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Licensed Survivor Concept: Dexter Morgan

MrHardway Member Posts: 2
edited June 10 in Creations

Hi everyone!

I've been playing DBD for a little bit now and have always wanted to see Dexter Morgan as a survivor in the game. I think it would be a fresh new perspective on the game, seeing as how he would be the first "serial killer survivor". For those of you who don't know who Dexter is, he is a vigilante serial killer, who kills bad people, especially killers, but never the innocent. He has a dark side and a need to kill, which would make him an interesting survivor, seeing as the killer in the trial is someone he would thrive on going against.

Anyway, I've made a simple concept below, including some images to help. I've tried my best to make it balanced and not "too" overpowered. Keep in mind the Dark Passenger perk may seem overpowered, but it takes a lot to be able to achieve it, and it only works during endgame when the hatch is closed. If anyone has any suggestions or tweaks, I'm happy to hear them out. I hope the devs take notice and maybe consider adding him someday :D

DBD Survivor Concept
Dexter Morgan.

Dexter's Character ID:

(( A wolf in sheep's clothing, Dexter Morgan uses his skills as a forensic blood spatter analyst and his cunning tactics as a vigilante serial killer to survive dangerous situations and turn the tables in his favour. Being a killer himself, he knows how to confront and/or avoid them, making him an unpredictable wild card for the killer. ))

His personal perks: Tonight's the Night, Code of Harry and Dark Passenger make him an unpredictable and enigmatic survivor, capable of outwitting the killer.

Unique Perks:
Tonight's the Night: It's going to happen again and again. It has to happen... The trial has begun, and you know what must be done, you must escape. When a survivor other than yourself is hooked before you, you are able to see the killer's aura for 1/3/5 seconds, and gain a sprint burst speed for three seconds when the killer is 8 meters of you or in chase with you, you become exhausted afterwards.

Code of Harry: You have been taught the code, which helps you channel your need to kill to those who deserve it. This makes you valuable for your fellow survivors, and dangerous for the killer.
When inside the killer's terror radius, you heal other survivors slightly faster than normal. Both the injured survivor and yourself are silent while healing, and the killer cannot see you with any aura perks. After being healed a full health state inside the killer's terror radius, the survivor gains haste for 6/8/10 seconds and leaves no scratch marks. If the terror radius disappears before the survivor is fully healed, the haste and no scratch marks are no longer rewarded, and the healing process becomes audible, and the speed returns to normal. If the killer puts the survivor you just healed into the injured state within 10/15/20 seconds of being healed, the killer becomes slowed/hindered for 5 seconds, slowing their movement speed slightly. (Around the same speed as a running survivor)

Dark Passenger: You harbour a dark and traumatizing past, causing you to develop a dark passenger, a need to kill. Being put into the injured state angers you, and the sight of flowing blood triggers your dark passenger, and if you are to fall, it won't be without a fight. After being put into the injured state, gain a token.
(It would be cool if small segments of the Blood Theme from Dexter played each time a token is acquired, similar to how The Shape's theme plays each time you gain Evil Within, this would signify that Dexter's Dark Passenger is building up. This is the theme in question:


Perks like Dead Hard do not count towards a token. When three tokens are acquired (Three injured states) and you are the final survivor, Dark Passenger activates during endgame. (Only if the hatch is closed. It would also be cool if the Blood theme starts to play for a few seconds once Dark Passenger activates, similar to The Shape's Evil Within III.) You become fully healed if injured. You gain the ability to break doors, quickly shoulder charging through it during a sprint. You can take one extra hit before being put into the dying state. The third and final hit does not give you haste after being hit, and slows you down for 2 seconds. You wiggle faster than normal, and are able to stun the killer with an m-99 syringe one time after being picked up only within 10 meters of a hook.
(All of these benefits only apply if you are the final survivor and the hatch is closed. It is meant to make your final moments "fun" essentially fighting back against the killer, as there is very little chance you will escape through a gate once you've been found by the killer. This perk should be a Dexter exclusive, as I don't see survivors like Feng or Dwight being able to do these things, but that's ultimately up for debate in the end)

If you are the last survivor remaining and the hatch has not been closed, dark passenger still activates, but it is only stage one, a watered down version of the final stage (Closed Hatch). You become fully healed, and can destroy only one door while in chase, that is it.

Dexter's outfits would be simple.

On the Hunt (Default) - His brown long sleeve shirt, dark trousers and shoes, which he wears when hunting his prey.

On the Hunt (Bloody) - A bloody variant of his defualt outfit, featuring blood on his clothes and over his face.

Kill Room (Rare) - Dexter's full body suit with black apron.

Miami Casual/Work - Dexter's colourful teal/light blue button up shirt, white pants and black shoes, maybe some variants with his work laminate.


Was it just a gut feeling? Or was something truly amiss tonight… Dexter had felt uneasy all morning, and he didn't know why. Sure he had felt things like this before, especially prior to his first kill, however this felt different somehow… Dexter felt as if some kind of malevolent presence was lurking around, and not the kind he was accustomed to. His dark passenger had always been there, urging him to make his next kill, yet somehow this felt foreign, as if his dark passenger was moving over to accommodate something else. He felt as if something wanted him, for a purpose not yet known to Dexter.

Perhaps it was just his darker side getting the better of him, maybe it's been too long since his last kill. Dexter spend the next hour on his computer looking through the criminal database from Miami Metro, attempting to find someone worthy to be put onto his table. And alas, after hours of searching, he found one. A mass homicide report, and multiple people going missing without any trace. Dexter grabbed his kit, his gloves, and his m-99 syringe before heading out to the location. He half expected the majority of Miami Metro and forensics to already be there, yet somehow it was devoid of any activity.

This was a red flag for Dexter, yet the sight of pools of blood drove him to proceed further. Putting his skills as a blood spatter analyst to work, he determined that the blood had been there for a while, but why wasn't the scene cordoned off? No police tape, no presence whatsoever, but one… Dexter only knew one thing, the feeling of coming danger and the malevolent presence was stronger than ever, especially in this spot.

Suddenly, a thick fog began to surround Dexter, obscuring his vision. He was not afraid though, he stood his ground and looked around him, attempting to figure out what exactly was happening. His dark passenger was now more active than ever, and his urges stronger than before. Before Dexter had a chance to react or fight back, large claws had appeared from the fog and took him, pulling him in. Inside the realm, the trials are about to begin, and Dexter has only one goal… To escape, by any means necessary. He had never faced killers of this magnitude before, but if his experiences have taught him anything, it's that he can adapt and overcome anything thrown his way.


Thanks again for listening! Again let me know if you have any opinions on this concept. Hope you all have a great day :)

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    Very cool idea and I would LOVE to see Dexter Morgan come to DBD as a Survivor. However I think Dark Passenger as stated here is too much - that's like five perks in one perk. It would need to be seriously toned down and have a heftier downside.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Never the innocent, except in the sequel series where they ruined his character...

  • wadaphauk
    wadaphauk Member Posts: 6

    do one for Ryan Reynolds

  • MrHardway
    MrHardway Member Posts: 2

    Yeah I'll have to agree, I may have layed it on a little thick with Dark Passenger. Maybe a few of it's features could be taken away, such as the syringe function and the extra hit. What would you suggest? ^^

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    First off, as MFT proves, perks that give significant buffs at any point should NEVER have injury as an activation condition. Now if you made this "every time a Survivor gets hooked, gain a Token" it could be okay for endgame builds like a tiered Sole Survivor. Tokens also should cap at something like 3, one per hooked Survivor. However, it should maybe lose tokens if YOU get hit, similar to like how STBFL or PWYF work. Or, it is not token based and only activates when a Survivor is sacrificed. You don't use it? You lose it until someone else dies. That way it fits the idea of "a good guy who is also a Killer" way better, allowing for that sociopath element to work for Survivors in a way.

    Second, I don't mind a full heal if injured and being able to bust pallets or break doors like the Killer, maybe you could be able to do this mid round instead by spending a token? Breaking a door on the other side of the Killer this way could stun the Killer. A perk that does this should not also give Endurance, especially in endgame; that's way too strong. Endurance effects should always deactivate on conspicuous actions and in the past, effects like these were problems in the endgame. Same with DS.

    Third, adding extra wiggle and a free DS, while really cool and thematic, is super OP in endgame. It's already bad enough we have wiggle sabo builds, this turns those into an endgame nightmare as written. Escapes in the endgame shouldn't be guaranteed just because you're last man alive.

    Fourth, I love it tiering up with the Blood Theme. Keep that.

    The way I would rework this Perk:

    Dark Passenger: (Very Rare Dexter Morgan Perk)

    You harbour a dark and traumatizing past, causing you to develop a dark passenger, a need to kill. Seeing the undeserving die angers you, the sight of their flowing blood triggering your dark passenger.

    After a Survivor is killed or sacrificed by any means, this perk activates and you gain one Token and Endurance for 5/10/15 seconds. While you have at least one token, press the Active Ability button to unleash your Killing Instinct and quickly shoulder charge through a door, stunning the Killer if they are behind it. You may do this as many times as you have tokens, with a 90/40/20 second cooldown between. This perk then goes on cooldown until another Token is gained.

    When you are the final survivor (you have three tokens), Dark Passenger activates. You become fully healed if injured and breaking down doors now has no cooldown between attempts (but can activate as much as desired). However, you no longer gain Endurance.

    If you successfully escape the round, you gain 1000 bonus BP per Token up to a total of 3000 bonus BP.

    - "What's wrong with him exactly?"
    "Gimmie the ######### creeps."
    - Darkly Dreaming Dexter