The Quintessential SoloQ experience
Sometimes you just have to laugh at the situation!
Honestly I sometimes like going into soloQ to remember how grateful it is to be able to play with friends - not on comms etc, but just to share the emotions of the games, good, bad or hilarious lol
But I have had quite a few games in a row dying on first hook and with lots of DC and bots which just feels disheartening and isolating.
I feel really sad that if this is what every soloQ player had to go through everyday.
Also apologies for the horrible resolution - this is not a screenshot, it is a picture of my Nintendo switch screen lol (hence the flare from my room light) I have blurred names out - not intending to shame anyone, but highlighted on left are two bots. Also highlighted the Billy diligently zone camping haha not blaming him - just a hilarious sight lol
This is what a 60% kill rate does to a game. When one side wins 1.5 times more often than the other by intentional design of the developers, things are going to be pretty miserable for the less lucky side.
The funniest thing in that screenshot is the fact that this game won't even be counted in their stats because they don't count games where a player DC'd. So the real killrate is actually much higher than 60%.