered getting the adept achievements for killers, even though I have all the survivor ones. I've only recently started doing the killer ones.

    So far I've gotten Michael, Freddy, Wraith, Trapper, Hag, Doctor, Hillbilly, Huntress and Leatherface. Freddy's was the hardest because he's so weak and his perks suck. I had to do a lot of camping and tunneling to get that one. I was not proud of it, but it was the only way with Freddy.

    But I was getting gen rushed with all of them, except for Hag because she has ruin. It is frustrating. I feel your pain.

  • makayla
    makayla Member Posts: 287

    I tried to do the Wraith one yesterday. First game I had I brought purple windstorm and swift hunt and an ebony. Two people DCed during the mori animation. I killed all four of them but I didn't get the achievement, when to my understanding killing all four of them is the requirement for the achievement and not actually getting a "merciless victory."
    Second game I didn't have any more purples, so I brought two greens. No mori. Tried to play fair and I was doing really well but I only got one kill (I was fine with it though since everyone was on dead-hook and the game was actually fun.) But still, those damn achievements suck to get especially with a killer who has awful perks like Huntress...

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @HatCreature said:

    This is about getting the Adepts, the trophy for each killer using their 3 perks and getting Merciless. Sure switching to a better killer is an option for gbetter games but that doesn't help with getting the Adept for the killer you can't win with. I usually try to get these at Rank reset, easier that way, of course I wait a few days before playing killer.

    Oh you are definitely right, I focused too much on the gen rush part, this is why I ignored the main problem 'adept'.

    Yeah, imo your way is the best way if he wants adept achievements that much.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Wait for rank reset and wait another day or 2 for all the people rushing back to rank 1 from 10 etc and you'll have an easier time. I made the mistake of trying to do Adept Freddy at rank 1 when I'd not really played him at all.

    That didn't end well so after deranking all the way to 6 I stopped playing him haha.

  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 610

    Although I have the game since September '17, I never bothered getting the adept achievements for killers, even though I have all the survivor ones. I've only recently started doing the killer ones.

    So far I've gotten Michael, Freddy, Wraith, Trapper, Hag, Doctor, Hillbilly, Huntress and Leatherface. Freddy's was the hardest because he's so weak and his perks suck. I had to do a lot of camping and tunneling to get that one. I was not proud of it, but it was the only way with Freddy.

    But I was getting gen rushed with all of them, except for Hag because she has ruin. It is frustrating. I feel your pain.

    Oddly enough Freddy’s was super easy for me, though that may just be due to how rarely he’s played and, therefore, creating artificial difficulty through the fact that the survivors wouldn’t have remembered any counterplay.
  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,775
    edited January 2019

    @JammyJewels said:
    Dwight_Fairfield said:

    Although I have the game since September '17, I never bothered getting the adept achievements for killers, even though I have all the survivor ones. I've only recently started doing the killer ones.

    So far I've gotten Michael, Freddy, Wraith, Trapper, Hag, Doctor, Hillbilly, Huntress and Leatherface. Freddy's was the hardest because he's so weak and his perks suck. I had to do a lot of camping and tunneling to get that one. I was not proud of it, but it was the only way with Freddy.

    But I was getting gen rushed with all of them, except for Hag because she has ruin. It is frustrating. I feel your pain.

    Oddly enough Freddy’s was super easy for me, though that may just be due to how rarely he’s played and, therefore, creating artificial difficulty through the fact that the survivors wouldn’t have remembered any counterplay.

    Might also have something to do with what rank you tried it at. I was in the purple ranks when I got Freddy's.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    I've been after adept legion all day. Played 8 matches merciless victory in 4/5 BUT because they disconnected I didn't get the achievement even when they were death hooked before the dc.

    This isn't the first time this has messed me up. Shame that I'll have to wait to get lucky with well behaved survivors.
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    Thankfully, by the time I decided I wanted to do Adept Pig, I had, like, 20 Ebony Moris saved up.  Eventually managed to crack it (even though I thought the game just bugged and mistakenly gave me the achievement because I didn't know the difference between "Merciless Killer" and "Merciless Victory"), but it would have been a bit easier to manage had I done it after both the Pig and Surveillance got buffed.
  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,775

    You should still get the achievement even with disconnects. Two of my adept killer achievements had a disconnect in them.